OpenWorld Oracle hardwires encryption and SQL hastening algorithms into Sparc M7 silicon Claims world-record breaking performance 29 Oct 00:44 | 10
On-Prem Insurance companies must start buying security companies Insurers have no idea how to protect the digital realm. So they need to buy those who do 29 Oct 01:29 | 27
Legal Northrop wins $55bn contract for next-gen bomber – as America says bye-bye to B-52 New craft will be stealthy, smart and stupidly expensive 29 Oct 02:02 | 96
Security Pop-up Kiwi CERT a shepherd for helpless hacked SMB flock Natsec, schools covered, but what about the middle, boffins bleat. 29 Oct 02:14 | 12
Networks Alphabet spells 'Loon' for Indonesia Broadband balloons secure local operators for 2016 test 29 Oct 02:31 | 3
Virtualization VMware ponders VDI teleporting with swipe-between-devices patent Is this Virtzilla's riposte to Microsoft Continuum? 29 Oct 02:58 | 1
Security Adrian Mole, Wimpy Kid are your new security mentors Share your secret diary to improve security, says Splunk 29 Oct 03:57 | 4
Legal LG uses sucky logic to force Dyson admission its vacuums suck badly 'Most powerful cordless vacuums' claim Hoovered up by Australian court 29 Oct 04:32 | 25
Science Time Lords set for three-week battle over leap seconds ITU radio gabfest to consider the very future of time itself 29 Oct 04:57 | 64
Security Iranian VXers unleash RATs to bite popular Android devices AndroRAT, DroidJack top pwning preferences. 29 Oct 05:29 | 3
Personal Tech Raspberry Pi grows the pie with new deal allowing custom recipes Element14 scores gig to reshape and reconfigure rPi for bulk use in whatever you fancy 29 Oct 06:01 | 35
Security Burned: British Gas customer info hits Pastebiin Insecurity, it's a gas-gas-gas 29 Oct 06:32 | 23
Channel Empires of the mind: Oracle digs deep on cloud Back-pedalling fast, but where's the difference? 29 Oct 07:09 | 8
Science Rosetta probe delivers jaw-to-the-floor find: Molecular oxygen Solar system suddenly looks kinder, gentler, because oxygen doesn't last long alone 29 Oct 07:29 | 33
Software Microsoft's 'Arrow' Android launcher flies into Play store Redmond wants to own your Android home screen 29 Oct 08:01 | 39
Security Shocker: Adobe patches critical Shockwave remote hijack hole Why not just add 'Patch Adobe' to your to-do list. Every day for the forseeable future 29 Oct 08:29 | 18
Storage Seagate unveils enlarged spy drive with support for 64 spycams 8TB surveillance spinner 29 Oct 09:01 | 9
On-Prem That great sucking sound? It's data going into the public cloud The great slurp is inevitable, just you watch 29 Oct 09:30 | 12
Channel Government Gateway online hack claims 'nonsense', say multiple folk in the know There's no such thing as the 'crown jewels' of identity theft 29 Oct 10:03 | 16
Channel WD revenues hurt by slack PC demand SSD growth stalls but solid company set fair 29 Oct 10:24 | 3
Channel Insight: Who will rid me of this troublesome currency trend? Double digit group sales bounce beckoned ... then forex hit 29 Oct 10:37 |
Science NASA's Cassini probe skims icy moon Enceladus Pictures of intimate fly-by expected imminently 29 Oct 10:58 | 8
Parliament & Internet Conf '15 Cyber cop: Snoopers' Charter tag is offensive. Maybe we need a 'yes to snooping' tickbox? Aww, diddums 29 Oct 11:19 | 42
Servers How to get the fun stuff back in your data centre Face it, cloud is not fun or cool 29 Oct 11:28 | 15
OSes VMware vs German kernel dev: Filings flung in Linux-lifting lawsuit SFC GPL enforcement hearing scheduled for 2016 29 Oct 11:44 | 11
Canalys Channels Forum Apple and Cisco begin to map their corporate desires, apps and all Greater love has no global technology purveyor than this 29 Oct 11:58 | 3
