Legal Oz telco security laws might miss 2015 deadline Musical chairs in Canberra stalls legislative agenda 24 Sep 00:56 | 4
On-Prem $100 million Inspur-ation for Cisco's China strategy Joint venture to help lift Borg out of doldrums 24 Sep 01:56 |
HPC Grounded: Can big data do for agri-business what it's not doing for retail? Agriculture proving fertile ground for analytical startups 24 Sep 02:30 | 6
Science Sysadmins, here's your weekly Cisco bug-splat IOS DoS and authentication bypass vulns patched 24 Sep 03:30 | 3
Networks Xiaomi plans 'mini-mi' mobile network Chinese mobe vendor to Cupertino: 'You snooze, you lose' 24 Sep 03:56 | 7
Science Brit infosec bod finds Kaseya 'master admin' remote code exec holes Trio of trouble sent to the Zero Day Initiative. 24 Sep 04:31 | 1
Science Boffins show off brain-link's light bulb moment I can SEE what you're thinking … well, not quite 24 Sep 04:56 | 3
Science Mysterious cosmic dustball fires up Milky Way's black hole Supermassive Sagittarius is firing off X-rays 24 Sep 05:30 | 27
Bootnotes FOUR STUNNING NEW FEATURES Cook should put in the iPHONE 7 Also: Grauniad selected to join El Reg in elite group of news organisations 24 Sep 06:02 | 58
Legal Google makes admen pay for fake YouTube views, claims research But ad-flinger has spent more than most to stop such clicks 24 Sep 06:19 | 10
Legal Holy litigation, Batman! Custom Batmobile cars nixed by copyright Nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana – LAWSUIT! 24 Sep 07:01 | 76
Legal PETA monkey selfie lawsuit threatens wildlife photography, warns snapper at heart of row 'We've humiliated the bloke – now let's grab his money' 24 Sep 07:31 | 191
Special Report The BBC's Space: A short history of 21st Century indoor relief Digital: the magic middle-class makework word 24 Sep 08:02 | 27
Security Bloodthirsty data parasites hungrily eye up healthcare sector Ne'er-do-wells seek to amputate data stores and feast on the rich pickings within 24 Sep 08:29 | 13
Security Facebook's security now sexier, with killer curves Big tech love of open crypto standards could be 'unstoppable', CERN man says 24 Sep 09:01 | 27
Channel Will the Iris (Hatzenbichler-Durchschlag) flower at FalconStor? New marketing director bringing some DataCore expertise 24 Sep 09:37 | 1
OSes Sino the times, as Microsoft makes Baidu default search engine in China Yusuf Mehdi: We’re still ‘deeply committed’ to Bing. Mmmmm 24 Sep 10:09 | 15
Science IBM: Hey, puny humans. Come stick your digits in Watson's AI brain Big Blue spaffs out a load of APIs and dev tools 24 Sep 11:05 | 3
Legal Ofcom triples licence fees for mobile operators to £200m Move reflect importance of this ‘finite resource’, says regulator 24 Sep 11:27 | 26
Reg Events Reg readers: We want to integrate you into our Continuous Lifecycle Let us turn your automation or containerization into an agile devops show 24 Sep 11:46 | 3
Security Hey Scandos, missed that parcel? Here’s some ransomware instead Variant of CryptoLocker makes an unwelcome appearance 24 Sep 12:05 | 5
Storage Radian inflicts shingles on poor, unsuspecting Flash drives Realises rewriting blocks of data on disk and flash is (basically) the same 24 Sep 12:26 |
Science Boffins make brain-to-brain direct communication breakthrough So long as you just want to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’, it's fine 24 Sep 12:47 | 19
100% Design Electricals We saw the future: Apart from the bath apps it looks like the past In the future, no-one can tell you how much things cost 24 Sep 13:11 | 57
Science Anthropology boffins solve 9,000-year-old headless body cold case Oldest instance of human decapitation found – but a bit late to catch the killers 24 Sep 13:38 | 35
Channel Let’s hear it for data scientists! Making our lives more and more frictionless And helping online floggers shift tat. If you want the rainbow … 24 Sep 14:14 | 14
Security Asia-focussed Chinese PLA hacking crew surfaces Named individual implicated in coordinating neighbourhood spying 24 Sep 14:59 | 6
Security UK in Frenchy cyber love-in to ward off 'information bomb' Qu'est-ce que la bombe informatique? 24 Sep 15:32 | 26
Databases MemSQL makes it easier to hook up to Apache Spark Spark Streamliner coming at you via GitHub 24 Sep 16:09 | 3
Networks Official: North America COMPLETELY OUT of new IPv4 addresses Now's the time to move to over to IPv6, ARIN boss tells El Reg 24 Sep 16:14 | 157
Sysadmin blog Penny wise and pound foolish: Server hoarders are energy wasters How long has this been going on? 24 Sep 16:35 | 42
Networks Global productivity explodes as Facebook's service takes a dive Graph API fingered for outage 24 Sep 17:51 | 9
Software Apple slings bug-fixed iOS 9.0.1 at fanbois, PIN bypass hole still open Slide to update … for real this time 24 Sep 18:22 | 13
Exclusive NASA rover coders at Intel's Wind River biz axed – sources Senior VxWorks engineers laid off this week, we're told 24 Sep 19:51 | 43
Networks Sprint fined $1.2m for bungling 911 calls Watchdog puts US telco on the expensive naughty step 24 Sep 20:26 | 1
OSes Microsoft puts a bullet in blundering D-Link's leaked key that made malware VIPs on PCs Private code-signing cert revoked at last 24 Sep 20:44 | 2
Special report Is domain overlord ICANN the FIFA of the internet? We'll know this weekend Future master-of-the-web heading down dangerous path 24 Sep 21:15 | 15
SaaS Controversial: The future is data integrity, not confidentiality President of Estonia makes interesting point at IT powwow 24 Sep 21:43 | 40
Bootnotes Oz propaganda lists 'alternative music, environmentalism' as TERROR THREATS It's as if the black-hat hackageddon doesn't worry ANYONE 24 Sep 21:56 | 24
Security So how do Google's super-smart security folk protect their data? You'll be surprised 24 Sep 23:09 | 31
Personal Tech PEAK FONDLESLAB: Fewer people will use tablets next year – claim Analysts predict install base to drop for first time ever 24 Sep 23:44 | 22
Legal Data retention: Still a shambles ahead of October rollout Funding a mystery, discussion falls under ban-hammer 24 Sep 23:56 | 9