World's largest CCTV maker leaves at least 9 million cameras open to public viewing Xiongmai's cloud portal opens sneaky backdoor into servers Security09 Oct 2018 | 45
NUUO, do not want! CCTV webcams can be hacked to spy on you Owners told to lock down network access to panned surveillance kit Edge + IoT17 Sep 2018 | 7
IoT search engine ZoomEye 'dumbs down' Dahua DVR hijackings by spewing passwords And noone wants to fix it Edge + IoT16 Jul 2018 | 7
Dr Symantec offers quick and painless checkup for VPNFilter menace on routers Traffic-fiddling malware may have met its match Security02 Jul 2018 | 9
Hot new application for blockchain: How does botnet control sound? BSides Tel Aviv It could happen, warns researcher Security20 Jun 2018 | 24
Not so private eye: Got an Axis network cam? You'll need to patch it, unless you like hackers According to magic people, VDOO people Security18 Jun 2018 | 9
Pwn goal: Hackers used the username root, password root for botnet control database login These are not the criminal geniuses you were expecting Security06 Jun 2018 | 16
NSA code backported, crims cuffed, leaky AWS S3 buckets, and more Roundup But it's not all good news! Security10 Feb 2018 | 19
Fresh botnet recruiting routers with weak credentials With a special HNAP exploit just for D-Link kit Security24 Jan 2018 | 2
New Mirai botnet species 'Okiru' hunts for ARC-based kit Researchers: Code designed to hit Linux devices Security16 Jan 2018 | 11
OK, OK, MIRA-I DID IT: Botnet-building compsci kid comes clean Jha rule-breaker and pals confess IoT gadget hack crimes, now facing the slammer Security13 Dec 2017 | 11
International team takes down virus-spewing Andromeda botnet Infections spread across over 200 regions Security05 Dec 2017 | 14
Mirai, Mirai, pwn them all, who's the greatest botnet on the whole? Variants on zombie horde that took down Dyn still at large Security07 Nov 2017 |
Reaper IoT botnet ain't so scary, contains fewer than 20,000 drones But numbers aren't everything, are they, Dyn? Security27 Oct 2017 | 5
New phishing campaign uses 30-year-old Microsoft mess as bait Necurs botnet spreads ransomware carried in Office documents Security23 Oct 2017 | 73
Do fear the Reaper: Huge army of webcams, routers raised from 'one million' hacked orgs Check your cameras, broadband gateways, NAS boxes for latest botnet malware Edge + IoT20 Oct 2017 | 48
IoT botnet Linux.ProxyM turns its grubby claws to spam rather than DDoS I don't know which is worse Security22 Sep 2017 | 14
Top tip, hacker newbs: Don't use the same Skype ID for IoT bot herding and job ads Updated Opsec, not just for Christmas Security07 Sep 2017 | 17
Tech firms take down WireX Android botnet The Play Store is looking buggier than ever Security28 Aug 2017 | 12
Russian admits being Ebury botnet herder, now jailed for 46 months Malware used to take down Linux Foundation and make millions Security03 Aug 2017 | 9
Don't all rush out at once, but there are a million devices ripe to be the next big botnet As bad as Mirai was, it could have been much worse Security15 Jun 2017 | 14
'Jaff' argh snakes: 5m emails/hour ransomware floods inboxes Locky-style nasty will squeeze you for two whole bitcoins Security12 May 2017 | 15
Another IoT botnet has been found feasting on vulnerable IP cameras Children, please welcome Persirai to the class Security10 May 2017 | 19
Mysterious Hajime botnet has pwned 300,000 IoT devices The Dark Knight of malware's purpose remains unknown Security27 Apr 2017 | 17
Beware of geeks bearing gifts: Evil game guides infect 2 million Androids Google Play scanners asleep at the switch while morons tap away their security Security26 Apr 2017 | 8
Interpol unplugs nearly 9,000 Asian command and control networks WordPress plug-in bug exploited in eight countries Security26 Apr 2017 | 9
Russian hacker arrested in Spain for bot-herding not election-fiddling Peter Levashov indicted over Kelihos as Russian carder Roman Seleznev cops 27 years Security24 Apr 2017 | 11
'Amnesia' IoT botnet feasts on year-old unpatched vulnerability New variant of 'Tsunami' is a disaster waiting to happen Security07 Apr 2017 | 13
Strange Mirai botnet brew blamed for powerful application layer attack Varmints cooked up variant after malware code went public Security29 Mar 2017 | 3
FBI secures guilty plea from Russian bot-herder Ebury infections for fun and profit, sentencing in August Legal29 Mar 2017 | 4
