Can we photocopy your content?
Yes, for internal corporate use only. It's free of charge.
You want to reprint/photocopy for external distribution i.e. for sales collateral? There's a price. And you need our permission.
Can we reprint, republish your content FOC?
For stuff that we own, the answer is yes if it's for personal use or if you are an non-commercial organisation - school/college/public library/not-for-profit user group/charity, and the like. This permission is granted only for one-offs i.e. no more than a couple of articles a month.
If you are a strictly non-commercial organisation you can also republish the occasional Register copyright-owned piece FOC on your website, but no more than two articles a month. You must ask permission first. You must publish the articles in full - no editing, even for brevity and you must include Register copyright acknowledgement and link back to our site with each piece. Here's the HTML:
<p>© <a href="">The Register</a>.</p>
It will look like this on your page:
© The Register.
What about article extracts for text books?
Permission granted (so long as it carries Register acknowledgement). Ask first and do let us know when the book is published. A copy would be nice too.
Can we republish a one-off article on our corporate intranet?
Maybe. Ask first.
What about corporate site licenses?
Can we reprint your articles in our magazine?
For a price, a very modest price, yes.
What about extracts of articles for advertising purposes?
And what about republishing Register content/ buying a newsfeed for my commercial web site?
Contact us here.
Can we syndicate your content to third parties?
Hmm. We are less than whelmed with our experience to date. We'll want paying and we'll want proof that you can pay. Still interested? ®