Avast secretly gave DoNex ransomware decryptors to victims before crims vanished Updated Good riddance to another pesky tribe of miscreants Malware Month08 Jul 2024 | 12
Avast shells out $17M to shoo away claims it peddled people's personal data A name that's commonly shouted by pirates might be a clue, me hearties! Security23 Feb 2024 | 18
Been hit by BianLian ransomware? Here's your get-out-of-jail-free card Avast issues a free decryptor so victims can get their data back Security18 Jan 2023 | 3
NortonLifeLock and Avast $8.6b deal gets provisional yes from UK regulator Plus: Even market authorities can't seem to keep up with Microsoft's Defender branding Security03 Aug 2022 | 7
Google updates Chrome to squash actively exploited WebRTC Zero Day How sad – this looks like a fine excuse to avoid video conferences for a while Patches05 Jul 2022 | 10
UK regulator puts NortonLifeLock merger with Avast on ice Security vendors now have 5 working days to explain to the Competition and Markets Authority why it's wrong Security16 Mar 2022 | 12
Avast, ye takeover lawyers! NortonLifeLock to acquire security rival $8B deal will create smallbiz and consumer security monster Security11 Aug 2021 | 13
NortonLifeLock sniffs around Avast, announces 'advanced discussions' for acquisition Company now has 28 days to make up its mind Security15 Jul 2021 | 12
Avast pulls plug on insecure JavaScript engine in its security software suite Code interpreter ran with admin-level access, not sand-boxed, potentially open to remote-code execution Security13 Mar 2020 | 6
Avast's AntiTrack promised to protect your privacy. Instead, it opened you to miscreant-in-the-middle snooping HTTPS traffic could be intercepted, manipulated, thanks to sloppy proxy Security10 Mar 2020 | 11
Difficult season: Antivirus-flinger Avast decides to 'wind down' Jumpshot 'Hundreds' of staffers in marketing analytics subsidiary to be hit Security30 Jan 2020 | 20
Mozilla locks nosy Avast, AVG extensions out of Firefox store amid row over web privacy Add-ons accused of slurping every URL netizens visit Security04 Dec 2019 | 76
Avast lobs intruders into the 'Abiss': Miscreants tried to tamper with CCleaner after sneaking into network via VPN Software used by millions not compromised this time, says biz Security21 Oct 2019 | 21
Stalking cheap Chinese GPS child trackers is as easy as 123... 456 – because that's the default password on 600k+ of these gizmos It's 2019 and, like, duh, insecurity comes as standard Edge + IoT05 Sep 2019 | 32
Fresh stalkerware crop pops up on Google's Android Play Store, swiftly yanked offline 130,000 have already downloaded creepware Security18 Jul 2019 | 22
Merry Xmas, fellow code nerds: Avast open-sources decompiler RetDec will turn binaries into something more legible Security15 Dec 2017 | 31
Avast urges devs to secure toolchains after hacked build box led to CCleaner disaster VB2017 Timeline of compromise goes back to April Security06 Oct 2017 | 23
CCleaner targeted top tech companies in attempt to lift IP Infected Avast tool's payload went after the likes of Microsoft, Intel and Cisco, hit 20 targets Security21 Sep 2017 | 49
Downloaded CCleaner lately? Oo, awks... it was stuffed with malware OK, OK, well the 2.27 million victims were not Reg readers Security18 Sep 2017 | 126
Avast blocks the entire internet – again Updated Now that's cast-iron antivirus Security11 May 2017 | 42
Avast woos AVG shareholders with $1.3bn buyout offer Merger is to corner market rather than snaffle rival's tech Channel07 Jul 2016 | 16
F*cking DLL! Avast false positive trashes Windows code libraries Avast there indeed, matey, wail admins as rogue guard dog savages their jugular Channel07 May 2015 | 18
Avast there: MEELLIONS of Androiders scuttled by 'adware' game app 'Software flung naughty adverts at screens' Security03 Feb 2015 | 46
Home Wi-Fi security's just as good as '90s PC security! Wait, what? 'Fess up: half of you lot haven't changed your default creds Security08 Dec 2014 | 51
You stupid BRICK! PCs running Avast AV can't handle Windows fixes Fix issued, fingers pointed, forums in flames Security24 Nov 2014 | 38
That 'wiped' Android phone you bought is stuffed with NAKED SELFIES – possibly Infosec bods sound alarm after copping eyefuls of nudie pics Security09 Jul 2014 | 48
Antivirus firm Avast! takes down forums after breach You know the drill: change your passwords and prepare for the worst Channel27 May 2014 | 13
PayPal privates exposed after breach on SECURITY shop Aghast Avast: It was a reseller, not us Security12 Mar 2013 | 7
Avast! Mobile Security Android App of the Week Prepare to repel boarders Applications07 Feb 2012 | 31
Avast false alarm hits Steam's weekend gamers 'I am sworn to carry your burdens' Security06 Feb 2012 | 18
Avast buys Android thiefbuster developer Reset-proof tech combats smartphone thieves Security23 Sep 2011 | 1
Avast still focused on Windows, despite new Mac security app Czech firm aims to checkmate VXers Channel27 Jun 2011 | 11
New avast freebie security scanner aims to keel-haul MS Updated Free 5.0 tweaked to work faster on multiple cores Security20 Jan 2010 | 27
Dodgy Avast update classifies multiple legit files as malign Initiates needless Chicken Little-style panic Security07 Dec 2009 | 11