What is this, 2016? A rummage around in 7th-gen iPad innards shows repurposed tech within Bigger case means we can use even more glue! Personal Tech27 Sep 2019 | 15
That magical super material Apple hopes will hit backspace on its keyboard woes? Nylon iFixit ters dwn ew Macbook Pro wth utterfl eyoard atst fixs Personal Tech24 May 2019 | 121
iFixit surgeons tut at iPad mini 5 X-ray: Looks like a mild case of pain-in-the-arse-to-repair Screwdriver-botherers put the hurt on Apple's little tablet Personal Tech03 Apr 2019 | 17
We'll help you get your next fix... maybe, we'll think about it, says FTC: 'Right to repair' mulled Federal Trade Commission will turn Fault-finder, Tinker, Customize this summer Personal Tech14 Mar 2019 | 48
This just in: What? No, I can't believe it. The 2018 MacBook Air still a huge pain to have repaired Full teardown necessary should butterfly keyboard need service Personal Tech08 Nov 2018 | 66
Yes, Americans, you can break anti-piracy DRM if you want to repair some of your kit – US govt Landmark victory for right-to-fix movement Personal Tech26 Oct 2018 | 66
Motorola: Oops, phone busted? Grab a spudger and go get 'em, champ First mobe maker to sell DIY repair tools Personal Tech24 Oct 2018 | 37
Well slap my ass and call me Judy, Microsoft's Surface Pro 6 is just as hard to fix as the old one So. Much. Glue. Personal Tech17 Oct 2018 | 51
Pixel 3 XL reveals innards festooned with glue and... Samsung? Samsung-screened mobe not easily repaired, just like a Samsung Personal Tech16 Oct 2018 | 37
Teardown chaps strip away magic from Magic Leap's nerd goggles Fixable? Kind of. Unless you need a new battery Science23 Aug 2018 | 31
The butterfly defect: MacBook keys wrecked by single grain of sand Presumably, you're all typing on it wrong Personal Tech28 Jun 2018 | 120
All the king's horses and all the king's men could probably put Huawei's P20 Pro together again But it'd be tricky: Teardown folk give mobe 4/10 for repairability Personal Tech10 Apr 2018 | 18
Planning on forking out for the new iPad? Better take darn good care of it Teardown chaps give Apple's edu-slab 2/10 for repairability Personal Tech03 Apr 2018 | 63
OK, we admit it. Under the hood, the iPhone X is a feat of engineering Tinkerers reveal first Stacked SLP in a mainstream mobe Personal Tech03 Nov 2017 | 141
Touchy iPhone 6, 6 Plus chips prone to breaking down and giving up And Apple's Geniuses can't help you when it happens Personal Tech24 Aug 2016 | 28
How do you build a cheap iPhone? Use a lot of old parts Teardown finds SE borrows plenty from its ancestors Personal Tech01 Apr 2016 | 56
Reminder: iPhones commit suicide if you repair them on the cheap Bloke bricked his handset after running afoul of Apple security policy Personal Tech05 Feb 2016 | 199
Tear teardown down, roars Apple: iFixit app yanked from store Peek into Sir Jony's precious boxes, pay the price Software01 Oct 2015 | 57
Revealed: The AMAZING technology behind Apple's $1299 Retina MacBooks – a lot of glue Pics RAM and SSDs stuck down with Sir Jony's juice Personal Tech16 Apr 2015 | 132
Revealed: The amazing magical innovation in the iPad Mini 3 – a lick of paint Teardown And a fingerprint sensor Personal Tech24 Oct 2014 | 25
Pop open this iPhone 6 and see where the magic oozes from ... oh hello again, Qualcomm Teardown New speaking slabs blown to smithereens Personal Tech19 Sep 2014 | 17
Moto 360 wristputer batt boob, elderly internals revealed in teardown Motorola says the answer is in the small print after iFixit probe Personal Tech10 Sep 2014 | 12
It's official: You can now legally carrier-unlock your mobile in the US Tomorrow belongs to us, says iFixit boss Legal02 Aug 2014 | 51
DISPLAY DESTRUCTION D'OH! Teardown cracks Surface Pro 3 screen Redmond's slim new tab doesn't much care for DIYers Personal Tech23 Jun 2014 | 58
iFixit boss: Apple has 'done everything it can to put repair guys out of business' New plan to make fixing iOS gadgets easier and rewarding Personal Tech28 Mar 2014 | 74
PlayStation 4 a doddle to fix: Handy if it OVERHEATS, for instance Teardown Taking this apart is as simple as 1, 2, 3 ... 20, 21 Personal Tech16 Nov 2013 | 50
Google Nexus 5: So easy to fix, it's practically a DIY kit - except for ONE thing Teardown No custom screws or heavy glue in ad-giant's mobe Personal Tech05 Nov 2013 | 26
Don't crack that Mac: Almost NOTHING in new Retina MacBook Pros can be replaced Teardown Proprietary screws and gobs o' glue Personal Tech25 Oct 2013 | 211
Google's second-gen Nexus 7 fondleslab STRIPPED BARE Teardown Hidden fiddly bits exposed to world+dog Personal Tech30 Jul 2013 | 12
iFixit CEO launches open Toshiba service guide scheme If you use lawyers to hide your manuals, we'll write our own Personal Tech13 Nov 2012 | 18
Confirmed: iPad 3 runs hotter than iPad 2 Heat cam shows five-degree difference Personal Tech20 Mar 2012 | 25
Pricey Apple Thunderbolt cable inner chippery exposed 40 quid for wires... and 12 chips Personal Tech30 Jun 2011 | 29
Teardown team open-sources gadget repair guides Virgin launches similar chargeable system Personal Tech16 Dec 2009 | 7
Man dissects Apple's Magic Mouse PC mice were harmed during this teardown Personal Tech22 Oct 2009 | 25
Man buys new MacBooks, pulls them to bits, takes pics Autopsy conducted Personal Tech16 Oct 2008 | 28