Wanted. Top infosec pros willing to defend Britain on shabby salaries GCHQ job ads seek top talent with bottom-end pay packets Security29 Oct 2024 | 122
Ex-GCHQ software dev jailed for stabbing NSA staffer Terrorist ideology suspected to be motivation Security03 Nov 2023 | 43
Scanning phones to detect child abuse evidence is harmful, 'magical' thinking Exclusive Security expert challenges claim that bypassing encryption is essential to protecting kids Security13 Oct 2022 | 142
China could use Digital Yuan to swerve Russia-style sanctions GCHQ spy boss talks up threat of east's tech dominance, says Putin has 'badly misjudged' Ukraine attack Security11 Oct 2022 | 27
British intelligence recycles old argument for thwarting strong encryption: Think of the children! Comment Levy and Robinson are at it again Security22 Jul 2022 | 185
Five Eyes nations reveal 2021's fifteen most-exploited flaws Malicious cyber actors go after 2021's biggest misses, spend less time on the classics Security28 Apr 2022 | 10
UK spy agencies sharing bulk personal data with foreign allies was legal, says court Yes, that thing they've never publicly admitted they do Security06 Apr 2022 | 22
UK spy boss warns China hopes Russia will help it take over tech standards Speech also alleges Russian troops in Ukraine have mutinied, shot down own plane Security31 Mar 2022 | 70
UK Cyber Security Centre advises review of risk posed by Russian tech Suggests it's prudent to plan for Putin weaponizing Russian products Security30 Mar 2022 | 13
National Cyber Strategy will lead to BritChip for mobile devices by 2025, claims UK.gov And potentially an increase in UK state-backed hacks Security16 Dec 2021 | 39
GCHQ director outlines plan to 'go after' links between ransomware crims and state actors Sir Jeremy Fleming paints picture of a cultural battle over the internet, AI and the soul of future technology Security26 Oct 2021 | 22
UK's National Cyber Security Centre needs its posh Westminster digs, says Cabinet Office, because of WannaCry May need to upgrade 'bunfight' into 'cake-flinging war' over this one Security28 Jul 2021 | 19
GCHQ boss warns China can rewrite 'the global operating system' in its own authoritarian image Brit spymaster calls for renewed attention to UK tech capabilities – and expanded role for his agency Security26 Apr 2021 | 121
How do we stamp out the ransomware business model? Ban insurance payouts for one, says ex-GCHQ director New laws needed to cut off incentive to crooks, argues Marcus Willett Security09 Apr 2021 | 116
NCSC's London HQ was chosen because GCHQ spies panicked at the prospect of grubby Shoreditch offices Tech hipsters? On our doorstep? The Silicon what? Security20 Nov 2020 | 67
UK reveals new 'National Cyber Force', announces Space Command and mysterious AI agency Combined Ministry of Defence and GCHQ team has worked since April to 'transform cyber capabilities' Security20 Nov 2020 | 66
Somebody's Russian to meddle with UK coronavirus vaccine efforts, but GCHQ won't take it lying down Offensive cyber operation includes 'encrypting' Vlad and Chums' disinfo servers Security09 Nov 2020 | 96
Protecting the NHS: NCSC fended off lots of meddling aimed at UK health orgs while ransomware ramped up But annual report doesn't mention China once Security03 Nov 2020 | 3
Huawei's UK code reviewers say Chinese mega-corp is still totally crap at basic software security. Bad crypto, buffer overflows, logic errors... Last year telcos scrambled to plug 'critical user-facing vulns' in network kit Security01 Oct 2020 | 31
MI6 tried to intervene in independent court by stopping judge seeing legal papers – but they said sorry, so it's OK Just another day for the Investigatory Powers Tribunal Security28 Jul 2020 | 35
Campaign groups warn GCHQ can re-identify UK's phones from COVID-19 contact-tracing app data Updated Yes, the app that's not quite working yet Security21 May 2020 | 66
Dutch spies helped Britain's GCHQ break Argentine crypto during Falklands War Five Eyes-style Euro intel alliance Maximator tipped UK off about Crypto AG machines Security18 May 2020 | 93
GCHQ: A cyber-what-now? Rumours of our probe into London Stock Exchange 'cyberattack' have been greatly exaggerated Despite 'people familiar with matter' claiming otherwise to US news Security06 Jan 2020 | 33
It's cool for Brit snoops to break the law, says secretive spy court. Just hold on while we pull off some legal jujitsu to let MI5 off the hook... They're not 'immune', they just have the 'power' to not be punished Security20 Dec 2019 | 54
Haxis of evil: Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are 'continuous threat' to UK, say spies National Cyber Security Centre handled 658 incidents last year Security23 Oct 2019 | 28
Uni sysadmins, don't relax. Cybercrooks are still after your crown jewels, warns NCSC GCHQ offshoot says be on your guard Security18 Sep 2019 | 7
We ain't afraid of no 'ghost user': Infosec world tells GCHQ to GTFO over privacy-busting proposals Brit spies' idea would backdoor WhatsApp et al without breaking the crypto Security30 May 2019 | 167
It's your what in a box? Here's a thing to make your bosses think about malware responses Cyber UK 2019 You mean they already do? Pull the other one Security25 Apr 2019 | 25
'We're not omnipotent,' trills National Cyber Security Centre in open-armed pitch to UK biz Cyber UK 2019 If we all chip in, we can help secure old Blighty Security24 Apr 2019 | 16