Channel BT posts flat results following EE merger green light Patterson pleased with contribution of broadband and mobile 29 Oct 12:10 | 5
Security Cops use terror powers to lift BBC man's laptop after ISIS interview If you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to fear. Right? 29 Oct 12:21 | 331
Science Yamaha unleashes motorcycling robot Valentino Rossi had better watch his back 29 Oct 12:31 | 67
Software RoboVM: Open source? Sorry, it's not working for us 'Almost no meaningful contributions' as code goes proprietary 29 Oct 12:44 | 11
Security Channel Islands firm touts all-in-one secure comms app ‘Nothing can pry into Pryvate,’ claim developers 29 Oct 12:58 | 21
Security GCHQ starts hunt for tech-savvy apprentices Would-be Qs and backroom padawans wanted 29 Oct 13:24 | 40
IPB UK ministers, not judges, to sign off on Brit spies' surveillance Independent review's recommendations to be ignored 29 Oct 14:01 | 79
Personal Tech Smartphone boutique OnePlus reveals another model you can’t get Ceramic version has traces of Unobtanium, probably 29 Oct 14:27 | 30
Personal Tech Hands On with Windows 10 Mobile build 10572 A tad buggy but plenty to like. Shame about the lack of market 29 Oct 14:58 | 24
Legal 'Profoundly stupid' Dubliner's hoax call lost Intel 6,000 hours of production Claimed to be from Islamic state, sounded like Mrs Brown 29 Oct 15:35 | 60
Security Avira turns tables to launch lawsuit against ‘crapware’ slinger hit with lawsuit over bundled apps 29 Oct 15:58 | 6
Parliament & Internet Conf '15 BT Openreach boss says UK telcos need 'predictable regulation' Translation: Leave us alone, Ofcom! 29 Oct 16:36 | 10
Legal NSA can keep illegally spying on Americans into November Federal court rejects lawsuit asking for immediate end 29 Oct 17:27 | 10
Legal European Parliament votes to grant Snowden protection from US Put down the suitcase, Ed – you're not going anywhere 29 Oct 17:46 | 86
Security Patch this braXen bug: Hypervisor hole lets guest VMs hijack hosts Seven-year-old privilege escalation vulnerability caused by C code entanglement 29 Oct 19:09 | 48
Exclusive Former HP vet Matthews is back! Slips into channel boss jacket at Fujitsu Japanese biz merges direct sales rep and partner team into one role 29 Oct 19:15 |
Personal Tech Your 30-second guide to why Samsung is acting all Smugsun today Investors grinning too as South Korean's mobes show signs of life 29 Oct 19:43 | 9
On-Prem Verisign, .xyz and the ABCs of a cutthroat domain-name industry US judge stops dot-com supremo landing knockout blow on upstart registry 29 Oct 20:33 | 17
Legal Australian telcos coughed to cops 600,000 times in one year 20,000 more disclosures than last year, and this is before metadata retention kicks in 29 Oct 21:24 | 7
Security Fuming Google tears Symantec a new one over rogue SSL certs We've got just the thing for you, Symantec ... 29 Oct 21:32 | 36
Personal Tech What upgrade cycle? Tablet sales crater for fourth straight quarter Fondleslabs floundering as folks lose interest 29 Oct 21:58 | 37
Legal US govt drafts Google, Walmart, Amazon, BestBuy execs for drone registration system Task force to draw up database for owners of flying gizmos 29 Oct 22:50 | 4
Channel Extra week of sales in Avnet's Q1? That's good, says CEO Forex hits, but enterprise stuff offsets crappy computing components demand 29 Oct 23:01 |
Channel Insight UK veep de Sousa set to split – sources Nein, nein, nein says EMEA president Ebermann, 'no announcement at this stage' 29 Oct 23:07 | 1
Software Big mistake, Google. Big mistake: Chrome OS to be 'folded into Android' Ad giant about to perform mashup we all knew was coming 29 Oct 23:35 | 79