Security Oz court slaps down Dept of Immigration over 2014 data bungle Cover-ups, unfair processes, just another day in the bureaucracy 21 Sep 00:56 | 4
Security Techie finds 1.5 million US medical records exposed on Amazon's AWS Systema Software investigates what went wrong 21 Sep 01:56 | 14
HPC Blog Undergrad cluster wrangling warriors: Vid chats with the teams Smooth sailing and near READ ME disaster averted 21 Sep 04:02 |
Science Astro-boffins plan 3D plot of the universe Spooky signals called Fast Radio Bursts could tell us where the stuff is 21 Sep 04:56 | 6
Security Pentagon on manual mission to build nation-wide security database Scorecard to list hackable ICBMs, office fridges 21 Sep 05:30 | 10
Software Microsoft Edges bets on browser-only Skype Plug-ins checking out for chatty types 21 Sep 05:56 | 26
Science China launches 'pollution-free' rocket I'll green you on the dark side of the Moon 21 Sep 06:30 | 22
OSes New Tizen version drops, World+Dog yawns TVs and mobes can do without Android (but won't) 21 Sep 06:55 | 6
Security iCloud phishing attack hooks 39 iOS apps and WeChat Repacked malicious Xcode framework flogged on Chinese watering hole dev sites 21 Sep 07:30 | 21
Channel FireEye: The face of hacking is changing – and it's getting uglier Sabre-rattling is moving on from the traditional miscreants, say infosec bods 21 Sep 08:01 | 3
Channel MoJ admits to splashing out on 2.3 MILLION Oracle licences That's at least 33 licences for every civil servant 21 Sep 08:33 | 24
Storage LTO-7 has it taped, but when will 'bigger/faster' thinking hit the buffers? The problem – we don’t just use them for back-up 21 Sep 09:01 | 52
Channel HP’s controversial sales scheme isn't dead, it's just resting. There – it moved! Come on, Meg, sing 'we love the channel' again 21 Sep 09:29 |
Channel Hello? HELLO? Major Skype outage hits folk WORLDWIDE Vid chat service KOd, hapless Brits bear brunt of borkage 21 Sep 09:51 | 68
Servers Elephant-sized Infinidat array gets calf that starts small, grows BIG F2000 is the up-to 330TB, seven-nines, baby 18U array that never forgets 21 Sep 10:28 | 3
Networks Hutchison will float O2 … as soon as the Three merger is done Brands to stay as they are! Yeah, that's what they all say 21 Sep 11:18 | 29
Software Microsoft starts to fix Start Menu in new Windows 10 preview Yippee, now you can have 2,048 entries – but why is there a limit? 21 Sep 11:39 | 79
Comment My parents don't know I'm in SEO. They think I play piano in a brothel Google manipulation dreams of being as respectable as ads 21 Sep 12:02 | 74
Software CHEAT! Volkswagen chief 'deeply sorry' over diesel emission test dodge Car maker's stock price plummets after confession 21 Sep 12:33 | 116
Security Apple cleans up iOS App Store after first big malware attack XcodeGhost dispels comforting notion that iOS is safe from malware 21 Sep 13:03 | 17
Legal Police Scotland fingered for breaching RIPA code 'multiple' times IOCCO: ‘Inappropriate for us to name the two police forces’ now 21 Sep 13:29 | 21
Legal Get that OFF dot-com, hysterical France screeches at Google Chocolate Factory's appeal rejected as 'right to be forgotten' battle escalates 21 Sep 14:04 | 49
On-Prem Alibaba experiences ‘I love China’ company rep breakdown … 22 times With slow quarterly revenue growth, take any support you can get 21 Sep 14:31 | 6
Comment Are Seagate and NetApp in denial or in de hot seat? Stifel reckons the naysayers haven't got a clue what they're talking about 21 Sep 14:58 | 4
On-Prem Ouch! Microsoft sues recycling firm over 70K stolen Office licenses Should have been pulped. Weren’t 21 Sep 15:15 | 57
Personal Tech DRIVERLESS cars: Apple ups the ante with meeting in California Crash of the Titans unlikely – there's actually a DRIVER in there 21 Sep 15:32 | 18
Channel Story to write next chapter for Civica Group Get off your horse and outsource those services, says new deputy CEO Wayne 21 Sep 15:44 |
On-Prem Dialog Semiconductor gobbles Atmel for $4.6bn, with 'synergies' on the way Presence in mobile phone and IoT markets boosted 21 Sep 16:27 | 4
Channel NetApp gets a new CTO – after saying it wouldn't get a new CTO George Kurian stepping upstairs means bye-bye Jay Kidd, hello Mark Bregman 21 Sep 17:01 |
Legal OFFICIAL: Facebook growth BIGGER THAN ... JESUS, the INTERNET! Holy Zuck: ITU says interwebulator usage 'slowed sharply' 21 Sep 17:28 | 15
Personal Tech Qualcomm’s first charger with Quick Charge 3.0 breaks cover Problem of multiple incompatible chargers to be solved with... another charger 21 Sep 17:55 | 7
Channel Parrish has vanished: NetApp chief marketeer leaves the parish Effective immediately 21 Sep 18:17 | 7
Security Wanted alive: $1m for an iOS 9 bug to hijack, er, jailbreak iThings Exploit-broker sets bounty for iPhone, iPad OS zero-day 21 Sep 19:01 | 8
Legal Cesspool 4chan sold … to former owner of Japanese cesspool 2ch Hurray for hate free speech 21 Sep 19:20 | 21
Channel Symantec fires staff caught up in rogue Google SSL cert snafu When your business is built on making secret numbers, don't make it look too easy 21 Sep 19:45 | 19
Security India to cripple its tech sector with proposed encryption crackdown Companies must hand over crypto systems for scrutiny 21 Sep 19:59 | 40
Networks Oh, IT'S ON. IT. IS. ON: Google, Netflix et al square up to telcos in net neutrality showdown Internet Association joins bloated FCC legal battle 21 Sep 20:43 | 9
Security It's 2015 and a text file can hack your Apple Watch. IS THIS THE FUTURE YOU WANTED? It's not the future we wanted 21 Sep 21:23 | 28
Legal Megaupload extradition: Rotund web baron Kim Dotcom appears in court At last – and he's got a special ergonomic chair! 21 Sep 22:01 | 29
Security AVG to flog your web browsing, search history from mid-October Your secrets sold to advertisers 21 Sep 22:17 | 120
Virtualization VMware SMASH! Bad ESXi 6.0 bork-bug getting 'aggressive' fix Problem causing random loss of connectivity, crashes 21 Sep 22:56 | 2
Security Shock: Smartphone app to protect kids online does quite the opposite What's Korean for 'Won't someone think of the children?' 21 Sep 23:24 | 13
Networks NBN fibre-to-the-node launched: Now the long sprint begins 60,000 homes per month by January 2016, company says 21 Sep 23:30 | 8
Legal Our cookies save you from TERRORISTS, Facebook thunders to Belgian judge Facebook's just like the NSA, regulator says 21 Sep 23:56 | 24