Nineteen mysterious invaders from another Solar System spotted hanging around the outside edge of ours Plus astroboffins confirm 'masked' asteroid heading Earthwards Science24 Apr 2020 | 19
BEHOLD! Japan's Hayabusa2 probe left human imprints on ASTEROID SAND Sure, the bullet couldn't shift a big boulder, but it may have learned Ryugu's composition and birthday Science26 Mar 2020 | 17
Aww, a cute mini-moon is orbiting Earth right now. But like all good things, it too will abandon us at some point Vid Elon Musk confirms car-sized space rock isn't his Tesla Roadster Science27 Feb 2020 | 79
Good news: Neural network says 11 asteroids thought to be harmless may hit Earth. Bad news: They are not due to arrive for hundreds of years And also, crucial point, the software may be wrong and we'll never be released by these angels of death AI + ML17 Feb 2020 | 81
Raw sunlight is going to cause our asteroid belt to spin itself to death by YORPing – but not for another six billion years The cosmic ballet goes on... Science11 Feb 2020 | 24
Two billion years ago, snowball Earth was defrosted in huge asteroid crash – and it's been downhill ever since Pic Space prang raised temperatures, melted glaciers, influenced climate, next thing we know: we're sharing AI-filtered selfies on Insta Science23 Jan 2020 | 82
It's a billion-ton, 14-million-mile long mysterious alien formation – and Earth is heading right into it Yes, it's the debris tail of asteroid 3200 Phaethon, the source of the annual Geminids meteor shower Science12 Dec 2019 | 42
Asteroid Bennu is flinging particles of dust and rock from its surface – and scientists can't work out why Pic Images beamed back from NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft leave scientists baffled Science06 Dec 2019 | 26
We don't usually sugar-coat the news but... Alien sugars found in Earth-bound meteorites More evidence that building blocks for life on our home world replicable in outer space Science22 Nov 2019 | 51
Move over Ceres! There's a new, smaller dwarf planet in town called Hygiea PIC Spherical shape kicks asteroid into new role Science28 Oct 2019 | 13
Exploding super-prang asteroid to pepper Earth, trigger deadly ice age – no, wait, it happened 466 million years ago Aww, shucks. Cancel the End of the World party Science20 Sep 2019 | 23
Geo-boffins drill into dino-killing asteroid crater, discover extinction involves bad smells, chilly weather, no broadband internet... Sounds like normal life in the Shetland Islands Science10 Sep 2019 | 136
City-obliterating asteroid screamed past Earth the other night – and boffins only clocked it just 26 hours beforehand Video 'We should have seen it earlier' astro-prof tells El Reg after rock whizzed between us and Moon Science26 Jul 2019 | 126
Bad news: Earth is not going to be walloped by asteroid 2006 QV89. Good news: Boffins have lost sight of it, so all hope is not yet lost Pic Wait, did we get that the right way around? Science17 Jul 2019 | 59
Boffins find asteroid with the shortest solar year of any space rock in our Solar System Kilometre-sized chunk of rock that was missed for decades Science09 Jul 2019 | 19
Bad news. Asteroid 1999 KW4 flew by, did not hit Earth killing us all. Good news: Another one, Didymos, is on the way Not due to whiz past, 5.9 million km away, until 2123. NASA still wants to crash a DART into it Science04 Jun 2019 | 93
Water big surprise: H2O found in samples of 'dry' asteroid brought to Earth over millions of miles by plucky probe Parched Itokawa was hiding watery tricks up its sleeve Science03 May 2019 | 25
We regret to inform you the massive asteroid NASA's all excited about probably won't hit Earth Apophis will be inside satellite belt, visible to the naked eye from our home world, sweet release not imminent... Science02 May 2019 | 174
Slip-sliding to May: Another Dragon delay and JAXA makes a bigger splash Round-up Ooooh, and lets not forget Manx Moon Stamps 'cos everyone loves an anniversary Science29 Apr 2019 | 10
You spin me right round, baby, right round like an exploding asteroid, baby, right round round round Pic Dying space rock spurts out twin streams of debris Science29 Mar 2019 | 18
Never thought we'd ever utter these words, but... can anyone recommend a spin doctor for NASA? Boffins baffled by Bennu: We're due to visit asteroid but it's whirling faster and faster Science14 Mar 2019 | 43
Official science: Massive asteroids are so difficult to destroy, Bruce Willis wouldn't stand a chance Videos 'Only a matter of time before these questions go from being academic to defining our response to a major threat' Science05 Mar 2019 | 63
OSIRIS-REx space probe catches a whiff of water on asteroid Bennu But how Earth ended up with all its water is still a mystery Science11 Dec 2018 | 20
It's big, it's blue, and it'll be raining down on you – it's 3200 Phaethon Astroboffins baffled by mysterious repeat visitor Science24 Oct 2018 | 22
JAXA probe's lucky MASCOT plonks down on space rock Ryugu without a hitch 16 hours of rocking and rolling before the power runs out Science03 Oct 2018 | 25
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a giant alien space cigar? Whatever it is, boffins are baffled Pic Or 'Oumuamua could just be a weird tail-less comet Science28 Jun 2018 | 56
