SaaS Google to axe TXT reminders for Calendar events Smartphones killed the SMS star 01 Jun 01:03 | 12
Storage Veeam's plan: Ignore MBA marketers, don't covet magazine covers And don't panic about the cloud, because every platform has gaps that need tools says CEO Ratmir Timashev 01 Jun 02:05 | 1
Networks NBN must limit downloads to 12 Mbps downloads until copper handover 'Transition period' between ADSL2+ and FTTN to force sensible hand brake 01 Jun 02:47 | 22
Science LightSail mission stalled by .CSV log file embiggenment SNAFU Cubesat reboots after discovering that in space, no-one can press CTRL-ALT-DEL 01 Jun 02:55 | 13
Security Mac bug makes rootkit injection as easy as falling asleep Apple hacker reveals cracker 0day rootkit whacker 01 Jun 04:02 | 14
Computex 2015 Gigabyte and Cavium team on super-dense ARM servers 384 cores in a 2U chassis will give scaled-up Atom-isers something to ponder 01 Jun 04:32 | 1
SaaS Cloud Foundry takes first steps into Azure Preview available no, beta real soon now, then …. wake me up when it's live, okay? 01 Jun 05:04 | 5
Security Android Bitcoin wallet Blockchain was briefly borked Non-random Bitcoin user gets $8k worth of bug-addressed freebies 01 Jun 05:28 | 10
Legal Trial halted as Kartoon defence attorney arrested after warrant discovery That's why you're the 'judge' and I'm the 'law-talking' guy 01 Jun 06:02 | 23
Security Amazon reveals KiddieKindle and pocket money scheme 'It's not screen time, it's book time' so do your chores or I'll take away your NOVEL! 01 Jun 06:29 | 29
Security 56 MEEELLION credentials exposed by apps say infosec boffins Bad implementations of login services leave your details hanging in the wind 01 Jun 07:05 | 2
Computex 2015 ASUS reveals 'Zensational' style-over-substance kit This year's smartmobes and fondleslabs are trying to look like handbags 01 Jun 07:30 | 6
Personal Tech Xiaomi gears up for phone-free UK launch But Chinese mobe firm has at least hired a phone-fixing outfit 01 Jun 08:01 | 2
Product Roundup Strap-on fiddle factor: We poke ten Apple Watch apps Extracting the most value from a pretty expensive wristjob 01 Jun 09:02 | 18
Channel Phished IT bod opens door to 40,000 finance folks' personal details Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment sits on naughty step 01 Jun 09:33 | 8
Legal NSA dragnet domestic phone records slurp halted after key spying powers lapse But 'irresponsible' Senate now backs Freedom Act 01 Jun 10:03 | 13
SaaS It's FREE WINDOWS 10 time: 29 July is D-Day, yells Microsoft 12 months of free downloads barely WEEKS away 01 Jun 10:12 | 150
Servers Where’s the best place for your infrastructure bottleneck? Living with the inevitable 01 Jun 10:19 | 5
On-Prem SanDisk speeds up CloudSpeed Eco, raises capacity Endurance still an issue though 01 Jun 10:44 |
Legal Naked cyclists take a hard line on 'aroused' protest participant Canterbury residents spared 'horrible sight' of public engorgement 01 Jun 11:04 | 107
Personal Tech Woman dumps ultra-rare $200,000 Apple 1 computer in the trash Mystery Californian could claim $100k for venerable old box 01 Jun 11:16 | 30
Security So, EE. Who IS this app on your HTC M9s sneakily texting, hmm? HTC, EE and infosec bod all agree: We have no idea 01 Jun 11:37 | 30
Networks What sort of tit builds non-bird bird boxes? Vodafone Repeater retweets mobile signals so hamlets don't have to wing it 01 Jun 11:54 | 23
Personal Tech Case for drone usage now overwhelming as Enrique Iglesias concert almost stopped Spanish crooner's tongue and vocal cords intact, though 01 Jun 12:08 | 26
On-Prem Docker death blow to PaaS? The fat lady isn’t singing just yet folks Could they work together? Yeah, why not 01 Jun 12:25 | 13
Networks AQL looks for Ofcom approval, maybe more blue hotspots to come? There’s high speed broadband up north 01 Jun 12:38 | 6
Networks Nosy Brit cops demand access to comms data EVERY TWO MINUTES PLUS: They slurp up phone and email records in 96% of cases, FOI request reveals 01 Jun 12:57 | 32
On-Prem Nokia declares war on data centres to win back telco customers ‘We’ll act and think differently’ 01 Jun 13:31 | 6
On-Prem Intel gobbles up chipmaker Altera in $16.7 BILLION splurge Flirty firms stop sniffing each other's asses and get down to business 01 Jun 14:01 | 11
Security Co-op Bank's creaky IT should be flogged off, growls Not confident plans to address tech woes are enough – sources 01 Jun 14:27 | 26
Analysis Bank: Without software mojo, Android OEMs are doomed to 'implode' Samsung ponders thwarted efforts to climb up the stack 01 Jun 14:57 | 30
On-Prem Pure Storage pushes all-flash array purification Three-way boost as hardware, software and service get updated 01 Jun 15:14 | 16
SaaS OK Google, how much of my life do you observe and disturb? Choc Factory: Don't be in the dark, dear netizen – use our privacy tool. LOL 01 Jun 15:43 | 28
Networks Bundestag hack origin still a mystery as techies pull out their hair Extended metadata retention? If only it stops one ... etc etc 01 Jun 16:08 | 10
On-Prem HP pings out a super souped-up all-flash StoreServ system Hybrid flash/disk system, fatter SSDs, federated systems and replication 01 Jun 16:26 |
Software Windows 10 upgrade ADWARE forces its way on to Windows 7 and 8.1 Upgrade for free offer may catch out unwary users by wiping apps 01 Jun 17:01 | 269
On-Prem Hackers target Japan’s legion of pensioners, stealing wads of data A ‘team’ being established to investigate cause. Phew 01 Jun 17:32 | 3
Hands-on Facebook flings PGP-encrypted email at world+dog. Don't lose your private key A step in the right direction, though 01 Jun 19:18 | 34
On-Prem American Idle: Seacrest keyboard startup Typo goes nowhere after BlackBerry bust-up Copying the selling point of a dying company? Not ideal 01 Jun 19:34 | 13
Personal Tech New kid on the blocks: Lego Worlds game challenges Minecraft Danish plastic-block giant fancies its luck in 3D virtual arena 01 Jun 20:29 | 23
Recap Silicon Valley, episode 8: Larping, mogging and losing its way White Hat/Black Hat, where have the writers gone? 01 Jun 21:12 | 8
OSes Microsoft: Here's what you'll cough up for Windows 10 next year Retail pricing revealed 01 Jun 21:28 | 45
Storage Georgens out at NetApp – new chairman, interim CEO named Turns out one of Tom's layoffs ... was himself 01 Jun 21:44 | 8
On-Prem Chlorine gas horror leak at Apple data center puts five in hospital Green server warehouse one of the world's largest 01 Jun 21:59 | 24
SaaS Will Apple reveal a $10-a-month Spotify rival next week? Yeah, yeah, probably We mean, it's not a massive leap of faith, is it? 01 Jun 22:14 | 7
SaaS Third Pirate Bay founder freed from clink, vows to fight domain seizure Fredrik Neij says government had no right to confiscate torrent site URLs 01 Jun 22:46 | 7
Bootnotes What a Zuckin' drag! 'Frisco queens protest outside Facebook HQ over 'real names' policy Performers protest social network over controversial rules 01 Jun 23:36 | 33