Networks Canadian live route map highlights vulnerabilities to NSA spying efforts You knew routing was odd, but did you know how odd? 17 Dec 00:28 | 26
Channel Oracle, looks like your revenues were down. 'Cloud! Cloud! Look at the cloud!' Hurd n' Catz blame dollar, talk up cloud numbers… again 17 Dec 00:53 | 12
Software Philips backs down over firmware that adds DRM to light Let a thousand third-party bulbs glow 17 Dec 01:13 | 41
Storage Carbonite acquires Seagate's EVault backup cloud for US$14m On this of all days, the Universe just gave the storage industry a Star Wars angle 17 Dec 01:58 | 1
EXCLUSIVE PIC Digital Transformation Office hits deadline for prototype Alpha design adapts to users' circumstances 17 Dec 02:12 | 3
Legal Hollywood given two months to get real about the price of piracy Australian court tires of Dallas Buyers Club's litigation over payment demands 17 Dec 04:02 | 59
OSes Press Backspace 28 times to own unlucky Grub-by Linux boxes Integer underflow fault means you can get into rescue mode and rummage around 17 Dec 04:58 | 59
Networks EE recalls all 'Power Bar' USB batteries due to 'fire safety risk' Stop using danger dongles now, then claim £20 voucher to spend on other EE accessories 17 Dec 05:58 | 44
Software Mobile developer report shows growing back-end challenge, weak Windows support Never mind the app, it's integrating with data that counts 17 Dec 07:03 | 3
SaaS Bungled storage upgrade led to Google cloud brownout Credentials copied to new storage, but software looked for the old storage 17 Dec 07:29 | 12
SaaS Cloud Foundry interop scheme leaves PaaS players certifiable PaaS portability promise is signed, sealed, delivered 17 Dec 08:02 | 1
Personal Tech Google chap bakes Amiga emulator into Chrome Ancient windowing system can be yours in all its pixellated glory 17 Dec 08:27 | 44
POLL Vote now to name HPE's London boozer Time for a pint at the Meaningless Green Rectangle 17 Dec 09:02 | 30
Channel We Kidd you not: Ex-NetApp CTO Jay speaks his brains on storage tech Shared storage, converged systems, flashy all-flash: it's all on the table 17 Dec 09:32 | 5
Star Wars special How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Star Wars Special Editions Sorry, but this is George’s vision, not ours 17 Dec 10:12 | 78
Channel After safe harbour: Navigating data sovereignty Do you know where your data is? 17 Dec 10:30 | 15
Podcast Speaking in Tech: That’s going to look really bad on LinkedIn! Plus: Rumour has it Dell's putting Perot Systems on the market 17 Dec 11:05 | 1
AI + ML How to feed and raise a Wikipedia robo-editor Is contributor doing it for the LULs Y/N? Input = Y 17 Dec 11:32 | 13
Security 'Phantom' menace threatens to down Xbox Live, PSN at Xmas Hackers reveal plans to make children cry 17 Dec 12:04 | 28
Storage How Seagate lost $171m before flogging off EVault Covering itself with glory – or constantly meddling? 17 Dec 12:19 | 1
Science Launch embiggens Galileo satnav fleet Two new satellites blast off, eight now in orbit 17 Dec 12:45 | 29
Networks EE Power Bar recall: Telco will waive £5 fee for laggards Small print said you'd pay if you didn't give it back 17 Dec 13:13 | 17
Security Things we should regulate: Spyware cowboys – EU Data Protection Supervisor It's a privacy issue 17 Dec 13:38 | 5
Software Box announces Salesforce integration, SDK for developers Cloudy storage meets cloudy CRM 17 Dec 14:05 | 1
Legal MPs question value of canning Raytheon from e-borders 'Some 80 per cent of £1.1bn project has been written off' 17 Dec 14:48 | 17
Bootnotes Drunk? Need a slash? Avoid walls in Hackney Hydrophobic coating targets al fresco piss-takers 17 Dec 15:33 | 95
On-Prem 'Powerful blast' at Glasgow City Council data centre prompts IT meltdown 'Business at the council has ground to a halt' 17 Dec 16:03 | 100
Channel Strict new EU data protection rules formally adopted by MEPs Companies face 4 per cent global turnover hit if found in breach 17 Dec 16:55 | 16
Security Microsoft Trusted Root Certificate program getting a lot less trusting Redmond goes 'yoink!' on twenty CAs 17 Dec 20:10 | 16
Analysis Brazil gets a WTF WhatsApp moment Service taken offline because of one case; country erupts 17 Dec 21:05 | 53
Networks 13,000 Comcast customers complain to FCC over data caps Imposed without agreement; measured suspiciously 17 Dec 21:33 | 31
On-Prem Pandora pleased with 15% rate hike for streaming music Artists less happy with 17 cents for 100 plays 17 Dec 22:23 | 13
On-Prem LifeLock didn't live up to their hype, and now they're $100m lighter FTC exacts its pound of flesh from ID theft preventer 17 Dec 22:33 | 9
Security 'Unauthorized code' that decrypts VPNs found in Juniper's ScreenOS And it may have been there since 2008, making this a late contender for FAIL of the year 17 Dec 22:41 | 35