Survey: Just 1 in 3 Euro biz slackers meets card security standards Yet PCI-DSS has 'largely been a failure', wails securo-bod Security11 Feb 2014 | 13
Kaspersky rips The Mask from sneaky Spanish spy campaign 'Ooh, somebody stop me!' Security11 Feb 2014 | 32
Barclays Bank probes 'client data sold to rogue City traders' breach 'Initial investigations' suggest 'data from 2008 or earlier' Security10 Feb 2014 | 35
Mass domain hijack leaves Reg reader angry with 123-Reg Updated 'I had to sort everything by myself' alleges irate chap Security07 Feb 2014 | 18
EE rolls out Brightbox fix... but it WON'T stop packet sniffers, DNS meddlers – infosec bod '2 out of 3' major holes in router plugged: researcher Security07 Feb 2014 | 3
Syrian Electronic Army: We hijacked FACEBOOK ... honest, guv It's not like they actually GOT anywhere, but it's a cute boast Security06 Feb 2014 | 9
City bankers survive simulated cyber-war Finance firms reckon Waking Shark II should have featured espionage & malware threats On-Prem06 Feb 2014 | 8
Snowden leak: GCHQ DDoSed Anonymous & LulzSec's chatrooms 'I plead guilty to 2 counts of conspiracy and these b*st*rds were doing the ... same thing?' Security05 Feb 2014 | 96
Russian gay dating app dev: We've been BLOCKED just DAYS before Winter Olympics Threats issued to 'Russian Grindr' users and 72k profiles deleted, says exec Security05 Feb 2014 | 30
Put down that iPad! Snoopware RECORDS your EVERY gesture, TAP on iOS, Android Researcher demos terrifying proof-of-concept malware Channel05 Feb 2014 | 18
Hacktivists dish out DNS hijack to PayPal, eBay Syrian Electronic Army take on tat biz overlords Security03 Feb 2014 | 12
Pr0n-optimised Icepol Trojan's servers seized by Romanian cops Police impound servers and neutralise threat - for now Security03 Feb 2014 | 5
ChewBacca point-of-sale keylogger SLURPS your CREDIT CARD data Latest nasty blamed for theft of 49,000 punters' details Security31 Jan 2014 | 15
The TRUTH about LEAKY, STALKING, SPYING smartphone applications How bad is it? 1 in 3 can hunt you down at HOME - research Security31 Jan 2014 | 44
Multi-platform Java bot marshals ZOMBIE FORCE against spammers Windows, Mac, Linux users - it wants your BRAAINS Security30 Jan 2014 | 16
Security 101 fail: 3G/4G modems expose control panels to hackers Embedded kit depressingly riddled with cross-site request forgery vulns, says researcher Security30 Jan 2014 | 11
Angry anti-NSA hackers pwn Angry Birds site after GCHQ data slurp Developers Rovio blame third-party ad networks for leak Security29 Jan 2014 | 30
Trojan-laden FileZilla clone slurps data, sends it to the UNKNOWN Sneaky dupe looks & works just like the real thing Security29 Jan 2014 | 16
Facebook app now reads your smartphone's text messages? THE TRUTH Blame Android, says social network Security29 Jan 2014 | 76
Sync'n'steal: Hackers brew Android-targeting Windows malware Connect device to infected PC, kiss your bank balance bye-bye Security27 Jan 2014 | 27
1.1 MILLION customers' credit card data was swiped in Neiman Marcus breach It was the old 'malware on point-of-sale terminal' wheeze again Security24 Jan 2014 | 28
Facebook coughs up $33.5k... its BIGGEST bug bounty EVER Brazilian who found remote code vuln scoops five figures Security24 Jan 2014 | 5
Spam drops as legit biz dumps mass email ads: Only the dodgy remain Small problem: it still makes up two-thirds of email traffic Security24 Jan 2014 | 19
Ex-NSA guru builds $4m encrypted email biz - but its nemesis right now is control-C, control-V Analysis Virtru claims it can prevent leaks, but first it's gotta get out of beta Security24 Jan 2014 | 70
Spies spy: CrowdStrike report says cyberspooks are EVERYWHERE And where state spies lead, criminals soon follow Security23 Jan 2014 | 12
When ZOMBIES go shopping: 40m Target customer breach? That's NOTHING! Retail is RIDDLED with malware and bots - survey Security23 Jan 2014 | 25
Korean credit card bosses offer to RESIGN over huge data breach After IT worker nabbed for putting details of nearly HALF of all SK citizens on USB Security22 Jan 2014 | 9
DNS poisoning slams web traffic from millions in China into the wrong hole ISP blames unspecified attack for morning outage Security21 Jan 2014 | 8
Ex-Google, Mozilla bods to outwit EVIL BOTS with 'polymorphic' defence ShapeShifter will see off automated attacks on websites Security21 Jan 2014 | 20
Don't be a DDoS dummy: Patch your NTP servers, plead infosec bods Popular attack method could be stopped with a config tweak Security21 Jan 2014 | 15
