OSes Patch Tuesday brings Microsoft fixes and Adobe Shockwave update Critical fixes for Windows and IE among update load 12 Feb 00:26 | 20
Science It's a scientific fact: Online comment trolls are sadists Psychoboffins' studies discover why, as well: 'Trolls just want to have fun' 12 Feb 00:27 | 71
Personal Tech Wireless power groups join forces: One spec to rule them all PMA and A4WP agree to play together 12 Feb 01:45 | 7
Virtualization Home lab operators: Ditch your servers ... now! Brit vTardis creator hails the combination of Core i7 laptop and Windows 8's virty power 12 Feb 01:58 | 30
Legal Microsoft denies reports of scrubbing Chinese-language Bing searches Activists say results are heavily doctored – even in US 12 Feb 02:04 | 8
Science 'Wind power causes climate change' shown to be so much hot air The signal is less than the noise 12 Feb 02:58 | 50
Channel HP 'clarifies' firmware/support contract rules Cough up security patches are all you'll get 12 Feb 03:57 | 37
Legal Incantations used to summon Magic Quadrants revealed Collect 'broad statements and grandiose claims' then onto the square go the vendors' names 12 Feb 04:33 | 6
Personal Tech Tinfoil hats proven useless by eleven-year mobe radiation study Your phone won't fry your brain, say MTHR boffins 12 Feb 04:58 | 34
Security John McAfee declares war on Android Report says next venture will expose what apps are doing to your mobe or 'slab 12 Feb 05:27 | 45
Legal Hear that, Sigourney? Common names 'may not constitute personal data' Court of Appeal: Floating free from family name is fine 12 Feb 06:01 | 17
Legal Bad luck, n00bs: Mozilla to splurge ADS inside empty Firefox tiles 'Directory Tiles' will send surfers to paid-for 'content we think users will enjoy' 12 Feb 06:26 | 87
On-Prem Google, Foxconn team to build ROBOT ARMY Report says Google's 'bot wrangler wants a little help from Taiwan 12 Feb 07:03 | 11
Science Trials of 'Iron Man' military exoskeleton due in June Jarvis? Think of a better name than 'Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit', please 12 Feb 07:26 | 67
Feature Rotten to the core: Apple’s 10 greatest FAILS Insanely grate(s on our last nerve) 12 Feb 08:00 | 102
+Comment Vodafone, Moneygram hook up to create mobe money MONSTER Cheap cash transfers, no limit - except the operators' margins 12 Feb 08:27 | 7
Networks So cool it 2.4 gigahertz: BATTERY-FREE comms for international band Embedded wireless bods show off first prototype this month 12 Feb 09:04 | 22
Personal Tech Intel Labs 'geeks' flash Edison kit to El Reg: We do it for the BIRDS Chipzilla ponders IoT - the Internet of Twitchers 12 Feb 09:32 | 5
Archaeologic You’re NOT fired: The story of Amstrad’s amazing CPC 464 30 years ago, a budget micro shocked a nation - with how good it was 12 Feb 10:01 | 163
Security Credit card of PayPal PRESIDENT cloned by UK crooks Tripping the hack scam-plastic 12 Feb 10:31 | 31
Bootnotes Someone's snatched my yummy Brit COTTAGE PIE – Viv Reding Visiting veep wanted to showcase UK cuisine to doubters 12 Feb 10:57 | 30
Exclusive Whitehall and Microsoft negotiate NHS Windows XP hacker survival plan Protection at a price to GB taxpayer 12 Feb 11:21 | 161
Channel 2e2 debt recovery specialist finds... £2,000 in six months ... no we didn't miss a zero 12 Feb 11:41 | 11
Sysadmin Blog SME storage challengers emerge one feature at a time Get small and medium benefits from storage advancement 12 Feb 12:09 | 26
Legal Scotland to test mobe signals slammer jammer Prisoner cell block waits in pilot scheme 12 Feb 12:19 | 41
Servers PayPal 'n' Google's FIDO drops 'simpler, stronger' secure login spec System is 'device-centric' 12 Feb 12:42 | 9
Channel AIM-listed Coms hoovers up Actimax for £3.4m Placing another 138 million shares to pay for deal, fund working capital 12 Feb 12:44 |
Software Flappy Bird's ANIMATED CORPSE may spread malware PLAGUE Cybercrooks latch onto app flap with trojan pestilence 12 Feb 13:01 | 12
Channel Steelie Neelie: ICANN think of more 'credible' rules for internet. (Cough *NSA* cough) EU moves to loosen grip of US on internet body. Not you, ITU! 12 Feb 13:34 | 34
Podcast Speaking in Tech: $65 JUST for internet and my ISP has the BALLS to throttle a service? 'For the same price in South Korea, you get a fibre link to your home' 12 Feb 14:02 | 10
Channel Broker accuses FAST of scaring users off secondhand software Bites back after membership revoked in licence spat 12 Feb 14:24 | 28
Personal Tech Random car shutdowns force Toyota to recall Prius hybrids - AGAIN Software bug makes dodgy motors inexplicably stop dead 12 Feb 15:01 | 84
Personal Tech Apple pushes back release date for 'dustbin chic' Mac Pro Fanbois will have to wait until April 12 Feb 15:35 | 60
Channel Buy IT Direct: Sales up by a third, but IT kit NOT behind boom Kitchen stuff, baby products - everything but computers behind the boost – CEO 12 Feb 16:03 | 1
Channel Dell staffers head for exit armed with redundo cheques Number of job jump volunteers exceeds management targets - sources 12 Feb 16:17 | 12
Legal Judge: Odds of bankrupt Lightsquared sorting itself out are 'zero' 'Consensual' re-org plan probably won't get shareholder approval, reckons beak 12 Feb 16:34 | 18
Virtualization Another day, another VDI appliance: ScaleIO intros Nytro-driven kit EMC VDI appliance sans Cisco 12 Feb 17:00 | 10
Channel IBM job cuts: Big Blue starts 'slaughter' of Indian and European workforce Redundo reaper makes appearance after Lenovo sell-off 12 Feb 19:36 | 58
Science China confirms Jade Rabbit lunar rover has conked out Bereft of life, it rests in peace 12 Feb 20:15 | 52
Channel Elitist approach still paying off for Apple in mobile market Android and iOS get 95% of market with differing strategies 12 Feb 21:30 | 24
Channel Grimly determined Cisco reports weak earnings Revenue slips further but not below dim analyst expectations 12 Feb 22:05 | 4
On-Prem Gamers save Nvidia's bacon in storming fourth quarter Gamers still sold on GPUs and Tegra 4 coming on strong 12 Feb 22:30 | 5