SaaS Price cuts, OpenStack transition make Rackspace miss in Q1 Revenues and profits up, but Wall Street will freak out 09 May 00:05 |
Networks San Francisco caves over mobile radiation warnings Controversial carcinogen labeling dropped 09 May 01:12 | 32
OSes Ubuntu dev proposes new package format for mobile apps Faster, less clunky than old-school Linux installers 09 May 01:13 | 11
Security Domain registrar attacked, customer passwords reset scrambles after data leak 09 May 01:25 | 5
Networks How smart does your desk phone need to be? IP phones promised the world, did you ever do more than dial? 09 May 02:47 | 65
Science Standard Model goes PEAR-SHAPED in CERN experiment Exotic nuclei point shed light on a mystery of existence 09 May 02:51 | 77
On-Prem Chinese outsourcer sets up at Uni of Wollongong Pactera looking for on-campus hires 09 May 02:56 | 1
Bootnotes TARDIS materialises in Sydney Whovians rather less excitable than Apple fanbois as Who merch store opens 09 May 03:03 | 14
Legal Thai PM's site defaced with smutty abuse Shinawatra accused of being worst PM EVER! 09 May 03:46 | 1
Legal 'No discernible increase in piracy' from DRM-free e-books SciFi imprint Tor UK's verdict on a year without copy restrictions 09 May 04:24 | 40
Networks Yes! It's the NFC phone-bonk doorbell app AT LAST Knock? Use your phone to call? NO, SCAN the TAG damn you 09 May 05:03 | 28
Legal Malaysian election sparks web blocking/DDoS claims Rights groups, security firms, opposition leaders cry foul 09 May 05:26 |
Legal New Zealand to bar software patents, again New legislation closes loophole, makes it plain Kiwis won't patent code 09 May 05:32 | 32
SaaS German court: 'Nein' to Apple 'global consent' on fanbois' privacy Keine Weltexposition von Privatendaten, chum 09 May 06:03 | 34
On-Prem New 'BLOCKBUSTER' APPLE iTHING imminent - billionaire Einhorn Cupertino unicorn farm will reward me, says Mr Unicorn 09 May 06:34 | 50
Networks M&S shoppers make quarter of a million NFC payments a WEEK It's not just ANY bonking, it's posh, food-centric bonking 09 May 07:05 | 48
Analysis Symantec: We 'stubbed our toe' on Backup Exec, but we'll be fine New CEO plans to dish out dividends to keep shareholders smiling 09 May 07:35 | 19
Analysis Think enterprise software is complex? Check out the licences It's simple economics - and you're the simpleton 09 May 08:04 | 21
Analysis Snoopers' charter rests in shallow grave - likely to rise again The zombie eyes have it 09 May 08:34 | 69
Personal Tech Retro-tech fan seeks cash for Commodore 64 clones Project Bread Bin to recreate classic box with modern twist 09 May 09:04 | 36
Networks Syrian net access falls down some stairs, doing OK now Assad regime blames cable fire. No one believes them 09 May 09:28 | 2
Storage Over ONE-THIRD of PCs will have SSDs in 2017 - analyst Hang on, will people still be buying computers then? 09 May 10:04 | 29
Vid Boffins' invisible magnetic ring pieces: Next-gen mobe emitters Wire aerials? Pah. You need a nanoscale 3D vortex 09 May 10:18 | 22
Tech Panel Results Office Software Checkpoint Reg readers speak out on changing requirements 09 May 10:31 | 18
SaaS Microsoft 'poised' to SPAFF A BEELLION on e-book also-ran Nook Mobile OS? Check. App store? Check. Books? Oops, not yet 09 May 10:44 | 48
Channel Sugar daddy beds nurses, plod, firemen software biz with fat wad IT channel giant Civica snapped up for £390m 09 May 10:59 | 1
Science Brit adventurer all set to assault ex-Reg haunt Rockall Plans 60 days atop sacred North Atlantic islet - for charity 09 May 11:19 | 46
Security Microsoft plasters IE8 hole abused in nuke lab PC meltdown Security stopgap follows shock US boffinry attack 09 May 11:38 | 41
