Something for the Weekend, Sir? You tried to hide your extramarital affair … by putting it on the web? Thousands of virtual rolling pins descend 05 Sep 07:00 | 68
Review Photoshop for 40 quid: Affinity Photo pushes pixels further than most Even creative pros are curious to try Serif's image editor 05 Sep 09:00 | 102
Legal Google to China: Please Play with us, we promise to respect your strict censorship diet – report Choc Factory preps app store for delicate Beijing stomachs 05 Sep 09:51 | 13
Bootnotes Squawk, squawk: Today is Vulture Awareness Day It's time to spare a thought for our threatened flying friends 05 Sep 11:00 | 27
Analysis America's crackdown on open-source Wi-Fi router firmware – THE TRUTH El Reg looks at why and what the FCC wants to do. Plus: How you can get stuck in 05 Sep 12:02 | 113
On-Prem Toyota chucks $50m at AI car tech Buddies up with Stanford and MIT boffins to drive down road injuries and deaths 05 Sep 13:04 | 22
Science Astroboffins EYEBALL 13 BEELLION-year-old galaxy far, far, farthest away from Earth 'EGS8p7 is unusually luminous, may be powered by hot stars' 05 Sep 16:10 | 49