NASA eggheads draw up blueprints for spotting, surviving asteroid hits First America frets about aliens at its borders, now actual alien bodies turning up from space Science21 Jun 2018 | 46
Japan's asteroid-hunting robot Hayabusa2 has its prey within its sights Landing, roving, cratering. What could possibly go wrong? Hopefully, nothing Science07 Jun 2018 | 6
NASA spots asteroid on crash course with Earth – with just hours to go Video Not enough time to even call Bruce Willis and Armageddonoutofhere Science04 Jun 2018 | 74
Undocumented alien caught stealing orbits in our Solar System Bee-Zed immigrant asteroid has been here for billions of years – too late to build a wall Science22 May 2018 | 31
That's no moon... er, that's an asteroid. And it'll be your next and final home, spacefarer Let's take a peek at your cosmic Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria Science26 Apr 2018 | 80
Interstellar space rock screams through Solar System Astro-boffins have waited decades to see something with such an odd orbit Science27 Oct 2017 | 50
NASA readies its asteroid warning system for harmless flyby Reminder: amateur astronomers, watch out for 2012 TC4, you might get lucky Science11 Oct 2017 | 30
Signs of ground ice found on ancient protoplanet asteroid Vesta Scientists reignite the idea of water-bearing asteroids bringing oceans to Earth Science13 Sep 2017 | 25
Asteroid Florence buzzes Earth, brings two moons along for the ride 4.5km rock is the largest object we've seen up close, albeit still 7,000,000km away Science05 Sep 2017 | 49
Cancel the farewell party. Get back to work. That asteroid isn't going to hit Earth in October ESA tells everyone to calm down and carry on Science10 Aug 2017 | 44
Scary news: Asteroid may pass Earth by just 6,880km in October Good news: Chelyabinsk-sized rattler won't wipe us out, will let us test asteroid defences Science31 Jul 2017 | 74
NASA: Bring on the asteroid, so we can chuck a fridge at it Putting Bruce Willis out of work Science03 Jul 2017 | 103
Astroboffins dig into the weird backwards orbit of the Bee-Zed asteroid Tiny body moves similar to Jupiter – but travels in the opposite direction Science29 Jun 2017 | 12
Orbital boffins cut four years off NASA mission to shiniest object in the Solar System 16 Psyche mission takes a great leap forward Science25 May 2017 | 30
NASA fires first shot in plan to bring a chunk of asteroid down to Earth OSIRIS-REx completes initial big burn on the way to asteroid Bennu Science19 Jan 2017 | 9
Asteroid nearly gave Earth a new feature, two days after its discovery First flyby for 2017 Science10 Jan 2017 | 64
NASA plans seven-year trip to Jupiter – can we come with you, please? Vid Mighty Trojan probe will eye up biggest metal ball in Solar System Science05 Jan 2017 | 46
NASA's asteroid orbit calculator spots a hot rock zipping past 'Scout' scope gives us an asteroid-misses-Earth-by-not-much horror story for Halloween Science31 Oct 2016 | 42
Blink and you missed it: Asteroid came within 90,000 km, only one sky-watcher saw it SONEAR sees 25-metre-plus rock when it was, well, so near Science31 Aug 2016 | 44
NASA to begin first asteroid sample mission: Seeks 'pristine' specimen Bennu.... no, not a scientology overlord Science18 Aug 2016 | 25
Asteroid-sampling spacecraft prepped for September launch OSIRIS-REx: NASA's greatest improbable acronym Science24 May 2016 | 14
Mars satellites show remains of massive tsunamis that ravaged Red Planet Two asteroid strikes had huge consequences Science20 May 2016 | 12
Laser-zapping scientists will save the Earth from meteorite destruction Armageddon outta here Science11 May 2016 | 50
Russian boffins want to nuke asteroids 101 things to do with a nuclear stockpile Science12 Apr 2016 | 65
ESA decupboards asteroid-dusting brush-o-matic Sample-gathering gadget heads for zero-grav tests Science06 Apr 2016 | 9
Planet-bonking rock hunt armed with humanity's cruellest weapon: bureaucracy NASA launches Planetary Defense Coordination Office to find near-Earth objects Science11 Jan 2016 | 22
Ouch! Subaru telescope catches astroid prang Your moment in the sun, 493 Griseldis Science13 Nov 2015 | 16
US Congress grants leftpondians the right to own asteroid booty Ok, that's the legals sorted, let's get digging Science11 Nov 2015 | 56
Glowing dust doughnut circles white dwarf Astroboffins grab first image of pulverised asteroid disks Science11 Nov 2015 | 24
Made you jump! Space to give Earth an asteroid Halloween scare NASA warns cosmic rock travelling at ludicrous velocity Science21 Oct 2015 | 52
Forget Ben Affleck – US, Euro boffins to SMASH spaceship into asteroid NASA, ESA get to work after finishing Armageddon DVD Science07 Oct 2015 | 19
Boffins: We know what KILLED the DINOS – and it wasn't just an asteroid The truth at long last? Science02 Oct 2015 | 70
NASA dismisses asteroid apocalypse threat Statement smacks of a cover-up, as Bruce Willis disappears Bootnotes21 Aug 2015 | 49
Boffins: Spooky, spinning SPACE PEANUT butters up Earth with close flyby Vid Odd asteroid won't come this near again for 40 years Science02 Aug 2015 | 12
Planet killer: Ex-army officer's Welsh space-rock mission Geek's Guide to Britain Tunguska, Chelyabinsk... Powys Geek's Guide06 Jul 2015 | 22
Giant FLYING SPACE ROCKS could KILL US ALL, warns Brian May Brian and Brian join Near Earth Object spotter crusade Science30 Jun 2015 | 73