AWS shoves Java 11 support into Lambda serverless toy box As well as managed nodes for K8s and new FireLens container logging service Software19 Nov 2019 |
HPE has only gone full Kubernetes, pops open new Container Platform Bare metal or run on any cloud thanks to, er, EPIC BlueData acquisition Devops19 Nov 2019 | 7
Just Docker room talk: Container upstart's enterprise wing sold to Mirantis, CEO out, Swarm support faces ax Plans to continue with $35m to back Hub and Desktop. Yes, Kubernetes has truly won Devops13 Nov 2019 | 31
Redis releases automatic cluster recovery for Kubernetes and RedisInsight GUI tool Interview Also: what's in Redis 6 ... and how to compete with free Redis on public cloud Devops13 Nov 2019 | 5
Are you a Dapr Dan? Microsoft teases runtime for Kubernetes to make microservices sparkle Building blocks for devs. Because you can't be all Waity K8-y when Google's all-in SaaS17 Oct 2019 | 7
OAMigod! Microsoft has a cloud app spec for you – and hopes Rudr can't fail The Open Application Model isn't a standard, but it could be Software17 Oct 2019 | 4
SUSE tosses OpenStack Cloud to double down on application delivery That means Kubernetes and DevOps for the Linux veteran SaaS09 Oct 2019 | 5
Google will not donate Knative framework 'to any foundation for the foreseeable future' Community dismayed as key Kubernetes project to remain in Chocolate Factory hands SaaS02 Oct 2019 | 6
Created to mimic Heroku: Cloud Foundry explained by its chief technology officer Interview The past present and future of a confusing platform Devops18 Sep 2019 |
VMware on AWS: Low-risk option or security blanket for those who don't like change? AWS Transformation Day John Enoch gives us the hard sell – just ignore the price SaaS17 Sep 2019 | 11
Try to contain yourselves: Google Cloud lights Spark for Kubernetes Dataproc service will run Apache Spark on K8s, now in alpha Virtualization10 Sep 2019 |
The inevitability of K8s: Pivotal CEO describes the pain and benefits of technology transition Interview Kubernetes is becoming the 'standard API for infrastructure', says Rob Mee Software29 Jul 2019 | 12
Car crash: Ford writes down $181m in Pivotal stock as investors claim cloud biz still can't do Kubernetes properly Automaker loses money as software-as-a-service slinger's woes mount SaaS25 Jul 2019 | 7
IBM drags Websphere devs towards Kubernetes with Kabanero package Big Blue sings an Appsody to make its software stack easier to use Devops16 Jul 2019 | 1
Kubernetes goes in for nip and tuck, comes out with 25 'enhancements': We take a look at v1.15 New release is easier to customize, better performance, complex as hell Devops20 Jun 2019 | 5
Microsoft pokes about in Azure's innards, whips out new Service Fabric A stitch in time saves 6.5 SaaS12 Jun 2019 | 12
All aboard the Windows Server container train as Google punts out Rapid Release GKE channel Kubecon Europe Docker: Hey, remember us? We've got Windows Server containers too! Devops22 May 2019 |
Come join the Mirantis Kubernetes party, just be sure to BYOD – the D being distro, not drinks KubeCon Europe Because all developers are special, afterall Devops22 May 2019 | 1
Mirantis teases Kubernetes-as-a-Service to terrorise bare metal, public clouds, everything in between KubeCon Europe KaaS and carry, friend? Devops22 May 2019 |
Red Hat OpenShift 4 opens its doors to more Kubernetes goodness Buddies up with Microsoft to stir a bit of Azure into the mix Devops08 May 2019 |
Microsoft lifts some Windows 10 blocks, checks its notifications and polishes some Python Roundup Plus: Azure Kubernetes world and Army cash for services Software29 Apr 2019 | 9
Raise some horns: Red Hat's MetalKube aims to make Kubernetes on bare machines simple OpenInfra Days UK 2019 Open-source project borrows bits of OpenStack Software05 Apr 2019 |
Don't know how to do the Kubernetes? MapR says it'll hold your hand Firm pushes its customers to containers, recoils from Hadoop Devops02 Apr 2019 | 2
SUSE on Cloud 9 for love-in with OpenStack and Kubernetes SUSECON '19 Running HPE Helion? Time to start thinking about that 'seamless' transition On-Prem02 Apr 2019 |
Happy graduation day, Containerd! Canonical has something for you Support due in Microk8s and Charmed Kubernetes Software01 Mar 2019 | 4
Kubernetes has become 'boring' and that's good, Google tells devs Thrill-seeking infrastructure devs accept end of caffeine-fueled ops frenzy with murmur Devops12 Dec 2018 |
Need continuous Kubernetes satisfaction? CloudBees has just the thing DevOps outfit also unleashes commercial support for Jenkins X Devops12 Dec 2018 | 2
Kubernetes caretaker auditions for Hoarders; takes in another open source project Etcd joins growing collection of code tended by Cloud Native Computing Foundation Devops11 Dec 2018 | 4
Google's rent-a-cloud biz revs Istio for its Kubernetes service KubeCon K8's kitchen puts self-serve Istio on menu as managed offering takes shape Devops11 Dec 2018 | 2
