India’s massive COVID-19 wave slows VMware desktop hypervisor development Virtzilla also admits to essentially merging Apple silicon efforts with ESXi on Arm Virtualization30 Apr 2021 | 8
Brit MPs and campaigners come together to oppose COVID status certificates as 'divisive and discriminatory' Transport minister confirms use of the NHS app for just that when citizens travel abroad Security28 Apr 2021 | 128
Words to strike fear into admins' hearts: One in five workers consider themselves 'digital experts' these days So clever that more than half are using their own gear for work, says Gartner Off-Prem27 Apr 2021 | 91
Does the boss want those 2 hours of your free time back? A study says fighting through crowds to office each day hurts productivity Never want to return to daily 9-5 regime? Use psychology to baffle higher-ups Bootnotes26 Apr 2021 | 98
Plot twist! South Korean telco uses 5G to fight coronavirus via hospital-patrolling robot Modified Keemi disinfects, takes temperatures, tells you off for not socially distancing Networks19 Apr 2021 | 12
Home office setup with built-in boiling water tap for tea and coffee without getting up is a monument to deskcess If only it had a built-in loo and pillow, then we could work 24/7 Bootnotes16 Apr 2021 | 112
Customs raid rumbles black market for primary school e-learning materials in fiercely competitive Hong Kong Kids have missed almost an entire year of education due to coronavirus so parents have sought help online Legal16 Apr 2021 | 6
Jackie 'You have no authority here' Weaver calls on the UK to extend Coronavirus Act provisions for online meetings Because local democracy is hilarious – oh, and transparency's good too Legal15 Apr 2021 | 39
UK government opens vaccine floodgates to over-45s, NHS website predictably falls over Looks like classic case of failing to scale to meet inevitable demand Off-Prem13 Apr 2021 | 62
DoorDash delivery drivers try to manipulate the food biz's payment algorithm to earn a living wage in gig economy The trick is to get buddies to decline low-paying jobs and check old code Personal Tech07 Apr 2021 | 32
Please stop leaking your own personal data online, Indonesia's COVID-19 taskforce tells citizens Posting pics of 'I got the jab' certs, complete with their QR codes, has authorities worried Security25 Mar 2021 | 14
US state AGs: How can Facebook, Google, Twitter say they tackle misinformation when *gestures wildly at COVID-19 BS everywhere* Top legal eagles urge web giants to do more in this life and death matter Personal Tech24 Mar 2021 | 35
Scammers tried slurping folks' login details through 70,000 coronavirus-themed phishing URLs during 2020 Palo Alto Networks lays bare a year of dastardly digital doings Security24 Mar 2021 | 3
Tata says hello to £14.5m 1-year contract extension for UK child support system, while DWP figures out how to procure a new one Deal inked 'without competition' due to COVID, says dept On-Prem19 Mar 2021 | 5
Singapore seeks freer international data flows to boost post-COVID-19 growth City-state also deploys new contact tracing boxes at entrances to public places Legal18 Mar 2021 | 4
Ex-Microsoft exec admits he tried to swindle $5.5m out of taxpayers with COVID-19 relief loans for bogus biz Mukund Mohan invented employees, financial figures in application forms Legal16 Mar 2021 | 14
Good news: An end is in sight for the COVID-19 pandemic. Bad news: Nitrogen dioxide pollution is on the up as life returns to normal Say goodbye to the lovely cleaner air we've been breathing for a year Science16 Mar 2021 | 19
Low-risk AND rapid? Brit vaccine centre seeks ERP to meet accelerated schedule, and needs it yesterday Org was originally supposed to launch in 2022 – then a pandemic happened Databases15 Mar 2021 | 4
MPs slam UK's £22bn Test and Trace programme for failing to provide evidence that it slows COVID pandemic 'Most wasteful and inept public spending programme of all time' Software10 Mar 2021 | 111
Microsoft rolls out mask detection to Azure Cognitive Services. And yes, there is a noseAndMouthCovered attribute For those who find wearing the things so damn difficult AI + ML09 Mar 2021 | 6