OSes Office 365 supremo seizes control of Microsoft's purse strings Redmond's first female CFO credited with services cash shift 09 May 11:59 | 11
Channel Creative Suite cloud lurch crushes beret-wearers' cost-slash bid No more skipping a generation of Photoshop, cheapskates 09 May 12:27 | 61
Personal Tech Nokia's debuts new 'Fastlane' UI in $99 flagship Asha 501 Hopes to prop up ailing low-end biz, fend off Landfill Android™ avalanche 09 May 13:04 | 47
On-Prem IT'S ALIVE: Groupon stock up, spreadsheets still soaked in red Sales better than expected at web deals bazaar 09 May 13:35 | 13
Legal NEW ITV Player app IS HERE ... for Samsung fandroids only. Ha ha Everyone else stuck with working version 09 May 13:56 | 55
Security Brit unis get £7.5m of taxpayers' cash for cybersecurity PhDs 22 scholarships at Oxford and Royal Holloway up for grabs 09 May 14:32 | 14
On-Prem Apple's head bean counter boasts WORLD'S BIGGEST PACKAGE Oppenheimer merrily trousers TENS OF MEELLLLIONS 09 May 15:04 | 22
Security Alleged SpyEye big fish hauled in for US trial Suspected banking botmaster extradited from Thailand 09 May 15:29 | 3
Storage IT spending squeeze? Are you joking, cackles cash-flush CommVault Four years of growth at storage biz? Sure, whatever 09 May 15:57 |
Legal Why are scribes crying just 'cos Google copied their books? asks judge 'A lot of authors would say: Hey, that's great for me!' 09 May 17:03 | 79
Storage Bolshy investors launch yet another assault on Emulex board Ethernet switch-maker now fending off blows from TWO pissed off hedge funds 09 May 19:08 | 3
Personal Tech 40,000 Chinese workers say low-cost iPhone coming soon Massive hiring push by iPhone builder fuels speculation 09 May 19:20 | 20
On-Prem Tesla earns first profit, Model S wins '99% perfect' rating Wall Street brokers left facing financial hole 09 May 19:24 | 64
SaaS MadeiraCloud trousers $1.5 million to explain AWS to bosses There's money in ignorance 09 May 19:38 |
Security Melbourne IT admits hack, says 'twas but a flesh wound Report says Oz outfit hacked to harm Twitter's DNS 09 May 19:55 |
Legal Ban Samsung sales in the US? Sorry, Apple: Tech titans say 'No' All except Nokia, that is 09 May 19:58 | 25
Storage Fallen flash flogger sTec says direct sales will save its bacon Two years of plummeting revenue and a dim light at end of tunnel 09 May 20:03 |
Legal Israeli activists tell Hawking to yank his Intel chips over Palestine Spokeswoman calls professor a hypocrite over his chip choice 09 May 20:50 | 188
Servers Nutanix getting traction with server-storage hybrids The Global 2000 comes a-knockin' – and maybe an IT giant with gobs o' cash 09 May 21:34 | 2
Personal Tech Amazon readying smartphone with 3D DISPLAY – report Futuristic mobe part of broader push into consumer tech 09 May 21:37 | 7
PICS 'N' VID Annular solar eclipse LIVE! The sun is a mass of incandescent gas and the moon's in the way 09 May 21:50 | 15
Updated Google's cloud dumps custom Linux, switches to Debian Debian 7.0 wheezes in as GCEL hobbles out 09 May 22:24 | 57
Bootnotes 'Raining Blooderator' pays tribute to late Slayer guitarist Hanneman honored with site-splattering bloody web app 09 May 22:43 | 5
Legal 3D printed gun plans pulled after US State Department objects Predictable political panic ignores reality 09 May 23:08 | 90
On-Prem Nvidia sales and profits rise despite PC slump Gamers, high-end notebooks, and supercomputers fill the gaps 09 May 23:47 | 4
Legal YouTube launches subscriptions with 53 paid channels Themed content starting at 99¢ per month 09 May 23:53 | 11