Official: Linux buffs lay out more on marital aids than Mac users NSFW And HPUX users way more randy than Xbox boys OSes06 Feb 2008 | 16
Sony pops cap on lippy-like music stick But 'drip-proof response' feature absent, alas... Personal Tech27 Nov 2007 | 8
Better plate than never: sign up now for the gold iPhone Diamond-encrusted version coming too Software02 Nov 2007 | 2
Western Digital pitches pink product... for charity Are pocket hard drives, WD's forté? Personal Tech31 Oct 2007 | 3
Women say no to pink tech toys Hardware firms getting it so wrong, survey reveals Personal Tech10 Sep 2007 | 44
Philips parades gem-like gadgets for luxury loving ladies Look, girls, sparklies Personal Tech03 Jul 2007 | 2
Sony Ericsson waxes lyrical over 'nature-inspired' handset It's alive with energy. Apparently Personal Tech08 May 2007 |
Moto gives thumbs-up to 'imperial purple' RAZR Those about to dial, salute you Personal Tech02 May 2007 | 2
Motorola teases Hong Kong girls with gilt-y pleasures Gold KRZR K1, anyone? Personal Tech24 Apr 2007 | 1
Nokia gushes over colourful phone threesome An 'artful balance between technology and nature'. Apparently Personal Tech29 Mar 2007 |
Russians ready Tsar-studded Nokia 8800 I'm Lenin on a lampost at the corner of the street... Personal Tech09 Mar 2007 |
Motorola revamps StarTAC for Koreans... again A second time out for 'the timeless accessory' Personal Tech28 Feb 2007 |
Samsung shows 'world's slimmest' handset Hardware Widow @ 3GSM Ultra Edition Part Deux Personal Tech12 Feb 2007 |
Asus debuts lacquer'n'leather luxury laptop LED-backlit display and Blu-ray Disc drive too Personal Tech09 Feb 2007 |
Apple a-quiver over iPod vibrator copyright clash Buzz off, says sex toy supplier Personal Tech12 Dec 2006 |
Mio styles sat nav as girl-friendly 'fashion accessory' Takes 'GPS out of car, into handbag, apparently Personal Tech06 Nov 2006 |
Garter maker touts 'sexy' thigh-mount phone holder Willing suspender of disbelief? Personal Tech06 Nov 2006 |
Vertu talks up mobile telephone for toffs If you have to ask how much it is, you're too common to own one Personal Tech19 Oct 2006 |
Apple admits iPod Nano colours may 'change over time' Coughing up before the complaints? Personal Tech05 Oct 2006 |
BenQ pursues painted ladies with butterfly-branded handset Symbol of evolving feminity Personal Tech23 Aug 2006 |
Brief wait for iPod underpants, warns supplier NSFW It's a smalls world, isn't it? Personal Tech16 Aug 2006 |