nbn™ demos gigabit-speed fixed wireless services nbn™ still thinks hardly anyone needs gigabit broadband but wants to show it's ready anyway Networks25 Apr 2017 | 3
nbn™ joins standards body CableLabs Yet more evidence that nbn™ just won't change its mind and build fibre-to-the-premises Networks19 Apr 2017 | 3
nbn™ trials 10 Gbps fibre tech most of you will never see With Australians flocking to fast broadband, the digital divide's going to keep widening Legal10 Apr 2017 | 9
nbn™ gets its wish: Australian ISPs' performance to be rated ACCC to start broadband performance rating service to reveal real-world speeds Legal07 Apr 2017 | 11
nbn™ to offer 100Mbps fixed wireless service Rural businesses will be living the dream in 2018 Legal30 Mar 2017 | 10
Court smacks Telstra over wholesale pricing No NBN revenue top up for you, says regulator Legal28 Mar 2017 | 2
Federal Police toss nbn™ under a bus over leaks to Senator 'Who leaked the leak? Not us', claim feds, 'talk to them' Legal28 Mar 2017 | 8
nbn™ builder prioritises easy premises, because it must work like that Don't criticise CEO Morrow for keeping the build moving Networks28 Mar 2017 | 7
Sure, we could replace FTNN, says nbn™, if you let the unwired wait even longer for broadband You could also have uncertain costs and lose handy powered, fibred FTTN cabinets Legal07 Mar 2017 | 23
nbn™ is installing new hybrid-fibre coax cables The plan is to infill HFC-rich areas to create homogenous service zones Legal01 Mar 2017 | 22
nbn™ puts the acid on Australia's ISPs to speed up its NBN We only do the last few kms, CEO Bill Morrow tells Senate Estimates Legal28 Feb 2017 | 9
Competition and wholesale costs, not lack of fibre, crimp broadband in Australia Falls on Akamai's league table can't be automatically pinned on the multi-technology mix Legal19 Feb 2017 | 50
nbn™ to cut the charges ISPs pay for traffic In theory this should mean ISPs offer faster plans for fewer dollars Networks17 Feb 2017 | 9
nbn™ tops AU$400 million half-year revenue But signup for higher speed tiers is flat-lining Networks09 Feb 2017 | 9
Turnbull transforms tech right off his agenda But he's keen on a technology-agnostic NBN energy policy with lots of coal in it Legal02 Feb 2017 | 11
If nbn™ can't say when it will arrive in your street, you're getting a Telstra HFC connection Network-builder updates 'when will I get NBN' service to explain when services will be available Legal20 Dec 2016 | 22
Nice NBN rival you built there. What a shame if someone taxed it Government wants $7/month levy on broadband to fund loss-making services in the bush Legal12 Dec 2016 | 22
'NBN leak' documents sent to Jason Claire are privileged, says House of Reps committee Senate still deciding about Police raids on plods' raids on Stephen Conroy Legal28 Nov 2016 |
NetComm kicked to the curb by nbn™ for fibre-not-quite-to-the-home Venerable vendor will provide ready-to-bury VDSL boxen Networks22 Nov 2016 | 3
Australian government never asked nbn™ to apply for private loans AU$19.5bn loan made on cost grounds, not due to concerns about the business model Legal22 Nov 2016 | 6
NBN costs creating budget time bomb: Deloitte 'Fifty billion? Tell 'em they're dreaming, son' On-Prem21 Nov 2016 | 12
Australian government lends nbn™ AU$19.5bn to finish the job Bank of Mum & Dad steps in where others fear to tread Legal18 Nov 2016 | 9
Telecoms Ombudsman praises nbn™ for growing connections faster than complaints But nbn™ is now the most complained-about-telco, as a percentage of connections Legal17 Nov 2016 | 10
nbn™ aces the easiest construction target it will have for two years More than half of the NBN will be built in the next 21 months Legal08 Nov 2016 | 22
New Zealand carrier says Cu later, copper: we're giving customers a glassing instead Grit your teeth, Aussie fibre fans, Kiwis are beating us again Networks03 Nov 2016 | 16
nbn™ says nobody needs gigabit internet, trumpets XG-Fast at 8Gbps anyway Placating fibre fetishists has nbn™ in a twist and distracts us from bigger issues Networks17 Oct 2016 | 42
ACCC keeps ADSL services in its grip Suffer in your jocks, Telstra: Regulation to stay ahead of complete NBN rollout Legal16 Oct 2016 |
Australian broadband sat launch also tested next Ariane rocket Video European Space agency's re-usable rocket plan takes a small step forward Networks06 Oct 2016 | 1
NBN is essential, says Essential poll, but not Turnbull's NBN Finally, something that crosses the political divide Networks05 Oct 2016 | 22
