Storage Brocade undone: Broadcom's acquisition completes Regulators happy. Now investors get to see if buying Fibre Channel was a good idea 20 Nov 00:59 | 4
OSes Some 'security people are f*cking morons' says Linus Torvalds Linux Lord fires up over proposal to secure Linux by shutting down wonky processes 20 Nov 02:04 | 201
Security User experience test tools: A privacy accident waiting to happen Researchers watch publishers watching you, ignore privacy settings, run over mere HTTP 20 Nov 03:58 | 44
Security F5 DROWNing, not waving, in crypto fail Bleichenbacher, the name that always chills cryptographers' blood 20 Nov 06:02 | 8
Security DNS resolver will check requests against IBM threat database Group Co-founded by City of London Police promises 'no snooping on your requests' 20 Nov 06:58 | 125
On-Prem Weekend dealbook: Cavium to Marvell, Toshiba denies ASUS Chipmakers could merge to take on BroadQual, Toshiba says its PCs aren't for sale 20 Nov 07:29 | 3
Security It's 2017, and command injection is still the top threat to web apps Open Web Application Security Project updated 'top-ten risks' lands on Monday, but we found a late, late draft 20 Nov 08:02 | 7
Science Chainmail tires re-invent the wheel to get future NASA rovers rolling 'Shape memory alloys' mean tires can roll over sharp objects without permanently deforming 20 Nov 08:34 | 57
Legal MPs draft bill to close loopholes used by 'sharing economy' employers Shafting economy, more like... 20 Nov 09:07 | 80
Personal Tech iPhone X: Bargain! You've just bagged yourself a cheap AR device If you take the Apple shaped pill, you'll see things different(ly) 20 Nov 09:39 | 106
Security Container ship loading plans are 'easily hackable' Look! A pic that's not a metaphor 20 Nov 10:12 | 38
+Comment Nouvelle niche: Datos IO adds distributed app fragment recovery Who are the RecoverX rivals again? Nice gig 20 Nov 11:05 |
Legal ICO probes universities accused of using private data to target donation campaigns Students allegedly screened for wealth, tendency to give money 20 Nov 11:32 | 36
Science How is 55 Cancri e like a Sisters of Mercy gig? Astroboffins: It has atmosphere *No, mate. Just no* New model throws spanner in exoplanet debate 20 Nov 12:02 | 34
Bootnotes The Independent 'live streamed' space vid recorded in 2015 'We naturally regret the human error that led to the mistake' 20 Nov 12:38 | 28
Storage Whew... Toshiba rustles up $5.4bn to avoid delisting Weakens WD position on blocking flash biz sale 20 Nov 13:09 | 3
Legal told to tread carefully with transfer of data sets to NHS Digital It’s almost as if it doesn’t have a great track record on patient info and IT projects... 20 Nov 13:45 | 23
Review OnePlus 5T is like the little sister you always feared was the favourite This time, the flagship challenger gets it right 20 Nov 14:00 | 44
+Comment Who has 2,000 tickets to the gun show? Cisco's HCIA platform HyperFlex In 18 months, Switchzilla has established itself in hyperconverged market 20 Nov 14:42 | 20
Science Another UAV licence price hike? Commercial drone fliers rage over consultation Why bother paying, ask some law-abiding operators 20 Nov 15:05 | 51
Bootnotes Nathan Barley blamed for global GDP slump Clueless freelancers and the productivity puzzle 20 Nov 15:38 | 40
Legal 'could easily' flog 6m driver records to private firms this year DVLA could bring in £15m from fine-wielding corporates 20 Nov 16:05 | 45
On-Prem Liberty and MXC jump into bed, light up joint venture Want to consolidate fragmented market 20 Nov 16:27 | 4
Legal to chuck an extra £2.3bn at R&D ahead of Budget No. 10 promises billions (in a few years), doesn't address Horizon 2020 20 Nov 16:55 | 8
Security Germany slaps ban on kids' smartwatches for being 'secret spyware' Hands up, whose parents are listening in on this class? 20 Nov 17:35 | 32
Security It was El Reg wot won it: Bing banishes bogus Brit bank banner ad Link to fake TSB site canned after we help raise alarm 20 Nov 20:06 | 60
Special report Open-source defenders turn on each other in 'bizarre' trademark fight sparked by GPL fall out Tempest in a teapot scalds FOSS world 20 Nov 21:23 | 48
Legal Uber slapped with $9m fine for letting dodgy drivers pick up punters Super Cali goes – oh no, wait, this is Colorado 20 Nov 22:43 | 22
Security Cops jam a warrant into Apple to make it cough up Texas mass killer's iPhone, iCloud files Here we go again… 20 Nov 23:30 | 69
Security Intel finds critical holes in secret Management Engine hidden in tons of desktop, server chipsets Bugs can be exploited to extract info, potentially insert rootkits 20 Nov 23:53 | 97