FCC net neutrality rules dead again as appeals court sides with Big Telco No more back-and-forth: Rosenworcel tells Congress the issue needs legislating Networks02 Jan 2025 | 26
Trump's pick to run the FCC has told us what he plans: TikTok ban, space broadband, and Section 230 reform Loathes Big Tech and is not at all keen on net neutrality Public Sector19 Nov 2024 | 120
Appeals court kicks fate of net neutrality in America further down the road Judges wonder out loud: If Congress wanted this, it would have passed a law, no? Networks02 Aug 2024 | 8
Net neutrality in danger again: US appeals court puts FCC's resurrected rule on hold 'Likelihood of success is even clearer,' thanks to those Supremes Networks15 Jul 2024 | 17
Big Telco takes aim at renewed net neutrality rules New red-tape will cost us big, American ISPs and their lobbyists claim Networks06 Jun 2024 | 10
FCC slams banhammer on 5G fast lanes with final net neutrality text Any way you network slice it, you can't favor an app, says US watchdog Networks09 May 2024 | 10
FCC votes 3-2 to bring net neutrality back from the dead Law responds again to pings Networks25 Apr 2024 | 16
America may end up with paid-for 5G fast lanes under net neutrality anyway Damn you, network virtualization Networks17 Apr 2024 | 22
FCC to reinstate net neutrality in the US until someone decides to scrap it again Pendulum returns to the Obama era – don't be surprised if it swings right back Networks03 Apr 2024 | 19
Ofcom attempts to thread the needle in net neutrality update User freedoms caught between network operators and big tech Networks30 Oct 2023 | 28
Net neutrality is back in the Land of the Free – for now Until the Democrats leave office, that is Networks20 Oct 2023 | 9
Net neutrality meets opposition in US, while Europe mulls charges for Big Tech Republican senators claim move will never survive judges' scrutiny Networks09 Oct 2023 | 20
FCC plans to restore net neutrality rules tossed out under Trump Discriminatory handling of data and paid internet fast lanes could again be disallowed Networks26 Sep 2023 | 29
Remember those millions of fake net neutrality comments? Fallout continues Trio of digital marketing firms cough up $600K to make astroturfing brouhaha just go away Networks15 May 2023 | 33
Europe to consult on making Big Tech pay for the networks it floods Continental bloc also greases the skids to usher in the gigabit age in two or three years Networks24 Feb 2023 | 32
US net neutrality bill is only two pages long. And that's potentially a good thing May stand a chance of passing as it's simple: Make ISPs Title II common carriers. Boom, done Personal Tech28 Jul 2022 | 17
Cable giants, ISPs, telcos end legal fight against California's net neutrality law If you can't beat the Golden State, try again at the federal level Networks05 May 2022 | 5
California's net neutrality law dodges Big Telecom bullet Federal appeals court upholds decision not to block connection protection rules Networks28 Jan 2022 | 16
Euro-telcos call on big tech to help pay for their network builds Aka 'rebalancing global technology giants and the European digital ecosystem' Off-Prem30 Nov 2021 | 32
Telcos crammed 8.5m fake comments against net neutrality into FCC's inbox While some teen generated 7.7m bogus pro-NN notes to US broadband regulator Networks06 May 2021 | 20
It’s back: America's net neutrality advocates begin push to return to pre-Trump internet protections Lawmakers look to FCC to become a 'cop on the beat' Personal Tech02 Mar 2021 | 16
California’s net neutrality rules good to go after judge boots Big Cable’s lawsuit Judge Mendez also suggests trying to use 1934 law in 2021 is... sub-optimal Networks24 Feb 2021 | 14
US govt drops challenge to California’s net neutrality law, signals shift to once again safeguard connections New FCC boss Rosenworcel makes it plain she will bring back protections Networks09 Feb 2021 | 9
With depressing predictability, FCC boss leaves office with a list of his deeds... and a giant middle finger to America Analysis A last gasp for the era of alternate facts Networks20 Jan 2021 | 85
Failed insurrection aside, Biden is going to be president in two weeks. What does it mean for tech policy? Comment We may finally get that privacy legislation, net neutrality Personal Tech07 Jan 2021 | 155
So bye-bye, Mr Ajit Pai. You drove our policy into the levee and we still wonder why Analysis FCC boss tells telco industry he's available for lobbying work in January Networks30 Nov 2020 | 63
FCC sucked deeper into partisan politics, Trumpism: Nominated commissioner sparks conflict-of-interest row Analysis Will Section 230 become the new net neutrality? Personal Tech11 Nov 2020 | 4
FCC puts final nails into net neutrality coffin. In a week, America will vote on whether to bury or open it up again Analysis Regulator’s monthly meeting provided an opportunity to argue all over again Networks27 Oct 2020 | 27
Net neutrality lives... in Europe, anyway: Top court supports open internet rules, snubs telcos and ISPs It only took five years Personal Tech16 Sep 2020 | 37
FCC forced by court to ask the public (again) if they think tearing up net neutrality was a really good idea or not Comment US regulator tries to hide embarrassment behind series of sudden announcements Networks21 Feb 2020 | 38
It’s been two years since net neutrality was killed in the US. Let’s celebrate by having another fight over it Comment Senate Democrats push for another vote; get rejected again Networks11 Dec 2019 | 21
