If your org hasn't had a security incident in the last year: Good for you, you're in the minority C-suite bods quietly 'fess up to oopsies in survey Security01 Oct 2019 | 20
A Pivotal moment for VMware: Software biz gobbled up along with Carbon Black for $5bn Meanwhile, Salesforce sees profits fall Virtualization23 Aug 2019 | 7
Hackers don't just want to pwn networks, they literally want to OWN your network – and no one knows they're there Bad guys are settling in, putting their feet up for the long haul Security02 Apr 2019 | 16
Infosec defenders' supply chain is inferior to black hats, says Carbon Black CEO Cloudy analytics as an experience aggregator to the rescue? Maybe Security11 Jul 2018 | 5
VMware and Carbon Black: you complete me, no you complete me Virtzilla's App Defence and CB's endpoint protection combine for whitelist-fest Security08 Dec 2017 |
Carbon Black denies its IT security guard system oozes customer secrets Not a bug, it's a clearly labelled switched-off feature, we're told Security10 Aug 2017 | 13