GiftGhostBot scares up victims' gift-card cash with brute-force attacks Software nasty can burn through 1.7 million account numbers per hour Security24 Mar 2017 | 6
Web smut seekers take resurgent Ramnit malware from behind ♪ Botnet knocked down, but it gets up again ♪ Security22 Mar 2017 | 9
World's worst botnet fiends switch from ransomware to stock scam spam IT LIVES! Security21 Mar 2017 | 13
University DDoS'd by its own seafood-curious malware-infected vending machines 2017's security headlines are starting to read like MadLibs Edge + IoT13 Feb 2017 | 49
Hacker: I made 160,000 printers spew out ASCII art around the world Check your firewalls, people – no need to leave all this gear facing the internet Security06 Feb 2017 | 46
Google mistakes the entire NHS for massive cyber-attacking botnet Exclusive Hospitals advised to use Bing instead Security01 Feb 2017 | 102
Mirai variant turns TalkTalk routers into zombie botnet agents Infosec folk spot web of compromised British devices Security08 Dec 2016 | 35
Sigh... 'Hundreds of thousands' of... sigh, web CCTV cams still at risk of... sigh, hijacking Vid It's been two years and no patches, say researchers Security07 Dec 2016 | 23
CloudFlare warns of another massive botnet, er, flaring up DDoS attacks on the horizon as White House cybersecurity report issues recommendations Security05 Dec 2016 | 12
Sh... IoT just got real: Mirai botnet attacks targeting multiple ISPs Analysis Now ZyXEL and D-Link routers from Post Office and TalkTalk under siege Security02 Dec 2016 | 25
Online criminals iced as cops bury malware-spewing Avalanche Four-year op by US and EU culminates in arrests, server seizures Security01 Dec 2016 | 15
Origin of the beasties: Mirai botnet missing link revealed as DVR player CCTV cameras? You've been looking in the wrong place Security14 Nov 2016 | 7
Finns chilling as DDoS knocks out building control system Hint: next time, buy a firewall before you're attacked Security09 Nov 2016 | 17
SpamTorte botnet gets turbo-charged Revamped version speeds junk mail attacks Security08 Nov 2016 | 7
Mirai IoT botnet blamed for 'smashing Liberia off the internet' Entire country gets to enjoy life without the web thanks to huge DDoS attack, it is claimed Security04 Nov 2016 | 9
Post-Mirai, HackForums kills off white hat DDoS rental service Even hackers are worried about the Internet of S**t backlash Security01 Nov 2016 | 5
A successor to Mirai? Newly discovered malware aims to create fresh IoT botnet Dubbed Linux/IRCTelnet, nasty's source code based on Aidra Edge + IoT31 Oct 2016 | 11
Boffin's anti-worm bot could silence epic Mirai DDoS attack army And break every computer crime law along the way Security31 Oct 2016 | 35
Researchers expose Mirai vuln that could be used to hack back against botnet Exploit can halt attacks from IoT devices Security28 Oct 2016 | 18
Divide the internet into compartments to save us from the IoT fail whale Intel's chief IoT security bloke puts forward one possible solution Edge + IoT27 Oct 2016 | 34
Internet of S**t things claims another scalp: DNS DDoS smashes StarHub 'Don't buy rubbish Webcams', carrier tells customers Security27 Oct 2016 | 23
It's finally happened: Hackers are coming for home routers en masse SoHopeless Security19 Oct 2016 | 56
Decade-old SSH vuln exploited by IoT botnet armies to hose servers Internet of Unpatchable Things Edge + IoT13 Oct 2016 | 13
Internet of Things botnets: You ain’t seen nothing yet SSSh*t just got real Edge + IoT10 Oct 2016 | 57
SANS issues call to arms to battle IoT botnets Do try this at home – but carefully Security04 Oct 2016 | 6
Source code unleashed for junk-blasting Internet of Things botnet Hackforums leak Security03 Oct 2016 | 65
No wonder we're being hit by Internet of Things botnets. Ever tried patching a Thing? Akamai CSO laments pisspoor security design practices Security27 Sep 2016 | 41
Security man Krebs' website DDoS was powered by hacked Internet of Things botnet Internet of Amazingly Insecure Tat? That's the one Edge + IoT26 Sep 2016 | 33
25,000 malware-riddled CCTV cameras form network-crashing botnet Watching us and borking you Edge + IoT28 Jun 2016 | 33
Password reuse bot steals creds from weak sites, logs in to banks If your Netflix password is your banking password, you'll get what you deserve Security24 May 2016 | 19