Microsoft wants to quit building Army VR goggles, hand contract to Anduril Will the Pentagon get Luckey with a new IVAS vendor? Public Sector12 Feb 2025 | 10
Microsoft throws in the towel on HoloLens 2 Five years of mixed reality – now just mixed feelings Personal Tech02 Oct 2024 | 41
Pokémon GO was an intelligence tool, claims Belarus military official Augmented reality meets warped reality Personal Tech12 Sep 2024 | 36
Apple Vision Pro rentals take China by storm ahead of official release Factoring in the deposit, you'd be better off running away with it Personal Tech27 Feb 2024 | 6
iFixit tears Apple's Vision Pro to pieces It isn't just the price that makes your eyes look so weird Personal Tech05 Feb 2024 | 57
Microsoft's HoloLens goes galactic in $19.8M augmented reality adventure US Space Force harnesses Azure cloudy computing for orbital training Public Sector10 Jan 2024 | 3
Microsoft nixed Mixed Reality: This Windows VR didn't even make it to the ER Stick WMR next to 3D TVs, Segways, and maybe soon generative AI Personal Tech27 Dec 2023 | 18
Meta Quest 3 is a virtual reality of repair insanity Bravery and a bucket for the screws required to service latest idiot visor Personal Tech16 Oct 2023 | 10
DARPA worried battlefield mixed reality vulnerable to 'cognitive attacks' Hacks, physical tricks could turn headsets into vomit extractors, but tests already show no ops needed for that Public Sector12 Oct 2023 | 6
Pokémon Go was a 'success disaster' and Niantic is still chasing another hit The past seven years have seen improved mapping, AR and AI, and the developer's gotta catch 'em all ahead of Monster Hunter launch Software01 Sep 2023 | 21
With limited space for tourist attractions, Singapore bets on augmented reality Will people really hop on a plane to gaze at their phone? Personal Tech19 Jul 2023 | 15
Metaverses are flopping – hard – says Gartner Clunky, costly, literally sickening data silos just aren't better than the real world Software28 Jun 2023 | 119
Oh, wow. OK. Apple really is making a $3.5K VR ski-mask. Dev tools are now out for it They weren't kidding about this facial, er, spatial computing thing Software22 Jun 2023 | 31
Metaverse? Apple thinks $3,500 AR ski goggles are the betterverse WWDC iGiant's turn to roll the dice on VR next year after Facebook, Microsoft, Google blow billions on the unloved tech Personal Tech05 Jun 2023 | 174
Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 surprisingly still a thing, will get Windows 11 treatment This is, we're told, a good thing Personal Tech17 Apr 2023 | 3
Google stops selling its biz-grade augmented reality specs In case of apathy, break Glass Software16 Mar 2023 | 33
It's 2023, let's check in with the metaverse... Nope, still doesn't exist You might catch a whiff of it in Slack or Teams next year, but otherwise normal human life goes on Personal Tech27 Oct 2022 | 71
After 40 years in tech, I see every innovation contains its dark opposite Column From modems to the Metaverse, Mark Pesce has seen it all Software20 Jul 2022 | 138
Teslasuit demo: Taking a crack at force feedback with the 'Glove' A virtual world at your fingertips with the idea that you feel something gripping your hand Personal Tech24 Jun 2022 | 9
Metaverse progress update: Some VR headset prototypes nowhere near shipping But when it does work, bet you'll fall over yourselves to blow ten large on designer clobber for your avy Personal Tech20 Jun 2022 | 24
Reg hack attends holographic WebEx meeting, blows away Zoom fatigue Far from the finished product and not obviously a game-changer, but intriguing nonetheless Personal Tech01 Jun 2022 | 27
LIDAR in iPhones is not about better photos – it's about the future of low-cost augmented reality Column The cost of kit to capture the real world is plummeting, thanks to Apple Personal Tech11 May 2022 | 35
Alibaba launches collaboration suite for smart glasses DingTalk goes into 'extended reality' Personal Tech06 May 2022 | 5
Microsoft discounts HoloLens 2 devices for educators Far from cheap but discounts could put HoloLens in closer reach for schools Personal Tech14 Apr 2022 | 1
Meta trains data2vec neural network to grok speech, images, text so it can 'understand the world' Whatever it takes, Mark AI + ML21 Jan 2022 | 32
Microsoft sends HoloLens 2 into a care home... Nope, not a headline gag about retiring the tech. They actually did this Hands-free kit a 'game changer' for doctors assessing residents during pandemic Bootnotes19 Jan 2022 | 4
Reg scribe spends 80 hours in actual metaverse … and plans to keep visiting It's not a place to spend all day, but a useful alternative when friends are distant, or the real world is dangerous Software08 Nov 2021 | 80
Ordnance Survey to take a poke at Pokémon-style gaming with outdoorsy AR adventure Gamify all the things! Software19 Jul 2021 | 30
What's that, Lt Lassie? Three terrorists have fallen down a well? Strap on these AR goggles and we'll find 'em US military sticks techno-specs on crack canines in command experiment AI + ML10 Oct 2020 | 41
Moonshot: Making spaceships with Microsoft's refreshed HoloLens 2 nerd goggles Ignite Augment me to the Moon, with AR among the stars Science23 Sep 2020 | 5