Mobile World Congress seemingly serious about in-person Barcelona event in June, shares safety plan Is Spain really ready for 50,000 people at one venue? Sounds like a super spreader event ready to happen Personal Tech09 Mar 2021 | 25
Remember that day in 2020 when you were asked to get the business working from home – by tomorrow? Covid Logfile IT pros from orgs large and small tell The Reg the tech delivered, mostly, tho couriers, home Wi-Fi suddenly became their problem SaaS08 Mar 2021 | 85
PayPal says developer productivity jumped 30% during the COVID-19 plague Despite perils of 500PB data trove, 'microservices abuse' and need to rapidly bring Asian tech to the world AI + ML05 Mar 2021 | 10
Now that we're emerging from COVID-19 hell, who's ready for some on-prem IT, asks on-prem IT giant HPE Demand will increase, says CEO, as HPC chief heads for the exit Systems03 Mar 2021 | 2
Palantir and UK policy: Public health, public IT, and – say it with me – open public contracts Column Nope, COVID-19 is not a catch-all excuse for backdoor deals AI + ML01 Mar 2021 | 67
'Meritless': Exam software maker under fire for suing teacher who tweeted links to biz's unlisted YouTube vids Analysis EFF bod slams effort 'to silence a critic' as $50k+ raised to challenge lawsuit Software25 Feb 2021 | 45
With computer brains in short supply, President Biden orders 100-day probe into semiconductor drought And pledges to 'push' for $37bn in funding to increase chip manufacturing capacity Systems25 Feb 2021 | 34
So, bye-bye mighty nerd haven Fry’s, took Silicon to the Valley... and now you must die End of an era for iconic electronics shop chain Personal Tech25 Feb 2021 | 34
Indian Railways suffers unspecified security 'breaches in various IT applications' 13m passengers a day, a million tickets bought on digital platforms, and yet few details offered on what went wrong Security24 Feb 2021 | 14
US government jobs report predicts pandemic will lead to boom times for IT industry Along with epidemiologists. As for the hospitality industry… not so much Software23 Feb 2021 | 7
UK might still be in lockdown but tech jobs rise above pre-pandemic levels and beyond, according to ONS More women in tech workforce too, and salaries staying firm or going up On-Prem23 Feb 2021 | 5
Healthy 32-year-old offered COVID-19 vaccine because doctors had him down as 6.2cm tall with BMI of 28,000 Bloke was placed into vulnerable category because of his weight Offbeat19 Feb 2021 | 92
Big Tech workers prefer 3 days at home, 2 in the office. We ask Reg readers: What's your home-office balance? Poll Little love for a return to the five-days-on-campus week, Blind survey shows SaaS19 Feb 2021 | 96
NHS Digital hands Deloitte £51m contract for tech supporting UK COVID-19 testing without competition Just as legal challenge launched at government for doing the same thing On-Prem18 Feb 2021 | 13
No egrets: Ardent twitchers fined for breaking lockdown after bloke spots northern mockingbird in his garden 'Don't give out the location!!' Bootnotes16 Feb 2021 | 49
New Jersey blames Microsoft for weeks of outages, glitches plaguing coronavirus vaccine sign-up website Promised software may never work as specified, it is feared Off-Prem12 Feb 2021 | 24
UK Test and Trace chief Dido Harding tries to convince MPs that £14m for canned mobile app was money well spent Not like every expert didn't warn it. Also: Queen of Carnage confirms consultants were paid average of £1.1k a day Software03 Feb 2021 | 158
European Commission redacts AstraZeneca vaccine contract – but forgets to wipe the bookmarks tab Exclusive Open that little box and bingo, clear text of the whole PDF Security29 Jan 2021 | 267
A new take on programming trends: You know what's not a bunch of JS? Devs learning Python and Java ahead of JavaScript O'Reilly's opinionated survey says low-code on the up and modern web dev is 'chilling' Devops26 Jan 2021 | 27
Going, going, gone... until March: UK comms regulator delays 5G spectrum auction over pandemic logistics Updated Some things can wait, even if it is central to the 'economy's recovery' Networks25 Jan 2021 | 9
As the world turns to big names in cloud and IT to get through the pandemic, IBM still manages to shrink Red Hat and off-prem see growth while revenue, profit down overall SaaS22 Jan 2021 | 13