EE BrightBox routers can be hacked 'by simple copy/paste operation' WPA keys, ISP creds, MD5 hashes - all in plain view Security20 Jan 2014 | 49
Cybercrooks slide fingers into TELLIES+FRIDGES, spam splurge ensues DON'T OPEN THAT - your media centre has become a FRAUDSTER Security17 Jan 2014 | 39
International child abuse webcam ring smashed after routine police check Kids rescued after abuse vids sent to thousands of sick pervs worldwide Security17 Jan 2014 |
KPMG cuts its funding for's Cyber Security Challenge 'We are not a recruitment agency,' snaps back CSC chief Security17 Jan 2014 | 3
Clink! Terrorist jailed for refusing to tell police his encryption password Sudden 'oh wait, I remember now' doesn't save him from extra stripey suntan time Security16 Jan 2014 | 218
Time-rich hacking crew scrawls web graffiti all over poor old .ME MaDLeeTs create 5-minute nuisance for Montenegro domain registrar Security16 Jan 2014 | 7
HACKLASH! Syrian Electronic Army's website hacked by angry rivals Turks pwn SEA, media targets savour the schadenfreude Security15 Jan 2014 | 12
Even 'Your computer has a virus' cold-call gits are migrating off XP Malware telescammers now target slab-fondlers+mobe-strokers Software15 Jan 2014 | 63
Target hackers: Woohoo, we're rich! Um. Guys? Anyone know how to break bank encryption? Armour plating won't hold out forever, claim infosec bods Security14 Jan 2014 | 26
Use strong passwords and install antivirus, mmkay? pushes awareness campaign It's meant to be 'accessible', so don't point and laugh Security14 Jan 2014 | 59
Hackers slurp credit card details from US luxury retailer Neiman Marcus Meanwhile, 2 million 'high value' cards were just dumped on black market - fraud-watcher... Security13 Jan 2014 | 26
Dropbox outage was caused by 'buggy' upgrade: DDoS us? You hardly know us... 1775Sec: Um, we were trolling for, er, Aaron Swartz... Security13 Jan 2014 | 14
Sabu wasn't the only FBI mole in LulzSec, suggest leaked docs Obvious question: who WAS the second snitch? Security10 Jan 2014 | 24
Europe MPs: Time to change our data-sharing policy with US firms Draft doc also condemns NSA and GCHQ dragnet surveillance Legal10 Jan 2014 | 30
Prison Locker: A load of überhyped malware FUD over... internet chatter Forum posts about building a net nasty don't mean it's a live threat, folks Security10 Jan 2014 | 17
Well done for flicking always-on crypto switch, Yahoo! Now here's what you SHOULD have done Webmail provider's HTTPS move too little, too late Security09 Jan 2014 | 18
Prez Bush email hacker Guccifer is BACK: A-list celebs' inboxes 'raided' Cyber-crook logic: Cops are on my tail, so I best confess my crimes to a reporter Security08 Jan 2014 | 5
Infosec experts boycott RSA conflab over alleged 'secret' NSA contract Pioneering security firm were allegedly paid $10m to use flawed algorithm Security08 Jan 2014 | 28
Campaign to kick NSA man from crypto standards group fails Co-chair's ousting would 'limit the body of expertise', argues chairman Security08 Jan 2014 | 32
ATM hacker Barnaby Jack's death blamed on accidental drug overdose Way to go: Beer, champagne, Benedryl, Xanax, heroin, cocaine... Security07 Jan 2014 | 54
Intel ditches McAfee brand: 'THANK GOD' shouts McAfee the man CES2014 'Terrible association with the worst software on the planet' finally comes to an end Security07 Jan 2014 | 48
Steam and Origin gamers knocked offline by SEPARATE DDoS attacks OK, who hates fun? Personal Tech06 Jan 2014 | 13
Post-BT crypto guru Schneier gets new gig at startup Securo-boffin to join incidents response firm Security06 Jan 2014 | 5
Malware! tainted! ads! infect! thousands! of! Yahoo! users! Visit homepage, collect a banking Trojan, do not pass go, do not collect £200 Security06 Jan 2014 | 27
Planning to rob a Windows ATM? Ditch the sledgehammer and bring a USB STICK Infosec bods demonstrate hack again in forlorn hope banks might notice this time Security06 Jan 2014 | 45
FireEye buys outfit that lifted the lid on Chinese cyber-espionage Billion-dollar deal for Mandiant sees threat response added to FireEye's product stable Security03 Jan 2014 | 1
Slovenian jailed for creating code behind 12 MILLION strong 'Mariposa' botnet army Butterfly flapped its wings and caused internet hurricane Security03 Jan 2014 | 13
CryptoLocker creeps lure victims with fake Adobe, Microsoft activation codes Can also worm its way in through removable drives, spam attacks Security02 Jan 2014 | 45
Snapchat: In 'theory' you could hack... Oh CRAP is that 4.6 MILLION users' details? Hey Mr Bull, meet my friend Red Rag Security02 Jan 2014 | 36