Unwanted e-card conceals a Storm Don't download it - as if you needed to be told... Channel29 Jun 2007 | 20
BlackBerry gets free international calls EQO service uses local minutes and data instead Networks29 Jun 2007 | 3
UK oldies go crazy for e-shopping Fave pastime is frittering away the kids' inheritance Channel29 Jun 2007 | 3
Quantum touts high end de-duplication box Virtual tape, remote replication and de-dupe, all in one Channel27 Jun 2007 |
Novell kicks off Hackweek Sends its SUSE Linux developers on a seven-day busman's holiday Software26 Jun 2007 |
Open source 'leaving Asia behind' Novell veep warns of collaborative culture clash Software26 Jun 2007 | 18
IBM launches MySpace for mainframes Discuss your addiction to Big Iron here... Channel22 Jun 2007 | 3
Web users get a finger language class Say more with your fingers than just 'Up yours!' On-Prem22 Jun 2007 | 5
Quova tracks mobile net users They know where we are - and it's for our own good... Channel11 Jun 2007 |
Bluetooth headsets to get dual mics Aussie developers use secondary mics for noise suppression Personal Tech10 Jun 2007 | 7
Low-energy server hosting goes underground Smartbunker digs deep for zero-carbon data centre Channel07 Jun 2007 | 7
Brazilians go nuts for grid computing HP gives Latin lessons in building P2P grid software OSes07 Jun 2007 |
Siemens shows 1Gbit/s over plastic fibre Alternative to glass and copper appears in a POF of light Channel05 Jun 2007 | 6
Cloudmark takes anti-spam to the edge Content filtering at the network edge to keep spam off the core Channel01 Jun 2007 | 11
Desperately seeking WLAN apps for London Wireless Event Westminster offers prizes to get citizens using city Wi-Fi Channel24 May 2007 | 3
Four-radio AP touts high-density Wi-Fi Wireless Event Extricom's channel blanket wins friends Networks24 May 2007 |
Half of Wi-Fi hotspot money is wasted Wireless Event Rip-off Britain goes wireless Networks23 May 2007 | 10
Zeus virtually ports traffic manager to Windows Wrapped app conceals its Penguin nature via Virtual Server Channel21 May 2007 | 1
Euro consumers don't trust IP for TV Scepticism is closing the window of opportunity Networks18 May 2007 | 6
Lancom targets UK with high-end Wi-Fi ELSA heir wears its Made in Germany tag proudly Channel16 May 2007 |
Force10 barks at Cisco's Cat 4500 New midrange chassis offers Cat 6500 performance at Cat 4500 price Channel15 May 2007 | 1
PePWave links LANs to city Wi-Fi Extending the reach of public wireless mesh nets Channel15 May 2007 | 1
Tiscali touts 'voice-ready' business broadband Targeting SMEs who're ready to move on from ISDN Networks14 May 2007 | 1
IBM offers annual support for free DB2 Contracts buy you clustering and replication too Software07 May 2007 |
Mirapoint adds directory to email gateway Local anti-spam checks mean less network load Channel07 May 2007 | 2
Marshal aims to secure laptop content Will extend its messaging security to control PC files too Channel30 Apr 2007 |
Cryoserver back from the dead Sealed box merges regulatory compliance and email archiving Channel25 Apr 2007 | 1
Lumeta mines routers for network discovery You can't secure what you don't know about Channel25 Apr 2007 |
UK spooks offered 10Gig wire-speed processor Bivio runs deep packet inspection apps in the network Channel25 Apr 2007 | 2
Airwave strike threats as Macquarie takes over Aussie subtlety could leave coppers radio-less On-Prem20 Apr 2007 | 1
Oracle shuts Windows on data integrity drive Multivendor data checking spec will be Linux-only Channel20 Apr 2007 | 4
Aperture brings back capacity planning Hard numbers to help IT plan for the future Channel16 Apr 2007 | 1
Unified storage combo binds NAS, SAN and DR Nexsan and Reldata ally for low cost network storage Channel13 Apr 2007 | 2
WD touts quieter, smoother drives for video Bidding for the DVR and set-top box business Channel13 Apr 2007 |
Loutish users scupper collaborative technology Socially inept choose the wrong comms tools - report On-Prem13 Apr 2007 | 1
HP ProCurve recruits allies for war on Cisco RebelProCurve Alliance promises interoperability testing and joint promos Channel03 Apr 2007 |
Solar-powered cell phones are on the horizon TI step-up chip can drive electronics on as little as 0.3v Personal Tech30 Mar 2007 |
DVD copier scales to thousands What every demagogue, pirate, and aspiring popster needs Channel30 Mar 2007 |
Enterasys aims for the core But what comes after gold, platinum and diamond - adamantium? Channel29 Mar 2007 |