Security New Android plan: Gurn at your phone to unlock it 'No, mine's an iPhone. This is actually how I look' 10 Jun 05:03 | 29
Security Telefonica's new offering: We will penetrate you by surprise, every day 'Not now, Cato!' 10 Jun 07:02 | 13
HPC Enter the Dragon: The Chinese superputer set to win the Top500 crown Full specs on the 17-megawatt 'Sky River' 10 Jun 07:22 | 9
On-Prem The Reg's best-looking reader reveals list of jobs for the beautiful Our sexy mole goes undercover in a world without ugly people 10 Jun 07:57 | 59
Networks Now you can use your phone instead of your wallet at the ATM, too Blimey, these little paper towels out of the vending machine are really expensive 10 Jun 08:29 | 47
Archaeologic The toy of tech: The Mattel Aquarius 30 years on 'A machine so cheesy, they should have supplied rubber gloves to wear while using it.' 10 Jun 09:14 | 41
SaaS Ex-CIA techie Edward Snowden: I am the NSA PRISM deepthroat US gov's super-web snoop system whistleblower flees to Hong Kong 10 Jun 09:44 | 146
Storage 'THINNEST EVER' spinning terabyte beauty slips out of WD fabs Size-zero drive packs a whopping 143GB per millimetre 10 Jun 09:59 | 22
On-Prem Who's the daddy of Virgin Media now? That would be Liberty Global $24bn ISP gobble completes 10 Jun 10:28 | 20
Personal Tech Sexy models clash at big bash over catty tweets: Yup, it's HTC v Samsung Tech titan twits taunt: Doncha wish your mobe was hot like me? 10 Jun 10:50 | 17
Software The only Waze is Google: Ad giant tipped to gobble map app 'for $1.3bn' Pac-Man-satnav-ish upstart in bidding war with Apple, Facebook 10 Jun 11:09 | 15
SaaS CIA-funded upstart: The truth about Prism and NSA's web snooping Mystery of what's inside the spooks' black boxes 10 Jun 11:30 | 35
Science Chinese 'nauts prep for next coupling in Heaven, clear way for new station Second woman taikonaut and pals test tech for China's own orbiting platform 10 Jun 11:45 | 18
NSFW Waving an Eye-of-Sauron pulsating mock cock? Stop immediately Mains-powered sex aid recalled ... Ultimate O turns into ultimate Oh no 10 Jun 12:04 | 42
Servers Windows NT grandaddy OpenVMS taken out back, single gunshot heard HP signals end to legendary big iron beast 10 Jun 12:44 | 147
Legal US chief spook: Look, we only want to spy on 6.66 billion of you Americans assured they are not in the NSA's sights 10 Jun 13:14 | 66
Channel HMRC ordered to cough up compo for winding-up petition, says Enta Telford-based distie was victim of 'Civil Service Syndrome' 10 Jun 13:19 |
Networks FUTURE of mobe tech: Today will be dry with chilly gusts of 12Mbps Mobile web 'weather reports' predicted as networks overload 10 Jun 13:52 | 8
Legal Obama faces off China's prez: We can't be pals with all this cyber-theft 'No doubt about what is going on here' 10 Jun 14:07 | 13
Servers Microsoft borks botnet takedown in Citadel snafu Stupid Redmond kicked over our honeypots, wail white hats 10 Jun 14:51 | 18
Storage QLogic brandishes axe over staff, seeks $20m cost savings Numerous employees at risk of redundancy 10 Jun 14:59 | 2
Legal NSA PRISM-gate: Relax, GCHQ spooks 'keep us safe', says Cameron Whatever they are up to, it's all above board, we're told 10 Jun 15:30 | 89
On-Prem FBI, DHS and DoJ cool with SoftBank-Sprint merger Add blessings to those of investment probe - just FCC to go now 10 Jun 15:59 | 3
Personal Tech Curtain drops on Apple Store ahead of WWDC: What lies behind? Steve Jobs watching from on high. No pressure, lads 10 Jun 16:29 | 38
Security Hacker who helped find Steubenville rapists threatened with decade in prison While the rapists get minimum sentence and rehab 10 Jun 18:13 | 64
Servers Google boasts of app tuning prowess on 'warehouse scale clusters' Making Gmail and search sit up and bark on NUMA servers 10 Jun 18:36 | 1
Networks Comcast expands public Wi-Fi net using customers' modems Home monitoring features added, too 10 Jun 19:44 | 31
SaaS Red Hat parachutes into crowded PaaS market OpenShift jostles with Azure, GAE, Heroku, Elastic Beanstalk, for developers 10 Jun 20:18 | 4
Personal Tech Cisco and iRobot build videoconferencing robot for remote workers AVA 500 takes telepresence to slightly creepy levels 10 Jun 21:50 | 19
Updated Apple at WWDC: Sleek new iOS, death of the big cats, pint-sized Mac Pro CEO Cook: 'The biggest change to iOS since the introduction of the iPhone' 10 Jun 22:45 | 148
SaaS HP cloud gets crucial fed security certification Joins Amazon as certified US gov provider 10 Jun 23:25 | 1
Science Singing astronaut Chris Hadfield resigns from Canadian Space Agency Time to hang up the ol' helmet 10 Jun 23:49 | 11