Remember the millions of fake net neutrality comments? They weren't as kosher as the FCC made out Comment Data was pulled from 2016 credentials hack Networks04 Oct 2019 | 118
Landmark US net neutrality decision reveals that both sides won and lost out After brief hiatus, it’s back to fighting over internet access Legal01 Oct 2019 | 23
They did it! US House reps pulled their finger out, voted to restore net neutrality in America! News only spoiled by fact it was a complete waste of time Networks10 Apr 2019 | 59
There was yet another net neutrality hearing today in America, and it was all straightened out amicably and smoothly No, of course it wasn't Personal Tech12 Mar 2019 | 19
Tired of smashing your face into the brick wall that is US net neutrality? Too bad. There's a long way to go yet, friends Analysis Democrats launch new legislation that won't pass, but will cause months of argument Personal Tech07 Mar 2019 | 11
Good news: Congress has solutions to end net neutrality brouhaha. Bad news: Two competing sets of solutions... Analysis We're gonna save America's internet, scream both sides in different ways Personal Tech04 Mar 2019 | 12
Go big (with our bandwidth) or go home, Verizon: Texas mulls outlawing 911 throttling after Cali wildfire fiasco Public safety versus profit Networks13 Feb 2019 | 45
It's OK, everyone – Congress's smart-cookie Republicans have the answer to America's net neutrality quandary Analysis It's something to do with the Mexican border wall Networks08 Feb 2019 | 51
Our vulture listened to four hours of obtuse net neutrality legal blah-blah so you don't have to: Here's what's happening Analysis Appeals court hears arguments over whether watchdog was right to tear up protections Networks02 Feb 2019 | 47
FCC: Oh no, deary me. What a shame. Too bad, so sad we can't do net neutrality appeal during the US govt shutdown Updated Not so fast, there, Ajit... Networks17 Jan 2019 | 36
One year on after US repealed net neutrality, policymakers reflect soberly on the future Analysis Don't be daft, of course they haven't, we're still in Crazytown USA Networks14 Dec 2018 | 34
Net neutrality is heading to the courts (again): So will the current rules stand or be overturned (again)? We dig in and find a surprising answer Legal21 Nov 2018 | 18
In news that will shock absolutely no one, America's cellphone networks throttle vids, strangle rival Skype Analysis Net neutrality probe finds it's not the end of the world, though Networks08 Nov 2018 | 54
Supreme Court tells Big Cable to shut up for once: Net neutrality challenge shot down Even America's top court is bored of 'open internet' legal shenanigans Personal Tech05 Nov 2018 | 31
Super Cali goes ballistic, net neutrality hopeless? Even Ajit Pai's gloating is something quite atrocious US govt's legal challenge halts rollout of internet safeguards Networks26 Oct 2018 | 29
The ink's not dry on California'a new net neutrality law and the US govt is already suing Analysis Ding-ding, round three in the internet access battle begins Legal01 Oct 2018 | 47
FCC boss slams new Californian net neutrality law, brands it illegal Weiner unloads on American Pai over crony capitalism Legal17 Sep 2018 | 67
Y'know what? VoIP can also be free from pesky regulation – US judges It may be a phone service but it's over 'the internet,' so yeah, f**k me, right? Networks07 Sep 2018 | 70
Golden State passes gold-standard net neutrality bill by 58-17 Updated SB 822, passed by Senate and Assembly, now has to be passed by, er, the Senate again Legal31 Aug 2018 | 30
Net neutrality haters spam Californians with annoying robocalls Everybody gets a raise in the heady world of ISP lobbying Networks28 Aug 2018 | 18
Fire chief says Verizon throttled department's data in the middle of massive Cali wildfires Not a great look for telco giant ahead of net neutrality suit Networks22 Aug 2018 | 146
Mozilla accuses FCC of abdicating its role, ignoring comments in net neutrality lawsuit Legal battle #433 over Pai's push to kill off rules Legal20 Aug 2018 | 13
Net neutrality freaks furious over lack of fury at FCC hearing Unbelievable that more wasn't made of this non-story Legal16 Aug 2018 | 25
Denial of denial-of-service served: There was NO DDoS on FCC net neutrality comments Probe confirms: No attack, just an incredibly unpopular policy brought down feedback site Networks07 Aug 2018 | 18
FCC caught red-handed – again – over its $225 complaint billing plan Plan is killed at the last minute after outrage all round Legal12 Jul 2018 | 30
Trump's Supreme Court pick will decide critical tech issues for decades – so what are the views of the contenders? Privacy, net neutrality, mass surveillance... the small stuff Legal09 Jul 2018 | 12
California lawmakers: We swear on our avocados we'll pass 'strongest net neutrality protections' in America Big Cable lobbyists abandoned after grassroots campaign Networks05 Jul 2018 | 35
Feds charge Man after FCC boss Ajit Pai's kids get death threat over net neutrality axe vote Alleged perp's apology to watchdog chairman didn't work Legal02 Jul 2018 | 52
Big Cable unplugs Cali's draft net neutrality protections yet AGAIN Sponsors of US state's proposed law fume as key committee chair guts legislation Networks21 Jun 2018 | 18
AT&T sends in startup shill to shake up Cali's net neutrality safeguards Analysis Oh look it's 'tech startup advocacy group' CALinnovates again Personal Tech19 Jun 2018 | 12
US senators get digging to find out the truth about FCC DDoS attack And why serial self-promoter John McAfee is a security expert on Russian hacking Security13 Jun 2018 | 21