VMware discontinues Datrium hardware and hyperconverged OS, effective immediately No new orders, limited support options and a very sketchy roadmap On-Prem10 Aug 2020 | 11
Not such a DRaaS-tic action, buying into cloud-based disaster recovery in times like these: VMware to swallow Datrium Undisclosed amount of money to change hands Storage02 Jul 2020 | 2
Datrium goes multi-cloud upstacking with Automatrix, new name for HCI platform DVX Analysis Bolt on some rebranding, et voila Storage16 May 2019 | 5
Analyst: About NetApp's HCI prospects... Yes, it does HCI. We'll even get some digits soon, OK? From nowhere to somewhere with numbers coming any time now, promise, maybe, um... On-Prem01 Apr 2019 | 3
Datrium takes $60m D-round as it tries to distance self from cutthroat HCI scene Ya, we're in the hybrid cloud, data management game now On-Prem14 Sep 2018 | 10
Datrium shifts disasters up the Amazon: Adds DR in AWS for on-prem kit Locks out 3rd party DRaaS folk with VM-centric cloud stuff Storage16 Aug 2018 | 7
Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh. Now hounds of storage are hunting – run if you know what's good for ya The latest out of WD, Datrium and many, many more Storage31 Jul 2018 | 2
The chances of anything really new coming from storage are a million to one, but still they come Transmission inbound... Argh! It's frying our systems! Storage13 Jun 2018 | 8
Another week, another fistful of storage nouns comin' at ya like a breeze block to the frontal lobe From carbon nanotubes to cloud data grandstanding Storage09 Apr 2018 | 2
Storage snow big deal? Products vendors hope will sleigh, pole position startups and more Ice to meet you, storage fans. This was your week Storage19 Feb 2018 | 4
Datrium tries to tempt Amazon cloud backup folk: Psst, buddy... you want HCI? Backup sucks Storage01 Dec 2017 |
A shot of storage sambuca, 5ml of bootable bitters, plus a dash of creme de cloud Roundup It's a storage cocktail and it tastes... well, have a sip Storage30 Oct 2017 |
Evaluate this: A VM benchmark that uses 'wrong' price and config data Analysis What the fudge, Evaluator Group and IOmark? Storage27 Oct 2017 | 6
Datrium claims its split-provisioning DVX array is 'tomorrow calling' And it wants its super-scaling, newfangled tech back Storage15 Aug 2017 | 10
Pull on yer wellies and let's wade through the week's storage news But Muuuuuum... Storage21 Jul 2017 |
Hey blockheads, is an NVMe over fabrics array a SAN? Analysis No, says Datrium, 'cos you can't share data. E8 sort of agrees Storage23 Jun 2017 | 11
'We are deeply troubled by the ... depth of Toshiba’s desperation' Round-up A week in storage: You, me and NVME Storage05 May 2017 |
Datrium gets on the rack and heads cloudward Expanded management with policies, snaps, replication and archiving bulks out SW offer Storage05 Apr 2017 | 6
Upstart Datrium has a soft blanket to wrap up your data if security is giving it the shivers End-to-end encryption touted Storage01 Mar 2017 | 4
Datrium: $55m burning hole in its pocket and raring to go global Open convergence guys make mad dash for growth Storage05 Dec 2016 | 1
Datrium adds insane mode to boost speed Will add replication and capacity next year to its single box Netshelf Storage22 Jun 2016 | 4
Server upstart Datrium scoops one-time HP marketing veep Above 3PAR for the course, you might say Storage10 May 2016 |
Ex-VMware CEO Di Greene drops mystery storage system box, dares you to open it You hadn't forgotten about Datrium, right? Channel26 Jan 2016 | 10
Datrium: Emerging from stealth any time soon Comment Data Domain, VMware descendant hires marketing bigwig On-Prem06 Mar 2015 | 2