Legal 'Revenge porn' bully told not to post people's nude pics online. That's it. That's his punishment Walking sack of crap ordered to destroy all pics, too 30 Jan 00:30 | 104
Channel Google's latest letdown: Simply not enough billions since October Revenue and income miss their marks amid rising costs 30 Jan 00:57 | 7
SaaS Amazon, flush with cash, says it will let you peek inside AWS' pants Plans to break out numbers for cloud biz for first time this year 30 Jan 01:41 | 1
Security iTunes Connect does developer shuffle Oh look! I'm running another account! 30 Jan 01:58 | 1
Channel We take bots down, but they get up again – you're never going to keep them down Dell analysis shows ZeroAccess botnet still slinging out 30 Jan 02:29 | 12
Legal Hey, America. Canada's watchdog just slapped net neutrality rules on wireless internet Decision breaks down arbitrary divide between web and TV 30 Jan 02:58 | 20
Legal Reddit: Don't worry, we didn't tell that foreign government about your /r/brony addiction Uncle Sam on the other hand ... Data demands by feds revealed 30 Jan 03:57 | 6
Software OH HAPPY DAY! Lawyers replaced by AI Google also outsmarted by friendly machine pals 30 Jan 04:55 | 29
Security A docket, tweet and selfie can reveal your identity, boffins find Spanners thrown at metadata privacy wagon 30 Jan 05:59 | 18
Software Wham, bam... premium rate scam: Grindr users hit with fun-killing charges Dating app makers blame rogue ad 30 Jan 07:02 | 49
Storage EMC grows new 'Enterprise Content Division' Yet another attempt to make Documentum sexy 30 Jan 07:32 | 2
On-Prem Alibaba's magic cave empties as it misses revenue target Denies claims its stock comes from 40 thieves 30 Jan 07:57 | 16
Security Privacy alert: Outlook for iOS does security STUPIDLY, says dev Logins stored in cloud, delete button busted 30 Jan 08:28 | 39
Channel HP: We're gonna book $1bn worth of Server 2003 sales THIS WEEK A month's worth of activity in seven days? Good luck, says analyst 30 Jan 09:04 | 7
Security UK watchdog grills big biz: So HOW do you use their 'consumer data'? Slurp it, trade it, sell it, swap it? 30 Jan 09:39 | 10
+Vids Synths of the father: Making some noise at NAMM 2015 You don't know what it was like, man, you weren't there 30 Jan 10:05 | 33
Networks Sky sidles up to O2, whispers: 'Fancy a little FOUR-PLAY?' It's been a long time coming *fnarr fnarr* 30 Jan 10:31 | 12
Game Theory Undead nights: Zombie FPS Dying Light shines bright Dead Island all grown up and covered in putrefying flesh 30 Jan 10:59 | 17
Channel Oracle is BETTER at cloud than everyone else so NER, shouts Hurd (no Katz) Laser focus on self embiggenment, says co-chief 30 Jan 11:28 | 7
Networks Wheeee! BT preps for FIVE HUNDRED MEGABIT broadband trial If it works it'll go nationwide, says telco's top dog 30 Jan 12:02 | 69
On-Prem Mobe-hungry BT's sales slip over Xmas amid EE buyout silence Firm can't ignore £7bn pensions deficit much longer 30 Jan 12:29 | 5
Personal Tech Smartphones merge into homogeneous mass as 'flagship fatigue' bites Latest handset? Punters say 'meh'. It's all about networks now, prays Three 30 Jan 12:45 | 70
Legal Google forced to – wah! – OBEY the LAW with privacy policy tweaks Ad broker agrees to tell you what it does with your privates 30 Jan 13:16 | 26
Personal Tech Apple CEO: Fandroids are BINNING Android in favour of IPHONES Tim Cook puts numbers on his world domination claim 30 Jan 13:44 | 119
Security UK official LOSES Mark Duggan shooting discs IN THE POST Nobody’s found a politically charged package have they? 30 Jan 14:01 | 73
Channel Fujitsu slapped down in Land of the FALLING YEN Homegrown demand wanes for mobes, PCs and network products 30 Jan 14:34 |
On-Prem Quantum of Suspicion: Despite another $29m, D-Wave doubts remain What exactly is company offering? 30 Jan 15:01 | 26
Networks Three to pleasure bumpkins with 800MHz Broadband boost before O2 craps all over it 30 Jan 15:57 | 15
Vid Tesla bumps up Model S P85D acceleration – with software update OK, grudgingly impressed: Download that upgrade for inverter 30 Jan 16:24 | 51
Security Teen whiz exposes WhatsApp profile pic privacy blunder bug That teddy bear icon was for friends' eyes only 30 Jan 16:37 | 11
On-Prem QLogic hits all-flash bullseye, doubles profit 10% quarterly revenue rise – take that, market uncertainty 30 Jan 17:03 |
Analysis US Ambassador: No, net neutrality will NOT allow the UN to seize control of the internet from us It won't impact foreign policy, please go away 30 Jan 19:52 | 9
Personal Tech Intel brings Broadwell to businesses with 5th-gen Core chips with vPro But what will it all mean for Skylake? 30 Jan 20:19 | 10
OSes Sorry, admins: Microsoft says NO new Windows Server until 2016 Wedging Docker containers into Windows to take a leeeettle longer 30 Jan 21:14 | 12
Security Super-cookie crumbles: Verizon vows to kill off hated zombie stalkers This time opt-out actually means opt-out, we're told 30 Jan 22:02 | 25
Comment You must have at least 8 inches for Windows 10 to go all the way El Reg decodes Microsoft's size rule 30 Jan 22:37 | 32
Roundup Silk Road trial latest: Ulbricht's Gmail addy appeared on ad for ' for drugs' And then there's the $18m in BTC on a laptop – lawyers 30 Jan 23:22 | 7