Mything the point: The AI renaissance is simply expensive hardware and PR thrown at an old idea Comment There is no ghost in the machine AI + ML06 Nov 2018 | 76 should spend more on AI, bleat VCs and consultants. Oh? Why's that then? Comment That's right, AI report was written by people with skin in the game AI + ML24 Oct 2018 | 30
AI's next battlefield is literally the battlefield: In 20 years, bots will fight our wars – Army boffin 'Humans are going to be a lot less visible ... will be just one species of intelligent beings' AI + ML12 Oct 2018 | 112
Building your own PC for AI is 10x cheaper than renting out GPUs on cloud, apparently Here's the recipe for cooking up your own AMD-Nvidia beast AI + ML26 Sep 2018 | 31
Get a grip, literally: Clumsy robots can't nab humans' jobs just yet Amazon challenge winners roll out neural net for droids that need to grab stationary stuff AI + ML26 Jun 2018 | 27
Programmers! Close the StackOverflow tabs. This AI robot will write your source code for you Think Java code-completion on steriods Software26 Apr 2018 | 44
Astroboffins build AI to chase galactic blue nuggets in space Color-coded stellar searcher seeks out young stars AI + ML24 Apr 2018 | 6
Boffins try to grok dogs using AI, a cyber-brain charter, a bot running for mayor, and more Roundup Would you vote for a machine for public office? AI + ML14 Apr 2018 | 16
AWS baits cloud hooks with DeepLens machine learning camera Shipping in June for diehard devs with a lust for IoT kit Science04 Apr 2018 | 3
Storm brewing? Weather buff uses deep learning to predict patterns ♫ I don't care what the weatherman says when the neural network says it's hailing AI + ML29 Mar 2018 | 10
Uber's disturbing fatal self-driving car crash, a new common sense challenge for AI, and Facebook's evil algorithms Roundup Are we doomed? AI + ML24 Mar 2018 | 136
Fun fact of the day: Voice recognition tech is naturally sexist Machine learning and AI could make the problem worse AI + ML14 Mar 2018 | 64
Boffins: If AI eggheads could go ahead and try to stop their code being evil, that'd be great All right! Now let's get regula– uh, debating, study concludes AI + ML21 Feb 2018 | 34
Ayyy-EYE! Google code 'predicts heart disease' by eyeballing retinas Eye see what you did, there, machine-learning boffins AI + ML21 Feb 2018 | 12
FYI: There's now an AI app that generates convincing fake smut vids using celebs' faces And faces of ex-partners, bosses, children, you name it AI + ML25 Jan 2018 | 121
Facebook open-sources object detection work: Watch out, Google CAPTCHA RoTM The bicycle's top left. I'm not an AI... you are. Stop hitting yourself AI + ML23 Jan 2018 | 19
Skynet it ain't: Deep learning will not evolve into true AI, says boffin Neural networks sort stuff – they can't reason or infer AI + ML04 Jan 2018 | 71
You too can fool AI facial recognition systems by wearing glasses All you need is to, erm, give the computers some nasty training data AI + ML20 Dec 2017 | 17
AI taught to beat Sudoku puzzles. Now how about a time machine to 2005? Y'know, back when this would have been useful. Naw, just kidding. This is neat AI + ML01 Dec 2017 | 32
Apple whispers how its face-fingering AI works Secretive biz opens up a little AI + ML17 Nov 2017 | 27
Google and Intel cook AI chips, neural network exchanges – and more Roundup A quick catch-up on what's been going on in machine-learning world AI + ML22 Oct 2017 | 33
El Reg was invited to the House of Lords to burst the AI-pocalypse bubble Comment Notes from an Oral Evidence session AI + ML11 Oct 2017 | 42
Baidu puts open source deep learning into smartphones Computer vision, deep learning, and the camera in your phone AI + ML26 Sep 2017 | 4
HoloLens: Microsoft brags about AI chip in next-gen techno-goggles Good for you, kid Science24 Jul 2017 | 4
Brit neural net pioneer just revolutionised speech recognition all over again Profile Deep learning with Dr Tony Robinson AI + ML17 Jul 2017 | 33
Facebook brews Caffe2 AI toolkit so apps can give SnapChat a slap F8 2017 Need some code to alter pics and whack some stickers and be worth billions? AI + ML19 Apr 2017 | 2
What 2017 holds for AI: Will you fear or embrace our machine overlords? GPU engines are out and AI translators will help you pull AI + ML21 Mar 2017 | 4
Uh-oh. LG to use AI to push home appliances to 'another dimension' CES 2017 Deep learning, string theory and er ... kitchen gizmos? Science03 Jan 2017 | 54
Kids, look at the Deep Learnings! (We’re just going to slurp your data) Comment Oh, Evernote. What have you done? AI + ML15 Dec 2016 | 62
The state of today's machine learning: Short, wide, deep but not high Comment A gentle guide to where we're at with AI AI + ML10 Nov 2016 | 7
AI boffins turn to StarCraft to train future neural networks TorchCraft to build machine-learning agents from cosmic battles AI + ML04 Nov 2016 | 15
Baidu Research grills AI models on deep learning Tool aims to reduce machine-training time Software27 Sep 2016 |
Salesforce Einstein: Enterprise AI breakthrough, or CRM Clippy? Cloud house sets lofty goals for deep learning layer SaaS18 Sep 2016 | 3
Baidu peddles PaddlesPaddles, floats open source AI tech Deep learning suite with Python front end AI + ML02 Sep 2016 | 1
Reg readers cluster in pub to ponder artificial intelligence Reg Events And hear why a mic-dropping, beer hurling AI would be a real advance Lectures14 Jul 2016 | 3
Qualcomm goes for the grey matter with neural net SDK Braaaaaiiiins. Fat, rich, digital braaaaaaiiiins Software03 May 2016 | 5
Stephen Hawking: The creation of true AI could be the 'greatest event in human history' Unfortunately, 'it might also be the last' Science02 May 2014 | 131
Major tech execs fling cash at heretical AI company Vicarious Jeff Bezos + Marc Benioff + other execs + artificial intelligence = ??? Software07 Apr 2014 | 3
IBM's Watson-as-a-cloud: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's another mainframe Analysis Forget point'n'click computing, think long-term data crunching and training SaaS10 Jan 2014 | 42
We'll predict your EVERY MOVE! Facebook's new AI brain talks to El Reg Social panopticon to foresee 'what a user is going to do next' SaaS10 Dec 2013 | 24
Is that you, HAL? No, it's NEIL: Google, US Navy pour money into 'associative' AI brain No sleep. No food. Just 4 months of internet ... poor thing SaaS26 Nov 2013 | 28
If this doesn't terrify you... Google's computers OUTWIT their humans Analysis 'Deep learning' clusters crack coding problems their top engineers can't SaaS15 Nov 2013 | 101
Google Brain king slashes cost of AI gear Anything CPU can do GPU can do better Software18 Jun 2013 | 9
Baidu muscles in on Google’s turf with Silicon Valley deep learning lab Chinese search giant beds down next to Apple in Cupertino On-Prem15 Apr 2013 | 1