Celebrating K8s crates inflation rate, Linux mates congregate As KubeCon + CloudNativeCon draws nigh, vendors can't contain themselves OSes10 Dec 2018 |
Kubernetes, welcome to the coin mines. Crooks dig into open containers to craft crypto-cash Lock down your installations and APIs, or prepare to be hijacked for funbux and giggles Devops07 Dec 2018 | 2
Virtual Nodes and Cluster Autoscaling arrive at Microsoft's Azure Kubernetes Party Microsoft Connect(); Python slithers out of Azure Functions shadows but ACS is for chop Software06 Dec 2018 | 2
Container code cluster-fact: There's a hole in Kubernetes that lets miscreants cause havoc Critical bug brings bevy of patches Security03 Dec 2018 | 3
Interest in Kubernetes, chip design coding, Go soars among tech job seekers and employers Containers cannot be contained as geeks go gaga over DevOps Devops29 Nov 2018 | 3
Cisco and AWS hop into bed for steamy hybrid Kubernetes action Mixing up on-premises and cloudy containers Devops08 Nov 2018 | 1
What's in the container, Cisco? A nice, plump SAP Data Hub One Kubernetes to rule them all Networks03 Oct 2018 |
Open-source boffins want to do for the IoT edge what Kubernetes did for containers Orchestration for the Internet of Things Edge + IoT27 Sep 2018 | 5
Kick-Kaas: NetApp gobbles cloudy Kubernetes upstart StackPointCloud CEO to stay on as NetApp Kubernetes takes to the skies Devops18 Sep 2018 | 1
Google sets Kubernetes free with $9m in its pocket for expenses K8s becomes captain of its own fate, in Google Cloud cabin Devops30 Aug 2018 | 4
Microsoft's Azure Kubernetes Service mucked my cluster! Redmond blames user error, invites further feedback to improve its service Devops08 Aug 2018 | 11
Slurps aplenty in your serve of network news AWS load balancer gets redirects, CableLabs SNAPs to Kubernetes, and more Networks27 Jul 2018 |
PSA: Pure has a PSO. That is, it's getting into container orchestration Analysis Multi-array abstraction layer oversees storage provisioning Storage03 Jul 2018 | 3
Container captain Kubernetes sails v1.11 to a shoreline near you Networking, storage get some love in the latest drop of code Devops28 Jun 2018 |
Press 1 for automagic K8s cluster. Press 2 or 3 for complex Kubernetes VMware expands SaaS portfolio with non-confusing third container offering on AWS SaaS27 Jun 2018 | 3
K8s awaits due date for latest, greatest slate: Extension versioning will reach beta, mates Version 1.11 of Kubernetes expected to drop Wednesday Devops27 Jun 2018 | 4
Contain yourselves: Kubernetes for Azure unleashed on world+dog Microsoft: Plz park your containers in our cloud K thx Devops14 Jun 2018 | 4
Seriously, Cisco? Another hard-coded password? Sheesh Roundup In other nets news Qualcomm secures Wi-Fi, and mesh nets get a spec Networks18 May 2018 | 21
Orchestral manoeuvres in the Docker: A noob's guide to microservices Where to begin with born-to-be-scaled stuff Devops14 May 2018 | 12
Microsoft sees Red ...Hat for OpenShift-on-Azure public cloud offering Red Hat Summit Embrace, extend, errr, what was the other one again? Devops08 May 2018 | 5
Eclipse Foundation pushes faster, cloudier Jakarta EE Platform fka Java EE gets new governance model, hopes for bigger community Software24 Apr 2018 | 6
Build a serverless framework at home: Go on, bit of open sourcey hijinx won't hurt Rifling through riff: Another option that's not Amazon's Lambda Devops18 Apr 2018 | 8
Docker enterprise kit gets cozy with Kubernetes Enterprise Edition 2.0 focuses on K8s without the ops hires Devops17 Apr 2018 | 1
Red Hat is in the pink: Cracks $3bn revenue run rate as subs take off CEO Jim Whitehurst damns Docker with faint praise, as you would after buying CoreOS On-Prem27 Mar 2018 | 12
Open source community crams itself into big tent Can't we just get along? At a sunny California inn with hors d'oeuvres, most definitely Software06 Mar 2018 | 15
Contain yourself – literally. You can't avoid Docker, K8s for long Comment Death reports of containerization biz somewhat exaggerated Devops22 Feb 2018 | 15
A print button? Mmkay. Let's explore WHY you need me to add that Come, Morlocks, and step into the world of the design Eloi Devops20 Feb 2018 | 116
Rook's hooked to cook bit nooks by the book Container storage tech gets adopted by Cloud Native Computing Foundation Devops09 Feb 2018 |
Look at stupid, sexy Kubernetes with all the cloud firms hanging off its musclebound arms The container war is won – but what now? Devops07 Feb 2018 | 12
Cisco throws everything it has at containers, hybrid cloud Container Platform hooks Kubernetes to all the Borg's bits SaaS31 Jan 2018 | 4
Red Hat tries CoreOS on for size – and buys Open-source firms hook up for $250m Devops31 Jan 2018 | 11
Feel like a little kid in the container world? Welcome to the club Don't worry about what people say they're doing on Twitter Devops08 Jan 2018 | 15
2017 – the year of containers! It wasn't? Oops. Maybe next year Immature tech still has a bunch of growing up to do Devops19 Dec 2017 | 12