Brit spy chief: We need trust or we won't have a 'licence to operate in cyberspace' Cyber UK 2019 GCHQ U-turns, wants Joe Public onside as well as industry Security24 Apr 2019 | 54
UK code breakers drop Bombe, Enigma and Typex simulators onto the web for all to try You have to run GCHQ code? Nice try, spy guys Security18 Mar 2019 | 35
Public spending watchdog snipes at UK.gov's £1.3bn infosec plan – but broadly nods it through Less hiding behind 'national security' to hush up failures, please Security15 Mar 2019 | 5
Nah, National Cyber Security Centre doesn't need its own minister, UK.gov tells Parliament And you don't need to know what we're spending your billions on. Got that? Security08 Mar 2019 | 19
China's tech giants are a security threat to the UK, says Brit spy bigwig Times are strange when spies talk about infosec and economics colliding Security25 Feb 2019 | 27
Huawei hasn't yet fixed its security vulns, says UK's NCSC overseers Not secure enough for UK.gov use either Networks20 Feb 2019 | 22
Q. What's a good thing to put outside a building of spies? A: A banner saying 'here we are!' UK's Huawei handlers are proud of themselves Security12 Feb 2019 | 39
Upcoming report from UK's Huawei handler will blast firm for unresolved security issues GCHQ limb tight-lipped but we can read between the lines Networks04 Feb 2019 | 33
UK spy overseer: Snooper's Charter cockups are still getting innocents arrested IPCO report also lets us recognise Britain's Creepiest Council 2017 Security01 Feb 2019 | 69
GCHQ pushes for 'virtual crocodile clips' on chat apps – the ability to silently slip into private encrypted comms Analysis Sliding into your DMs unnoticed, literally Security29 Nov 2018 | 132
GCHQ opens kimono for infosec world to ogle its vuln disclosure process Plus: State-backed hacks now need permission from a judge Security29 Nov 2018 | 12
Britain may not be able to fend off a determined cyber-attack, MPs warn And those utility price controls? Er, not helpful Security19 Nov 2018 | 44
Belgium: Oi, Brits, explain why Belgacom hack IPs pointed at you and your GCHQ State investigation finds non-Snowden proof of UK badness - local report Security26 Oct 2018 | 66
UK's National Cyber Security Centre gives itself big ol' pat on the back in annual review Nixing 139k phishing sites is pretty good going to be fair Security16 Oct 2018 | 6
GCHQ asks tech firms to pretty please make IoT devices secure Hive, HP Inc sign up to refreshed code of practice Edge + IoT15 Oct 2018 | 31
Top Euro court: UK's former snooping regime breached human rights Oversight insufficient, slurping indiscriminate Legal13 Sep 2018 | 20
UK spies broke law for 15 years, but what can you do? shrugs judge Appeal against my latest judgment? Oh wait, you can't! Legal23 Jul 2018 | 63
Private sector needs a little sumthin' sumthin' to get it sharing threat intel – US security chap Israel Cyber Week Sharing's caring, intone government bods Security20 Jun 2018 | 7
Shared, not stirred: GCHQ chief says Europe needs British spies Director insists collaboration will continue after Brexit Security20 Jun 2018 | 109
Russia appears to be 'live testing' cyber attacks – Former UK spy boss Robert Hannigan InfoSec Europe Warns that nation state hacking threatens corporate networks Security08 Jun 2018 | 54
UK Supreme Court to probe British spy court's immunity from probing Privacy International gets another shot at shadowy Investigatory Powers Tribunal Legal18 May 2018 | 22
It's World (Terrible) Password (Advice) Day! Frequently change your one random password – that's the ticket Security03 May 2018 | 128
UK spy agency warns Brit telcos to flee from ZTE gear GCHQ's cyber guys don't say why... Security16 Apr 2018 | 46
Brit spooks slammed over 'gentlemen's agreement' with telcos to get mass comms data Privacy International cross-examine GCHQ's star witness over section 94 directions Security28 Feb 2018 | 26
Brit cyber-spies: Fancy meeting outside court to talk about evidence? Regulator: Excuse me, I'm an independent body Legal01 Dec 2017 | 11
UK spy court ruled immune from judicial review – for now Judges reject Privacy International's case against Investigatory Powers Tribunal Legal24 Nov 2017 | 25
UK's surveillance regime challenged in landmark European court hearing Judges grill government on nuances of spying laws Legal07 Nov 2017 | 22
Brit spooks 'kept oversight bodies in the dark' over data sharing Your social media's been scraped as the Investigatory Powers Act flaps in the wind Legal18 Oct 2017 | 34
Fending off cyber attacks as important as combatting terrorism, says new GCHQ chief Director Jeremy Fleming sets out priorities for intel agency Security09 Oct 2017 | 27
Snoops 'n' snitches auditor IPCO gets up and running Broken the law while spying? Someone will write to you, later Security01 Sep 2017 | 10
Cyber arm of UK spy agency left without PGP for four months Meanwhile Huawei gets green light, despite failure to verify source code Security24 Jul 2017 | 21
UK spookhaus GCHQ can crack end-to-end encryption, claims Australian A-G Antipodean not-backdoors plan will mirror UK Investigatory Powers Act, ensure law of land trumps laws of mathematics Legal14 Jul 2017 | 100
Spy commissioners: Did we audit our bulk data sharing with industry? Err... not exactly Legality of mass comms data under court's scrutiny again Legal08 Jun 2017 | 5