Oh, what a feeling: Toyota building robots that get better with practice Bots that learn to peel potatoes is a lot less scary than Black Mirror Science17 Oct 2024 | 15
Boston Dynamics' humanoid Atlas is dead, long live the ... new commercial Atlas Video If the plan was to make this all-electric droid look mildly terrifying, mission accomplished Science17 Apr 2024 | 23
How do you teach a robot dog new tricks? Throw it a string of hex, a crayon, and a canvas Artist Agnieszka Pilat tells The Register how she gets Spot to paint, not pant Bootnotes31 Dec 2023 | 17
Boston Dynamics teaches robo-dog to recognise speech, respond using ChatGPT Video The result is a very odd mechanical tour guide that thinks it has parents – sure, no problem AI + ML30 Oct 2023 | 24
Singapore to roll out (literally) more Robocops Stop! Or I'll move very slowly towards you and stream video to HQ AI + ML16 Jun 2023 | 12
NYC Mayor: Robo-pup 'out of the pound' and back to police work Video Please don't pair it with ChatGPT, please don't pair it with ChatGPT Bootnotes12 Apr 2023 | 17
What's that, Lassie? Boston Dynamics is suing its robot dog tech rival? The way your computerized canine walks down the stairs looks familiar to us, claims MIT spinoff Legal15 Nov 2022 | 20
If someone weaponizes our robots, we'll be really, really sad, says Boston Dynamics Maybe finally a good use for DRM, eh? Preventing armed modifications Science06 Oct 2022 | 73
US Space Force deploys robot dogs at Cape Canaveral base Patrolling quadrupeds not fitted with 7.62mm tank machine guns – yet Offbeat09 Aug 2022 | 34
Boston Dynamics' latest robot is a warehouse workhorse When does this thing get to unionize? Science02 Apr 2022 | 37
Hot not-Spot-bot spot: The code behind Xiaomi's CyberDog? Ubuntu Your four-legged open-source friend? CIMON says 'Maybe' Software03 Dec 2021 | 13
Boston Dynamics' Spot robot embarks on its latest thrilling adventure: Insurance! US company equips cybernetic pooch to help in building inspections, post-disaster assessments Science23 Sep 2021 | 6
Spot the dog? No, we couldn't either because Spot is a robot employed by United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Plans to send remote devices to work at 70-year-old decommissioned nuclear power station may not be so barking Science10 Sep 2021 | 45
Boston Dynamics spends months training its Atlas robots to perform one minute of parkour almost perfectly Video Sarah Connor is safe for now AI + ML18 Aug 2021 | 55
Robots still suck. It's all they can do to stand up – never mind rise up Feature Simultaneous localisation and mapping is hard so for the foreseeable future ’bots will remain bolted down AI + ML07 Jul 2021 | 55
Hyundai takes 80 per cent stake in terrifying Black Mirror robo-hound firm Boston Dynamics Korean giant sees bots as helping it become ‘Smart Mobility Solutions Provider’ AI + ML22 Jun 2021 | 24
NYPD puts down $94k robot canine contract after outcry Digidog will be returned to its Boston Dynamics owners AI + ML30 Apr 2021 | 50
What happens when back-flipping futuristic robot technology meets capitalism? Yeah, it’s warehouse work Analysis Boston Dynamics: From Terminator to Amazon worker replacement Science30 Mar 2021 | 73
Megabucks in funding, 28 years of research, and Boston Dynamics is to be 'sold to Hyundai' for 1/40th of an Arm So what does that make it, a leg? A toe? Science10 Dec 2020 | 15
Meet the dog that's all byte and no bark: Boston Dynamics touts robo-pooch Spot with $75k-a-pop price tag Video What's that Lassie? You need a 400MB firmware update and a reboot? Science17 Jun 2020 | 19
Singapore releases the robot hounds to enforce social distancing in parks Smithers: If I really must go outside, can you arrange it so I encounter the smallest possible number of virus-laden humans? Science10 May 2020 | 63
Dead or alive, you're camming with me, says RoboPup: Bomb squad hires Boston Dynamics Spot to snoop on suspects, packages Vid Who's a good cyber-boy? Now, please don't kill anyone Science25 Nov 2019 | 17
Robotics mastermind admits: I pushed over my 1-year-old daughter to understand balance 'We're still good pals,' says Boston Dynamics CEO Science08 Nov 2019 | 25
Every dog has its day – and this one belongs to Boston Dynamic's four-legged good boy Spot A K9 to tide you over until hoverboards come out Science25 Sep 2019 | 48
Can't dance? That's no excuse. Let a robot do it for you at this 'forced exoskeleton rave' Where else but San Francisco? Science26 Jul 2019 | 23
Why Boston Dynamics' backflipping borg shouldn't scare you Ruse of the Machines Science17 Nov 2017 | 36
Alphabet offloads bot businesses Boston Dynamics and SCHAFT Who's the cat who won't cop out when there's danger all about? SoftBank. Damn right On-Prem09 Jun 2017 | 8
Google human-like robot brushes off beating by puny human – this is how Skynet starts Vid Boston Dynamics reveals your next machine overlord Science24 Feb 2016 | 110
Been sleeping well lately? No nightmares? Here's a lumbering Google bigfoot bot Don't worry, it can't outrun you… yet Science19 Aug 2015 | 13
NERDS KICK PUPPY 'bot in brutal attack Video Electric dog gamely laughs off vicious assaults Bootnotes10 Feb 2015 | 54
MIT boffins cry havoc and let slip the ROBOT CHEETAHS of Whoa Vid Metal BigMog is quiet(ish) and deadly Science15 Sep 2014 | 26
Robots? What a bunch of workers... Something for the Weekend, Sir? Google Glass is the last thing you should worry about when going postal Bootnotes24 Jan 2014 | 31
Factories are too DULL for Google's robo-dreams: Behold the GATAMAMs Comment 'Look on my works, ye Mighty, and Search On!' SaaS17 Dec 2013 | 20
Is Google prepping an ARMY of WALKING ROBOTS? Boston Dynamics, maker of Cheetah and WildCat bots, joins the Chocolate Factory On-Prem16 Dec 2013 | 42
Terminator-style robot busts leg in martial arts demo mishap I’ll be back... but not until December Science18 Oct 2013 | 39
Robot WildCat slips its leash and bounds around parking lot Video 16 mph pseudo-feline moves in leaps and bounds Science05 Oct 2013 | 61
Boffins' PETMAN robot mimics human gym rats Does pushups, walks, squats, and sweats Science31 Oct 2011 | 6