Blockchain powered stock market rebuild started in 2017 delayed again COBOL and Itanium to keep the job well into 2023 – past original 2020 go-live date Software28 Mar 2022 | 24
China declares a new era of digitization has begun Xi's vision for once-in-a-lifetime transformation includes singular identity cards, shared data, and huge clouds Software18 Mar 2022 | 20
Cringe: Salesforce latest megacorp to jump on non-fungible tokens bandwagon How to get nothing for something SaaS10 Feb 2022 | 13
Indian PM says digital rupee will facilitate creation of global digital payment scheme This is news to the rest of the world Personal Tech04 Feb 2022 | 22
Avira also mines imaginary internet money on customers' PCs Who should your PC work for: you, or your antivirus vendor? Security10 Jan 2022 | 45
No defence for outdated defenders as consumer AV nears RIP Opinion How sad would you be to see AV go? Us neither Security10 Jan 2022 | 96
Worst of CES Awards: The least private, least secure, least repairable, and least sustainable Want fatuous stuff that treats you with contempt? Look no further Personal Tech07 Jan 2022 | 99
Bitcoin 'inventor' will face forgery claims over his Satoshi Nakamoto proof, rules High Court COPA load of that Legal06 Jan 2022 | 76
Samsung adds non fungible token trading app to its tellies Not as bonkers as it sounds seeing as Sammy suggests they’re already works of art Personal Tech04 Jan 2022 | 30
Crowdfunding platform Kickstarter planning move to blockchain. How will it work? Your guess is as good as ours Don't worry, it'll be carbon neutral ... Offbeat16 Dec 2021 | 26
Web3: The next generation of the web is here… apparently Comment What is it for and how does it work? The Reg investigates Software15 Dec 2021 | 98
Google launches lawsuit against a blockchain-enabled botnet Two Russian men and 15 Does named in Glupteba Enterprise case Legal08 Dec 2021 | 7
The dark equation of harm versus good means blockchain’s had its day Opinion Put crypto back in the crypt Databases06 Dec 2021 | 170
India reveals home-grown server that won't worry the leading edge And a National Blockchain Strategy that calls for gov to host BaaS Systems06 Dec 2021 | 6
Giant Japanese corporations to launch bank-backed digital currency Central bank and government to observe effort run by railways, telcos, industrial titans, and private banks Software25 Nov 2021 | 19
Gartner Gartner on the wall, which is the hypest cycle of them all? Comment Omnipresent analyst house returns to the source Personal Tech24 Aug 2021 | 35
Singapore, Australia successfully trial blockchain-greased customs system Who knew that verifiable and digital documentation might move a little faster than paper? Applications23 Aug 2021 | 4
OK, so you stole $600m-plus from us, how about you be our Chief Security Advisor, Poly Network asks thief Could it be a trap? Security18 Aug 2021 | 26
I was offered $500k as a thank-you bounty for pilfering $600m from Poly Network, says crypto-thief Blockchain exchange biz says it's working to have all the purloined assets returned Security14 Aug 2021 | 31
Thief hands back at least a third of $600m in crypto-coins stolen from Poly Network It was just a prank, bro Security11 Aug 2021 | 23
It's time to decentralize the internet, again: What was distributed is now centralized by Google, Facebook, etc Systems Approach The idea was to remove central points of failure, not introduce them Networks11 Aug 2021 | 69
US proposes tracking digital cash and taxing it to pay for, you know, roads and stuff Uncle Sam wants digital asset brokers to log customer info but didn't clarify who counts as a broker or not Software06 Aug 2021 | 15
Microsoft bins Azure Blockchain without explanation, gives users four months to move Says picking a replacement is your next step. Seriously, that’s Redmond's first piece of advice. Eventually it recommends Quorum PaaS + IaaS13 May 2021 | 24
Blockchain may be the machinery of mischief, but it can't help telling the truth Column It's still totally bananas, though Security29 Mar 2021 | 51
We can't avoid it any longer. Here's a story about the NFT mania... aka someone bought a JPEG for $69m in Ether Updated How can we put this? Imagine beanie babies were screenshots that needed their own power plant Software12 Mar 2021 | 108
India pauses blockchain-powered SMS spam-scrubber after it swallows people's one-time login codes Tardiness by stakeholders, rather than over-optimistic blockheads, blamed Security10 Mar 2021 | 11
Singapore reveals open-source blockchain COVID-test result tracker, eyes uses as vaccine passport app Tech already used to verify university degrees, will soon be compulsory at the border Software01 Mar 2021 | 10
America says banks can now transact using so-called stable crypto-coins. What does that actually mean? Feature We talk to the experts after US Treasury's OCC blesses blockchains, digi-bucks Software06 Jan 2021 | 27
VMware’s launched a blockchain that may be very good. The packaging it's used is more important Gather ‘round, Blockheads, so we can explain this thing called a ‘virtual machine’ and why it matters Science19 Nov 2020 | 6
Cambodia launches blockchain-powered peer-to-peer payments, hopes it crushes cash Kind-of digital currency can shift US Dollars or the Cambodian Riel Science29 Oct 2020 | 17
