Science $195 BEEELLION asteroid approaching Earth Too bad it's in an INCONVEEENIENT orbit 13 Feb 00:27 | 71
SaaS TransLattice inks partnership with Amazon's AWS cloud Flavors Bezos's cloud with Google-esque database tech 13 Feb 00:39 |
Networks Spotted: Android 4.2.2 update for Google Nexus devices Minor over-the-air release to arrive in waves 13 Feb 00:56 | 60
Legal Canada cans net surveillance law 'Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act' is no more 13 Feb 02:12 | 25
Personal Tech Vertu-alised Android revealed at an all-too-real €7,900 Luxury brand’s first smartphone can repel ball bearings 13 Feb 03:46 | 41
Feature Love in the time of the internet: A personal memoir The tongue-in-cheek (or elsewhere) guide to internet dating 13 Feb 04:57 | 96
Security Lenovo, PayPal, launch post-password plan Token effort ‘FIDO’ offers open two-factor web authentication scheme 13 Feb 05:54 | 11
Personal Tech Home Depot pulls out of newly-named RIM, gets in bed with Apple 10,000 devices, another big drop in a growing ocean 13 Feb 06:02 | 10
Security Google Play privacy SNAFU sends app buyers' details to devs Australian coder says if you buy his Android app he'll know where you live 13 Feb 07:03 | 52
Storage Hands off my disk! VMware gobbles Virsto for software-ruled arrays Compute clusters, networks, now storage is going automatic 13 Feb 07:07 |
Live Chat LIVE NOW: Never mind Windows 8, speak your brains on Server 2012 6 months on... how is it for you? 13 Feb 07:33 | 20
Storage Intel serves flashy speed to penguins after eating Nevex's cache Flash cache for Linux servers 13 Feb 08:04 |
Security Recipe for a bad day: 'State-backed hackers are attacking your PC' The chilling Google warning greeting journos in Burma 13 Feb 08:26 | 34
HPC Eager students, huge racks - yes, undergrad cluster wrestling is back Why 2013 is going to be THE year for HPC battles 13 Feb 09:27 | 2
Networks 'Strong basis' to claims Nominet board breached duties - legal top gun Registry's members hire barrister in row over running of UK's web overseer 13 Feb 10:00 | 9
Open ... and Shut Data scientists: Do they even exist? Data data everywhere, but not a drop to shrink 13 Feb 10:24 | 19
Legal Capita bosses defend £30m migrant-poking IT deal with Border Agency Sending texts from a db sounds like 'money for old rope' to MPs 13 Feb 10:49 | 30
Pics and vid Register reader Ray revs radio-controlled Raspberry Pi race rover Frikkin' laser armament planned for US invasion 13 Feb 11:08 | 42
Personal Tech Intel's new TV box to point creepy spy camera at YOUR FACE One day we're gonna watch you like it's 1984 13 Feb 11:24 | 123
Security Get up, shake off the hangover: These 57 Microsoft holes won't fix themselves This month's fat security Patch Tuesday has landed 13 Feb 11:44 | 27
Personal Tech Perky smartphone figures can't stop droop of worldwide mobe sales Total sales shrink 1.7% in 2012 13 Feb 12:11 | 16
On-Prem Microsoft! Bing! must! make! Yahoo! more! money! moans! Mayer! And Yahoo! apps face cull (yes, Yahoo! has apps) 13 Feb 12:24 | 26
Storage Micron glues DDR4 RAM to flash, animates the 256GB franken-DIMM If only there was an operating system to support it 13 Feb 12:48 | 41
On-Prem Stroppy investor tries to rip 'n' replace STEC's entire board Fallen flash star's CEO: You're just trying to auction us off 13 Feb 13:06 | 2
Legal Rivals to Brussels: Google labelling its own stuff won't help us 'Could mean more people sucked in, not less' 13 Feb 13:27 | 23
Software Opera joins Google/Apple in-crowd with shift to WebKit and Chromium Only Redmond left drinking out of own browser plumbing 13 Feb 13:57 | 94
On-Prem Big Data: Why it's not always that big nor even that clever And as for data scientists being sexy, well... 13 Feb 14:31 | 14
Networks Cambridge White Space boffins cook up Weightless chips White Space networking takes a spin into silicon 13 Feb 15:13 | 6
Channel Pan-eurozone distie Exclusive Group sets eyes on €1bn prize French-run biz banks a fat 2012, plans to grow 13 Feb 15:52 |
Personal Tech Android? Like Marvin the robot? Samsung eclipses Google OS - Gartner Sammy Galaxy 'a synonym' for Android mobes 13 Feb 16:12 | 66
Legal Review finds Wikipedia UK board needs major leadership overhaul Transparency? Isn't that a pub in Gibraltar? 13 Feb 17:10 | 20
Analysis Official: America now a nation of broadband whingers It's no utopia, but at least you don't get shot for chewing gum 13 Feb 19:30 | 48
SaaS Ericsson readies carrier-grade OpenStack for telcos and SPs All your mobile service are belong to us 13 Feb 20:30 |
On-Prem More naysayers pour cold water on Dell LBO Dell and Silver Lake rumored to contemplate higher bid 13 Feb 21:34 | 2
Legal Oracle wants another go at Google over Android Java copyrights 'You wouldn't steal a Harry Potter book...' 13 Feb 22:08 | 96
Networks USA sinks Atlantic cable plan over Huawei worries Huawei not wanted on the voyage 13 Feb 22:23 | 23
Legal Obama signs Executive Order on critical cybersecurity Tells Congress to get its act together 13 Feb 22:57 | 20
Legal NSW may fire 610 school tech support officers in March Jobs in peril if digital education revolution funding not renewed 13 Feb 23:43 | 8