Look ma, no hands! The machines are speaking our language Voice recognition grows up Personal Tech10 Oct 2014 | 19
Start packing your bags for a Windows Server 2003 migration Or say goodbye to support Software04 Jul 2014 | 22
Soft, hard, lightly hosted? Make the right call when you choose a PBX system Cloudy phone systems get down to business SaaS28 Mar 2014 | 2
Torched £30 server switch costs phone firm millions in lost sales Where is configuration management when you need it? On-Prem03 Sep 2013 | 29
UK.gov to be fully BIM-enabled 'by 2016' Buildings information modelling cuts risk Devops02 Jul 2013 | 2
The changing skills sets for the private cloud Cloud challenge forces IT to learn new tricks SaaS12 Jun 2012 | 1
Data on the couch: how analysing customers gives companies the edge Digging for victory On-Prem22 Sep 2011 | 2