One of the world's most prominent distributed ledger projects has been pushed back by a year Another 12 months on Itanium and COBOL for the Australian Stock Exchange Science28 Oct 2020 | 24
Got a problem with trust in AI? Just add blockchain, Forrester urges. Then bust out the holographic meetings. Welcome to the future It takes 'grit' to send in a holograph to meetings instead of struggling with mute buttons yourself... AI + ML23 Oct 2020 | 18
India explores blockchain-powered voting but not to enable online elections Verifying wandering voters in the world’s largest and most complex elections is the aim Science12 Aug 2020 | 6
Apple was the only Fortune 50 company to foresee COVID-19 pandemic risk and properly insure against it – Forrester Nugget nestled in report on how outbreak will change the tech biz Security21 Jul 2020 | 27
Singapore-sponsored finance blockchain ready to run international payments, say financial heavies 'Project Ubin' might be faster and cheaper than current tools, even for central banks Science14 Jul 2020 | 4
Big Red tells crypto-coin publication: One does not simply call one's website 'OracleTimes' Updated Outlet says it's been ordered to cease trading under name Science22 Oct 2019 | 38
Big Tech leapt on the blockchain bandwagon but its applications are stuck in cryptocurrency If there's another use for the tech, venture capitalists aren't particularly interested Science15 May 2019 | 11
Blockchain is a lot like teen sex: Everybody talks about it, no one has a clue how to do it Still a solution looking for a problem? Seems that way Science07 May 2019 | 79
Blockchain is bullsh!t, prove me wrong meets 'chain gang fans at tech confab Stop making 'sexy noises' and 'get real', conference told Science15 Feb 2019 | 78
McKinsey’s blockchain warning irks crypto hipsters Reverse ferret by reassuringly expensive consultant Science16 Jan 2019 | 23
HSBC suggests it might have found a... use for blockchain? Says it used tech to settle 3 million forex transactions, $250bn in payments last year Science15 Jan 2019 | 26
Blockchain study finds 0.00% success rate and vendors don't call back when asked for evidence Where is your distributed ledger technology now? Science30 Nov 2018 | 89
Diss drive: Seagate and IBM bring blockchain sledgehammer to compliance nuts Electronic fingerprints put in verifiable ledger Science09 Nov 2018 | 4
It only took Oz govt transformation bods 6 months and $700k to report that blockchain ain't worth the effort Snarking at vendors: Priceless Science24 Oct 2018 | 55
Can 'blockchain' mobe Exodus stem movement of HTC's Jah people? Yeah, probably not, but dev previews are available now Personal Tech23 Oct 2018 | 9
Who ate all the PII? Not the blockchain, thankfully GDPR be praised, new product keeps personally identifiable information off the chain Security19 Sep 2018 | 9
Official: AMD now stands for All the Money, Dudes! Radeon and notebook surge brings best quarter in seven years On-Prem25 Jul 2018 | 34
Oracle cuts ribbon on distributed ledger service Big Red brags bank backing for blockchain biz Science17 Jul 2018 | 8
Dudes. Blockchain. In a phone. It's gonna smash the 'commoditization of humanity' or something Strategy Boutique Crypto lush HTC claims gizmo will be an 'agent of decentralization' Personal Tech11 Jul 2018 | 71
For €10k, Fujitsu will tell you if your blockchain project is a load of bull And it'll only take five days Science11 Jul 2018 | 26
Amid 'idiotic blockchain phase,' EY and Microsoft tout smart contracts Blockchain might actually prove helpful for a change Science22 Jun 2018 | 10
Canadian utility makes blockchain upstarts bid for their ravenous rigs' electricity supply Quebecois poutine the squeeze on cryptocurrency miners Science21 Jun 2018 | 28
Accountants HATE them: Microsoft's Xbox harnesses blockchain to pay games publishers But it used to use Excel and print-outs, just like us normies Science21 Jun 2018 | 12
VMware set to reveal blockchain, better app store, new AWS client VMworld content catalogues are live and we’ve trawled ‘em Virtualization21 Jun 2018 |
Hot new application for blockchain: How does botnet control sound? BSides Tel Aviv It could happen, warns researcher Security20 Jun 2018 | 24
SAP: It’s all about cloud. Oh and blockchain, let's do that too Sapphire Now announcements focus on fluffy stuff, tout innovation potential SaaS08 Jun 2018 | 2
People like convenience more than privacy – so no, blockchain will not 'decentralise the web' Comment It's our fault the Facebooks and Googles run everything Science16 May 2018 | 43
Pinging admins: Here comes your packet of networking news Roundup Blockchain comes to the cable biz, acquisitions, Red Hat Summit and more Networks11 May 2018 | 6
Oz Budget 2018: Cash for 3cm GPS resolution, federated IDs, payments reform and blockchain Plus a new limit of $10,000 on cash payments for anything - and cheaper craft beer! Legal09 May 2018 | 5
Whoa, Gartner drops a truth bomb: Blockchain is overhyped and top IT bods don't want it Didn't you know it's panacea to all corporate woes, bro?! Science03 May 2018 | 56
BOFH: Guys? Guys? We need blockchain... can you install blockchain? Episode 7 It's the technology of the future-ture-ture BOFH27 Apr 2018 | 107