Maker of crowd-sourced coronavirus spread tracker app sues Apple for 'arbitrary and capricious' iOS store snub Offer to challenge rules a 'scam', too, we're told Software21 Jan 2021 | 11
Fujitsu opens door, invites '200 to 250' staff from UK Delivery team to walk out Exclusive Juicier payoff for those who do, but employees fear process will become compulsory if numbers aren't met Systems14 Jan 2021 | 15
NHS COVID-19 app is trying to tell Android users something but buggy notification appears stuck on 'Loading...' screen The suspense could quite literally be killing us Software13 Jan 2021 | 36
Apologies for the wait, we're overwhelmed. Yes, this is the hospital. You need to what?! Do a software licence audit? Vendors slammed for 'lack of proper judgement' during the pandemic Software12 Jan 2021 | 54
Consultants bag £375m for their role in developing the UK's faltering COVID-19 Test and Trace system Nice work if you can get it... On-Prem06 Jan 2021 | 59
UK's NHS Digital hands £8m contract to lab data biz after trouble matching COVID-19 tests to health records Updated Without competition due to 'extreme urgency' around pandemic Software05 Jan 2021 | 32
Lay down your souls to the gods of rock 'n' roll: Conspiracy theorists' 5G 'vaccine' chip schematic is actually for a guitar pedal One owned by every 13-year-old with dreams of slinging an axe Bootnotes05 Jan 2021 | 137
Singapore changes the rules and will now use COVID-19 contact-tracing app data in criminal cases Privacy policy re-written, which is somewhat scary given Singapore has made trackers just-about-mandatory Security05 Jan 2021 | 26
NHS awards £23m two-year deal to controversial Peter Thiel AI firm Palantir Legal challenges? Scrutiny? Ah, never mind those Legal21 Dec 2020 | 39
$900bn coronavirus stimulus bill includes $600 for most Americans, $50 in monthly internet subsidies, $1.9bn to help rid the US of Huawei kit Not sure how the last bit relates to COVID-19 but there ya go Networks21 Dec 2020 | 47
'Following the science' rhetoric led to delay to UK COVID-19 lockdown, face mask rules Also: Would have been great if they'd chatted to an epidemiologist about Eat Out to Help Out project Legal21 Dec 2020 | 213
There's nothing AI and automation can't solve – except bias and inequality in the workplace, says report RoTM Nope, it just makes them worse AI + ML15 Dec 2020 | 12
AMD's latest top-end RX 6900 XT GPUs vacuumed up in minutes... maybe even by some actual gamers Ready Player None Personal Tech09 Dec 2020 | 16
EU Medicines Agency hacked, BioNTech-Pfizer coronavirus vaccine paperwork stolen, probe launched Regulatory submissions for COVID-19 jab candidate 'unlawfully accessed' Security09 Dec 2020 | 48
Cops raid home of ousted data scientist who created her own Florida COVID-19 dashboard Rebekah Jones claimed Sunshine State fudged infection numbers, now she's suspected of hacking Security08 Dec 2020 | 119
IT workers join elite sports stars, fat cat biz execs, celebs and posties for special treatment under England's COVID-19 travel isolation rules Arriving from a listed at-risk nation? New rules in place mid-December Legal07 Dec 2020 | 28
Crooks posing as COVID-19 'cold chain' company phished EU for vaccine intel, says IBM Medical fridge firm finagling carries hallmarks of state-sponsored hack dogs Security03 Dec 2020 | 12
COVID-19 coronavirus captive coders create copious code, claims GitHub: Open-source projects mushroom amid pandemic Microsoft's cloud repo rental biz finds a silver lining in 2020 Devops03 Dec 2020 | 4
Glastonbury hippy shop Hemp in Avalon rapped for spouting 'plandemic' pseudoscience WAKE UP, SHEEPLE! Bootnotes02 Dec 2020 | 130
Scotch eggs ascend to the 'substantial meal' pantheon as means to pop to pub for a pint during pernicious pandemic Meanwhile, landlord reckons he's found a loophole in coronavirus restrictions by naming beer 'Substantial Meal' Bootnotes01 Dec 2020 | 120
Forget Snow Day: Baltimore's 115,000+ public school kids get Ransomware Day, must check Win PCs for infection We don't need no education... IT department may need some Security01 Dec 2020 | 14