Glass rain, supersonic winds, and Eau de Rotten Egg – just another day on HD 189733 b Sounds better than a British summer Science10 Jul 2024 | 18
James Webb spies distant exoplanet that could be wet, wild, and Hycean That or it's just really gassy Science12 Sep 2023 | 12
Downloading the Webb Scope's data starts with a 6-month scheduling scramble Missions bid to secure comms time on Deep Space Network Science16 Aug 2023 | 8
Most distant observed star is blue – and it isn't alone Light from Earendel takes 12.9 billion years to reach Earth, and it's serendipitous the JWST can see it at all Science10 Aug 2023 | 32
James Webb spots water vapor in rocky planet-forming disk Turns out proto-Earths may bring their own drinks Science25 Jul 2023 | 6
Way out in deep space, astronomers spot precursor of carbon based life James Webb scope finds CH3+ – aka methyl cations – without which you probably wouldn't be reading this Science27 Jun 2023 | 30
Existential dread time: One day Earth's oceans will boil. This exoplanet might reveal when LP 890-9c gives us a glimpse into our world's far future, astronomer tells El Reg Science22 Jun 2023 | 25
James Webb spots the early galaxies responsible for tidying up the universe I can see clearly now reionization's done The Reg in Space14 Jun 2023 | 10
James Webb smells someone having barbecue in galaxy 12 billion light years away Most distant smoke and smog discovery could help explain star formation in the early universe The Reg in Space06 Jun 2023 | 14
Star Fomalhaut has dusty little secret – two more debris belts and a potential planetary party Nearby system was thought to have an exoplanet, but that was wrong. Now NASA says there may be multiple Science09 May 2023 | 8
Saturn's rings are shrinking and boffins will use the Webb 'scope to find out why They go down, down, down, with the burning pull of gravity ... or do they? Science03 May 2023 | 16
Light from a long time ago reaches James Webb Space Telescope Galaxies got big much sooner than expected, new observations Science22 Feb 2023 | 27
James Webb Space Telescope suffers another hitch: Instrument down Second system to be knocked offline Science26 Jan 2023 | 54
The years fly by on first exoplanet confirmed by James Webb Space Telescope LHS 475 b same size as Earth, rocky, but hotter, and so close to its star it orbits in 2 days Science12 Jan 2023 | 7
JWST snaps first chemical profile of an exoplanet atmosphere We knew Wasp 39b was rich in CO2, but now we have the full molecular picture Science23 Nov 2022 | 43
NASA's meteor avoidance plan for James Webb Space Telescope: Turn it around When a grain of sand moves fast enough to crack a mirror, it's best to put your back to the wind Science21 Nov 2022 | 16
Spooky Pillars of Creation snap reveals a dark side Latest James Webb Space Telescope photo looks positively haunting Science31 Oct 2022 | 19
To build a better quantum computer, look into a black hole, says professor Brian Cox The black hole information paradox and quantum error correction codes overlap almost completely Science24 Oct 2022 | 42
Boffins propose Slinky-like robot that can build stuff in space E-Walker is a 'seven degrees-of-freedom fully dexterous end-over-end walking robot' Science18 Oct 2022 | 20
NASA, SpaceX weigh invoking Dragon to take Hubble higher Telescope hasn't been superseded by JWST, so why not try to keep it going? Science30 Sep 2022 | 51
The years were worth the wait. JWST gives us an amazing view of Neptune's rings Pic But uh-oh, friction faults already starting on distant probe Science22 Sep 2022 | 30
Oh no, that James Webb Space Telescope snap might actually contain malware Is nothing sacred? Research01 Sep 2022 | 25
James Webb Space Telescope finds first evidence of CO2 in exoplanet atmosphere This same tech could someday help us discover strange, new – and habitable – worlds Science26 Aug 2022 | 23
James Webb, Halley's Comet may be set for cosmic dust-up Comet debris is right in JWST's path, and could further damage its sensitive mirror Science26 Jul 2022 | 38
