Yahoo! tries! again! with! 3 billion! email! account! theft! payout! $7,500 compensation up for grabs if you're the right victim Security09 Apr 2019 | 14
Biz! Formerly! Known! As! Yahoo! Settles! Data! Breach! Cases! To! The! Tune! Of! $47m! Didja think we'd get rid of the exclaims just 'cos you're Altaba now? Security18 Sep 2018 | 21
Yahoo! cleanup! will! cost! Verizon! half! a! billion! bucks! Ha! Ha! Another! chance! to! use! these! exclamations! On-Prem15 Jun 2017 | 11
Yahoo! shareholders! sign! off! sale! to! Verizon!, which! sharpens! axe! Purple Palace as we know it to close on June 13th On-Prem09 Jun 2017 | 7