nbn™'s Sky Muster II satellite launch grounded by wind If at first you don't succeed … you know the rest Networks04 Oct 2016 | 1
Optus' HFC problems were never a secret, so why did nbn™ need the network? Malcolm Turnbull, you will never be a network engineer Networks29 Sep 2016 | 10
Source: nbn™'s fibre-to-the-kerb will be VDSL at 100/40Mbps But Optus still gets its $800m payday, even though its network was too expensive to upgrade Networks29 Sep 2016 | 21
nbn™ dumps Optus HFC, will use fibre to the kerb for ≈700k sites So what exactly did AU$800m buy? An option for bits of Optus network, says nbn™ Networks28 Sep 2016 | 14
Former comms minster Stephen Conroy to leave Parliament 'The NBN is my greatest contribution' says senator in speech detailing trolling Legal16 Sep 2016 | 13
Union: Telstra seeking 120 redundancies in network ops team NBN contract miss puts pressure on field staff On-Prem07 Sep 2016 |
Australian telecoms regulator watching over Telstra HFC/NBN deal ACCC tells Telstra's right hand to pay no attention to left hand Legal04 Sep 2016 | 1
Good job, Oz feds: Conroy wants you investigated for privilege and contempt Inspector Cluseau called: he wants his bumbling schtick back Legal31 Aug 2016 | 11
NBN HFC scaled down to stave off financial disaster Net-builder hopes to raise AU$19 BEEELLION in debt by 2020; AFP leashed again Legal28 Aug 2016 | 11
Australian Federal Police resume NBN raids, this time in parliament Former comms minister Conroy calls on cops to back off, current minister says they're just following orders Legal23 Aug 2016 | 4
Australia's Telstra and Optus outed as two of the world's six most expensive ISPs Cloudflare says they just won't peer so it has to pay 17 times European data prices in Oz Networks18 Aug 2016 | 14
NBN delivers boring, solid result for 2015/2016 Where's the money coming from after the gummint's last billions? Don't know yet Networks16 Aug 2016 | 7
Labor's new comms spokesperson Michelle Rowland gets off to a bad start Netflix speeds are not a good indicator of the NBN's progress Networks14 Aug 2016 | 10
nbn™ switches on first Telstra HFC-powered broadband services 100/40Mbps services available to 2,300 Perth homes Legal28 Jul 2016 | 10
Oz regulator eyes broadband marketing ISPs fudging performance claims in ads? Say it isn't so! Networks26 Jul 2016 | 6
nbn™ talks up HFC upgrades to gigabit speed Research points out that HFC is widely-used and fast, but we knew that already and fibre fanatics don't care Legal22 Jul 2016 | 14
Australia gets one-quarter of a minister for national infosec Greg Hunt moves from environment to Minister For Agreeing With StartupLand Legal18 Jul 2016 | 8
nbnTM names six shops to re-build Telstra's HFC network And TITSUP Telstra gets to manage them all Legal13 Jul 2016 | 6
Oz competition regulator seeks input on ending wholesale ADSL declaration NBN is likely to make the service obsolete. If the clown-show gets it built Legal05 Jul 2016 | 2
Aust Federal Police keep lid on docs that triggered NBN raids Letter is national security Networks26 Jun 2016 | 5
Quigley: FTTP wasn't a failed project But unscrambling this egg will be painful Networks23 Jun 2016 | 6
Telstra's 'future of medical diagnosis' needs just 5Mbps If the future happens at 5Mbps, we need fibre to the what exactly why? Networks19 Jun 2016 | 8
Nokia to Oz: 5G will need fibre, and lots of it Latency, capacity, reliability and new network architectures won't be easy to deliver Networks15 Jun 2016 | 7
NBN chairman's rant breached caretaker conventions says public service boss Ziggy Switkowski was warned against penning op-ed Legal15 Jun 2016 | 1
Labor's broadband policy decides 39% fibre is healthy NBN diet Decides not to throw bad money after good dismantling hybrid-fibre coax Legal13 Jun 2016 | 12
Switkowski wades into NBN leak debate, ALP is furious 'Political rumourtrage' crack raises ire Legal29 May 2016 | 8
NBN raid fallout continues, with Conroy formalising privilege claim Feds' warrant names the guilty printer Legal24 May 2016 | 9
NBN leak pits minister against AFP commissioner Colvin's Keystone Cops okayed outsider's photos during raid Legal22 May 2016 | 6
Australian Federal Police say government ignorant of NBN raids Confirms target was Labor members, rejects claims the timing of the raids was political Legal20 May 2016 | 12
Australian Federal Police raid former comms minister's office National Broadband Network documents apparently sought as Feds probe leaks Networks19 May 2016 | 1