Is the $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope worth the price tag? Performs better than expected, which is just as well – as it's going to be pelted with space rocks Science16 Jul 2022 | 107
James Webb Space Telescope looks closer to home with Jupiter snaps Commissioning pics show spacecraft can peer near as well as far Science15 Jul 2022 | 39
Behold: The first images snapped by the James Webb Space Telescope Pics Literally galaxies far, far away Science13 Jul 2022 | 36
First-ever James Webb Space Telescope image revealed Pic Decades in the making, billions of dollars, all so we can say together: My god, it's full of stars! Science12 Jul 2022 | 128
Meteoroid hits main mirror on James Webb Space Telescope Impact at the end of May bad enough to garble data, but NASA isn't worried Science09 Jun 2022 | 77
AI to help study first images from James Webb Space Telescope To find dark matter and early galaxies, Morpheus could be The One AI + ML09 Jun 2022 | 7
Photon fantastic: James Webb Space Telescope spies its first starlight Three months of mirror alignment gets under way Science05 Feb 2022 | 72
Sure, the James Webb Space Telescope is cool and all. But try making one out of Lego Next: How to throw it a million miles without anything falling off Offbeat31 Jan 2022 | 8
James Webb Space Telescope has arrived at its new home – an orbit almost a million miles from Earth Funnily enough, that's where we want to be right now, too Science25 Jan 2022 | 54
Almost there: James Webb Space Telescope frees its mirrors and prepares for insertion Freed of launch restraints, mirror segments can waggle at will Science21 Jan 2022 | 68
The James Webb Space Telescope has only gone and deployed its primary mirror And you thought unfolding the table for Christmas dinner was tricky Science10 Jan 2022 | 65
A moment of tension as the James Webb Space Telescope stretches sunshield on way to L2 destination Updated Engineers on Earth have five and a half months more of this Science04 Jan 2022 | 72
James Webb Telescope launch delayed again, this time by weather New launch date could be a marvelous Christmas gift to humanity Science23 Dec 2021 | 43
Confirmed: James Webb Space Telescope team plans launch for this Xmas Eve after data cable fix Updated Have all those scientists been naughty ... or nice? Science16 Dec 2021 | 39
It's primed and full of fuel, the James Webb Space Telescope is ready to be packed up prior to launch Fingers crossed the telescope will finally take to space on 22 December Science07 Dec 2021 | 56
Hubble space 'scope brings its Cosmic Origins Spectrograph back online Work continues on code to make the observatory operate happily when control unit message sync glitches out Science30 Nov 2021 | 9
James Webb Space Telescope may actually truly launch this century, says NASA Will it fly by Christmas? Betteridge's law probably applies Science29 Nov 2021 | 24
The James Webb Space Telescope, a project dating back to the late 1900s, may launch this very century Europeans still hoping for Halloween lift-off Science08 Jul 2021 | 34
NASA delays James Webb Space Telescope launch date by at least seven months Damn you coronavirus, and save some anger for the technical challenges plaguing heir-to-Hubble Science17 Jul 2020 | 45
Damn you, coronavirus. Damn you. Now you've gone too far: James Webb Space Telescope, Moon mission work paused Including effort to land first woman on the lunar surface Science24 Mar 2020 | 23
Behind time and way over budget, but the James Webb Space Telescope has finally been put together Let's hope the sunshield doesn't get ripped off again, eh? Science29 Aug 2019 | 33
Astroboffins spot the first perfect exoplanet free of clouds Without a shadow of a doubt WASP-96b has the clearest atmosphere yet Science08 May 2018 | 7
James Webb Space Telescope + luck = long distance astrofun Gravitational lensing may help NASA kit see some real golden oldies Science26 Apr 2018 | 12
In a galaxy far, far, far away ... Farthest ever star system discovered Pic And it was churning out suns like crazy a long time ago Science05 May 2015 | 36
Planetary exploration under threat, says space pioneer Space Launch System attention misdirected, Friedman says Science12 Oct 2011 | 21