Science KILLER SPONGES menacing California coastline Surfers are safe, crustaceans less so 16 Apr 00:28 | 28
OSes Batten down the hatches, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS due in TWO DAYS Admins dab straining server brows in advance of Trusty Tahr's long-term support landing 16 Apr 00:31 | 55
Security Oracle working on at least 13 Heartbleed fixes Big Red's cloud is safe and Oracle Linux 6 has been patched, but Java has some issues 16 Apr 01:02 | 6
On-Prem Wall St's DROOLING as Twitter GULPS DOWN analytics firm Gnip Stock price boost on potential to earn big bucks from tweets 16 Apr 01:09 | 2
Security Eugene Kaspersky: Ukraine conflict hurts enterprise security With governments occupied, criminals could capitalize 16 Apr 01:12 | 7
OSes Red Hat to ship RHEL 7 release candidate with a taste of container tech Grab 'near-final' version of next Enterprise Linux next week 16 Apr 01:14 | 8
Software Nvidia's new CUDA 6 has the 'most significant new functionality in the history of CUDA' Goal: To make programming their finicky but muscular GPUs an easier task for mere mortals 16 Apr 01:59 | 20
Software This time it's 'Personal': new Office 365 sub covers just two devices Redmond also brings Office into Google's back yard 16 Apr 02:13 | 57
Security Samsung Galaxy S5 fingerprint scanner hacked in just 4 DAYS Sammy's newbie cooked slower than iPhone, also costs more to build 16 Apr 03:42 | 65
Channel Parallels could whip VMware or Microsoft, happier as Robin Hood Ingram deal puts junior virtualiser in box seat to broker SaaS and cloud 16 Apr 04:04 | 1
Personal Tech Feast your PUNY eyes on highest resolution phone display EVER Too much pixel dust for your strained eyeballs to handle 16 Apr 05:03 | 82
Security Snowden-inspired crypto-email service Lavaboom launches German service pays tribute to Lavabit 16 Apr 05:28 | 52
On-Prem Sorry London, Europe's top tech city is Munich New 'Atlas of ICT Activity' finds innovation isn't happening at Silicon Roundabout 16 Apr 05:58 | 94
On-Prem Zebra grazes Motorola Solutions' enterprise business for $US3.45bn Motorola to focus on government and public safety markets 16 Apr 06:33 | 2
Security Lost your credit card PIN? No worries! Get a new one - over SMS Mobe firm gets PCI DSS green light for text-crypto service 16 Apr 07:02 | 13
Legal NBN Co in 'broadband kit we tested worked' STUNNER Announcement of VDSL trial is not proof of concept for fibre-to-the-node 16 Apr 07:14 | 7
Storage Hic! Storage upstart DEY bought out by Australian wine merchant Have another glass - this is a fruity one and no mistake 16 Apr 07:27 | 4
Pics+Vid LOHAN's Punch and Judy show: The big fat round-up All the action from 'Baconur' - Blighty's renamed space flight centre 16 Apr 07:56 | 24
Storage Fine print: Dell bod tells us the details of Fluid Cache for SAN It's not just for Dell's own servers, says marketer 16 Apr 08:32 |
Review Kingston DataTraveler MicroDuo: Turn your phone into a 72GB beast USB-usiness in the front, micro-USB party in the back 16 Apr 09:04 | 40
Channel Fusion-io: Ah, Microsoft. I see there's in-memory in SQL Server 2014... **GERONIMO!** Server flasher leaps in to fulfil need for SQL speed 16 Apr 09:25 | 16
Storage Nutanix tries to lure in biz whales with fresh storage NOS Can it interest enormo firms in a bit of 'web-scale' plankton? 16 Apr 10:28 | 2
On-Prem Did you know Twitter has a 'consumer product division'? Ex-Google Maps boss now runs it Put down the puns, Graf – you've got a profit to turn 16 Apr 11:03 | 3
SaaS Amazon wires up email-to-Kindle to its gigantic online hard drive Send attachments to your e-book reader, watch Bezos' cloud drive slurp it up 16 Apr 11:18 | 11
Legal Don't let no-hire pact suit witnesses call Steve Jobs a bullyboy, plead Apple and Google 'Irrelevant' character evidence should be excluded – lawyers 16 Apr 11:41 | 32
Storage AMD demos 'Berlin' Opteron, world's first heterogeneous system architecture server chip Forget CPUs. Forget GPUs. It's all compute, all the time 16 Apr 12:01 | 27
On-Prem Borked Bitcoin bunker MtGox in administration: Lawyer seizes control $500m in BTC up in smoke 16 Apr 12:37 | 31
Vid Red-faced LOHAN team 'fesses up in blown SPEARS fuse fiasco Standing in the corner, big pointy 'D' hats 16 Apr 13:04 | 44
Pics Reg gets sneak peek of Getac's chunky TOUGH AS NAILS 8.1-incher You think you're hard? Er. Yes 16 Apr 13:26 | 12
Servers Granite becomes Steel: Riverbed rebrands its ROBO gear Lucky customers get to play with a BRA as well 16 Apr 14:01 |
Legal Apple failsto ditch class action suit over ebook price-fix fiasco Do not pass go, do cough (up to) $840m in damages 16 Apr 14:59 | 13
Podcast Speaking in Tech: Social media, big brands, smut. Never mix these three! Plus: Why do we splatter the internet with plugs for our employers, anyway? 16 Apr 15:26 |
Security OpenSSL bug hunt: Find NEXT Heartbleed, earn $$$ – if enough people donate cash Quarter of a million dollars could be up for grabs 16 Apr 16:03 | 25
Security French hard-drive maker LaCie cops to YEAR LONG card data leak And it didn't find out until the FBI broke the news 16 Apr 16:57 | 8
Personal Tech Google shuts Glass store and nixes Video Call feature Ad-giant says 'all spots claimed' in short sale to public 16 Apr 17:45 | 14
Software Ditch the sync, paddle in the Streem: Upstart offers syncless sharing Upload, delete and carry on sharing afterwards? 16 Apr 20:08 | 9
Software Microsoft reissues Windows 8.1 Update for enterprise customers Install it now, because August is the new cutoff for future fixes 16 Apr 20:21 | 23
Security Burnt out on patches this month? Oracle's got 104 MORE fixes for you Mass patch for issues across its software catalog 16 Apr 20:33 | 7
Channel What's a right pain in the ASCII for IBM? Its own leech-like hardware biz Keep your eyes on our cloud while we remove this pesky thing, say execs 16 Apr 21:38 | 15
Security Mounties always get their man: Heartbleed 'hacker', 19, CUFFED Canadian teen accused of raiding tax computers using OpenSSL bug 16 Apr 21:54 | 40
Channel Google's latest mega-earnings fail to impress shareholders What, just $15.4bn? You bore us, Google... 16 Apr 22:33 | 7
Personal Tech US mobile firms cave on kill switch, agree to install anti-theft code Slow and kludgy rollout will protect corporate profits 16 Apr 22:36 | 35