Security Kill Flash: Adobe says patch to fix under-attack hole still days away Disable the plugin – or enable click-to-play 15 Oct 00:42 | 27
Networks Internet daddy Vint Cerf blasts FCC's plan to ban Wi-Fi router code mods You should be able to run any software you like on your wireless box, say campaigners 15 Oct 01:11 | 62
On-Prem Junk your IT. Now. Before it drags you under Legacy systems tie you to unproductive legacy thinking and lead to stagnation 15 Oct 01:31 | 81
Legal Australian government Slacks off in cabinet It's got emoji and what else do you need when you're running a country? 15 Oct 01:44 | 3
On-Prem Cisco shipped UCS servers with rotten RAID settings This one weird trick will stop your telephony server staggering 15 Oct 02:31 | 8
Software Better hot-patches, more virty in Big Blue's next AIX And you thought big Unix was dead! Well it ain't. And it wants upgrading inside a year 15 Oct 02:58 | 4
Security How French spooks can silently command Siri, Google Now on phones Using headphones with a mic makes your mobe slightly hackable, in theory 15 Oct 03:26 | 25
On-Prem Virty expert with a Cisco cert and hate money? Here's the job for you! eBay's Gumtree infested with dodgy 'sysadmin internship' ads 15 Oct 04:02 | 1
Cyber Defence Summit Russian peeping Toms look at but won't touch popped web data troves No malware, no data slurp, but they still know where you live 15 Oct 04:55 | 2
Security Weight, what? The perfect kilogram is nearly in Planck's grasp Only Russia can balls up the mass standard now 15 Oct 05:31 | 83
On-Prem AliCloud and Foxconn join forces to train Chinese startup army Middle Kingdom players want to breed next gen companies 15 Oct 06:03 |
SaaS Walmart to open-source its cloud-hopping code Retail giant offers skeleton key to escape cloud lock-in from … oh, no cloud in particular 15 Oct 06:27 | 10
On-Prem How do you create an SLA and status page for the whole internet? Meet IANA: Keepers of DNS Running the web without the US at the helm – and in Java 15 Oct 07:02 | 9
Security You can hack a PC just by looking at it, say 3M and HP Thankfully these plastic shields stop data penetrating the retina-consciousness interface 15 Oct 07:26 | 80
Sysadmin blog Let's check out Dell, doom and the competition Now would be a good time not to be in Dell's crosshairs 15 Oct 08:26 | 12
Antique Code Show After Burner: Sega’s jet-fighting, puke-inducing arcade marvel Top Gun-inspired 1980s crowd pleaser 15 Oct 09:01 | 82
Networks Vodafone exceeds own upper broadband speed limit to hit 80Mbps Reg reader amazed at breathtaking velocity 15 Oct 09:24 | 22
Legal No change in US law, no data transfer deals – German state DPA Look for non-US alternatives, say Schleswig-Holstein officials 15 Oct 09:35 | 59
Bootnotes Italian court rules in favour of lunchtime porn viewing Fiat employee wrongly sacked for DVD ogle 15 Oct 10:07 | 21
+Comment Dell-EMC merger could leave Lenovo out in the cold – analysts Reselling deal for the bin? 15 Oct 10:32 | 5
Channel 'Traditional' forms of thuggery decline in UK, cybercrime on the rise Or survey-takers misunderstood the question... 15 Oct 10:58 | 33
Security Pawn Storm attack: Flash zero-day exploit hits diplomatic inboxes Government staff swallow news hook linked to poisoned bait 15 Oct 11:18 | 4
Software Fixing Windows 10: New build tweaks Edge, sucks in Skype And you can activate it using Windows 7 keys 15 Oct 11:43 | 49
EMC/Dell deal EMC-Dell dynamic duo: Mike's my ‘brother from another mother’ – Tucci Execs prep teams for union 15 Oct 12:06 | 7
Channel EU’s digi VP: More telco consolidation! What about competition? Telcos: Or ... you relax the merger rules 15 Oct 13:12 | 1
Updated UK drivers left idling as Tesla rolls out Autopilot in US At last - Americans finally get to parallel park 15 Oct 13:35 | 58
Software Microsoft previews cloudy Active Directory Domain Services Full Windows Active Directory service now available in Azure 15 Oct 13:59 | 15
Channel How much? Imation buys Connected Data for $7.5m. No, really Replaces CEO, buys company and gets DroboMan in cheap day's work 15 Oct 14:25 |
Channel Seagate sales droop: It was a nearline miss, says CEO Not about PCs this time 15 Oct 15:02 | 5
On-Prem Intel inks $8bn debt deal, preps for Altera buy Chipzilla bets farm on data centre growth after 6% profit fall 15 Oct 15:38 | 4
Security Uber quickly fixes snafu that leaked US-based drivers' personal data OK, it was sorted within 30 minutes, but even so … 15 Oct 15:59 | 2
Security Cybercrime bazaars: What's for sale in the online underworld? Prices, practices, fullzinfo exposed 15 Oct 16:32 | 12
Analysis Where will storage go over the next 15 years? We rub our crystal ball Follow the money – or, at least, our projections 15 Oct 17:05 | 27
Canalys Channels Forum We snubbed Microsoft's Surface Pro wooing, says Lenovo exec 'They asked us a year ago but why would we sell a competitor's device' 15 Oct 17:22 | 11
Channel Wick Hill: we are in talks with 'acquisition targets' Negotiations start amid launch of security vendor incubation unit 15 Oct 17:29 |
Cyber Defence Summit Inside Mandiant's biggest forensics breach battle: Is this Anthem? Tit-for-tat whack-a-hack in one of this year's largest breaches 15 Oct 17:38 | 12
Legal Europe's digital grand fromage Oettinger: I'm not resigning Those rumours that the commissioner is to step down are not true 15 Oct 18:16 | 1
CEO Q&A Connected Data gobbled for $7.5m? More like an $80m funding round Up to $5m in earnouts (possibly) plus Imation stock prospect 15 Oct 18:28 |
Security UK's Lloyds Banking Group scrambles to patch account-snooping security hole Flaw could have let crooks view your details online 15 Oct 18:51 | 21
Security Malware, restoring data: What keeps data center techies up all night Runaway software nasties are nightmare fuel for IT security pros, says survey 15 Oct 20:07 |
Updated Microsoft now awfully pushy with Windows 10 on Win 7, 8 PCs – Reg readers hit back Pitchfork time after Redmond force-feeds upgrade 15 Oct 21:11 | 381
Science Microsoft mavens promise proper quantum computer in 10 years Hybrid approach could cut corners 15 Oct 21:47 | 17
Legal New NBN build plan full of linguistic holes that will explain away delays New list estimates where connection work is expected to commence by Sept 2018. Or H2 2018. For 9m connections 15 Oct 23:05 | 10