Not content with distorting actual reality, Facebook now wants to build a digital layer for the world Data-harvesting test pilots to roam the streets wearing AR glasses and little lanyards explaining that you’re being recorded Science17 Sep 2020 | 73
Proof-of-concept open-source app can cut'n'paste from reality straight into Photoshop using a neural network Video Code available if you want to toy with similar camera-grabbing projects AI + ML05 May 2020 | 36
Biz software pusher IFS goes a bit Minority Report with augmented-reality repair suite But it's still playing catch-up with big boys SAP and Oracle Software03 Apr 2020 | 1
Apple's looking at you, kid: Fanbois froth over AR patent docs for gaze tracking headset Lighter, flatter and forveal – ooh yes, forrrveeeeal Personal Tech20 Sep 2019 | 18
Apple sees the (augmented) light, buys holo-glass tech startup Akonia Holographics gets bitten by Apple and moves into paradise Science30 Aug 2018 | 11
Virtual reality meets commercial reality as headset sales plunge But growth is imminent as businesses buy and build VRs, and consumer kit improves Science20 Jun 2018 | 21
Mozilla rejects your reality and substitutes its own … browser for VR and AR goggles Enter another dimension, not only of sight and sound but of mind … Science04 Apr 2018 | 16
Magic Leap ships headsets at last, but you'll need a safe Security theater or something more interesting? Science30 Mar 2018 | 47
Windows Mixed Reality: Windows Mobile deja vu? Unloved by customers, and less and less loved by retailers OSes13 Mar 2018 | 70
Microsoft floats feelers for fake worlds Haptic feedback controllers promise to put people in touch with virtual worlds Science08 Mar 2018 | 7
We won't need to go outside if these haptic tricksters have their way Simulating physical sensations is a growing frontier in VR tech Science26 Jan 2018 | 17
Facebook open-sources object detection work: Watch out, Google CAPTCHA RoTM The bicycle's top left. I'm not an AI... you are. Stop hitting yourself AI + ML23 Jan 2018 | 19
Amount of pixels needed to make VR less crap may set your PC on fire Wow, this is incredib- BLEEUUURGHGHGH Science16 Jan 2018 | 117
Magic Leap blows our mind with its incredible technology... that still doesn't f**king exist Comment Here's what $6bn of vaporware looks like Science20 Dec 2017 | 85
Pokémon GO caused hundreds of deaths, increased crashes Playing augmented reality while driving in the real world cost billions, say boffins Personal Tech27 Nov 2017 | 107
Augmented reality: Like it or not, only Apple's ready for the data-vomit gush It's all about AR... and iPhone has the X factor Science13 Nov 2017 | 38
Harry Potter to get the Pokémon GO treatment Can expelliarmus get your kid to put down their phone? You'll need to know soon Personal Tech10 Nov 2017 | 27
Sure, HoloLens is cute, but Ford was making VR work before it was cool Interview Elizabeth Baron found genuine use for virtual reality in the design process Science18 Sep 2017 | 12
Google ARCore brings augmented reality to relatively small audience At least it doesn't require a bleeding-edge PC and costly goggles Software31 Aug 2017 | 8
So what's in the new Windows Insider build? Bug fixes, an AR goof-around, and a font Skip Aheaders get to play Software24 Aug 2017 | 29
Judge uses 1st Amendment on Pokemon Go park ban. It's super effective! County had hoped to protect land from gamer stampede Personal Tech22 Jul 2017 | 85
Now your boss can tear you a new Glasshole: Google's techno-specs reborn as biz gear Those that can, do. Those that can't, return in enterprise form Science18 Jul 2017 | 33
Varjo promises Oculus-killing VR/AR, but is it the next Magic Leap? Ex-Nokia team promises human-eye resolution mixed reality Science19 Jun 2017 | 10
AR and VR in data visualisation – can it ever be useful to our puny human minds? 'The biggest challenge is to not misrepresent the data' Science15 Jun 2017 | 3
The harsh reality of Apple's augmented reality toolset ARKit: It's an incredible battery hog Have you seen Arkit? Is someone channeling Oasis? Science08 Jun 2017 | 20
When can real-world laws invade augmented reality fantasies? A trial in Milwaukee will decide Analysis AR 'doesn't qualify' for free speech protection Personal Tech07 Jun 2017 | 97
Virtual reality headsets even less popular than wearable devices The market's growing fast, but only the cheap stuff with no strings attached is selling Science02 Jun 2017 | 54
Try not to scream: Ads are coming to Amazon's Alexa – and VR goggles Well, of course they are Science11 May 2017 | 67
Facebook loves virtual reality so much it just axed its VR film studio Not enough eyeballs in goggles to justify in-house production Science05 May 2017 | 15
Zuckerberg's absolutely mental: Brain sensors that read YOUR MIND at 100 words a minute F8 2017 Billionaire dreamer to see your thoughts 'by 2019' Science20 Apr 2017 | 58
Anyone for Virtual Monkey Tennis? Telco tries to sell us on 5G MWC Forget gigabit phones – what do we do with all that lovely bandwidth? Personal Tech02 Mar 2017 | 16
NZ firm tucks into $27m on the back of VR 'hologram' promise Analysis You’ll dance with Beyonce in your living room, vows co-founder Science20 Feb 2017 | 24