Reg Events Jez Humble to deliver keynote at Continuous Lifecycle London You’ve read the book, now meet the guy who wrote it 28 Dec 06:19 | 6
Roundup Bah humbug. It's Andrew's Phones of the Year 'Tis not the season to be Jolla 28 Dec 11:10 | 97
2015 Year Review 2015 wasn't about AWS. It was about everybody getting ready to try to beat AWS Will the end of cheap money cast a cloud over 2016? 28 Dec 14:02 | 17
Security Patch now! Flash-exploitin' PC-hijackin' attack spotted in the wild by Huawei bods Adobe squeezes out one last batch of security fixes for 2015 28 Dec 18:58 | 39
Legal China wants encryption cracked on demand because ... er, terrorism FBI dreams wistfully of Middle Kingdom's new antiterror law 28 Dec 21:04 | 66
Updated Password-less database 'open-sources' 191m US voter records on the web Getting public records a chore? Not any more, claims bloke 28 Dec 21:45 | 65