Netgear fixes critical bugs as Five Eyes warn about break-ins at the edge International security squads all focus on stopping baddies busting in through routers, IoT kit etc Edge + IoT05 Feb 2025 | 4
Google patches odd Android kernel security bug amid signs of targeted exploitation Also, Netgear fixes critical router, access point vulnerabilities Patches04 Feb 2025 | 5
Netgear hauls Huawei to court over Wi-Fi patent spat Router maker claims Chinese giant refuses to license on reasonable terms Networks01 Feb 2024 | 16
Cisco kindly reveals proof of concept attacks for flaws in rival Netgear's kit Maybe this is deserved given the problem's in a hidden telnet service Research22 Mar 2023 | 24
Netgear router flaws exploitable with authentication ... like the default creds on Netgear's website Don't just install the patch, change your router passwords too Security03 Dec 2021 | 17
Dang vaccines dented our bottom line in the connected home sector, says Netgear Swings and roundabouts: They also drove a 58% boost to business revenue Networks22 Jul 2021 | 9
Microsoft warns of serious vulnerabilities in Netgear's DGN2200v1 router Gadget capable of 'opening the gates for attackers to roam untethered through an entire organisation' Security01 Jul 2021 | 13
This Netgear SOHO switch has 15 – count 'em! – vulns, which means you need to upgrade the firmware... now One of them is a critical RCE bug Security11 Mar 2021 | 23
Before you buy that managed Netgear switch, be aware you may need to create a cloud account to use its full UI You will be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, and numbered Networks21 Sep 2020 | 46
If you own one of these 45 Netgear devices, replace it: Kit maker won't patch vulnerable gear despite live proof-of-concept code That's one way of speeding up the tech refresh cycle Security30 Jul 2020 | 81
Living on a prayer? Netgear not quite halfway there with patches for 28 out of 79 vulnerable router models It's been 6 months since researchers spotted RCE flaws Security30 Jun 2020 | 10
Netgear was told in January its routers can be hacked and hijacked. This week, first patches released – after exploits, details made public Two models get hot-fixes, er, looks like 77 more to go? Networks19 Jun 2020 | 18
Netgear's HTTPS cert snafu now has a live proof of concept Updated And the company reaction is: not even 'meh' Security12 Feb 2020 | 39
Leave your admin interface's TLS cert and private key in your router firmware in 2020? Just Netgear things Finding sparks debate over bug disclosure – and how to secure a local gateway's web control panel Security20 Jan 2020 | 46
Sign of the times: Mirai botnet strain fine-tunes itself to infect digital signage, projectors Notorious code puts on suit and tie, goes after business kit Edge + IoT19 Mar 2019 | 13
Netadmins: Grab a plate and wander down El Reg's network buffet Broadband Forum standards, ZTE drags down optical market, and more Networks24 Aug 2018 | 3
Packet mix cake is yum! And so is this mix of packet-related news ROUNDUP Network news covering cloud, a breach at Netgear's spin-out, plus Red Hat wraps Ribbon and more Networks03 Jun 2018 | 2
Wish you could log into someone's Netgear box without a password? Summon a &genie=1 Get patching – there's this auth bypass and loads of other bugs Security09 Feb 2018 | 59
Arlo, can you go? NETGEAR spins out its security cameras biz Network boxen buying cycle has limbo-ed down too low, so prepare for on-subscription cloud services assault On-Prem07 Feb 2018 | 7
OK, Google: Why does Chromecast clobber Wi-Fi connections? Router vendors sling firmware to protect users from packet floods Networks15 Jan 2018 | 111
Netgear 'fixes' router by adding phone-home features that record your IP and MAC address Yeah, that'll be secure for sure Security21 May 2017 | 51
Netgear confirms: Intel's wobbly Puma 6 in fast broadband modems is super-easy to choke out No fix ready yet for DoS-able home gateways Personal Tech01 May 2017 | 7
Netgear says sorry four weeks after losing customer backups Critical design bug caused havoc on 30 March Storage26 Apr 2017 | 32
Intel's dying Atom chips strike again: Netgear recalls four ReadyNAS, Wi-Fi management lines Hardware maker offers to replace or repair at-risk kit Personal Tech03 Mar 2017 | 24
Netgear unveils world's easiest bug bounty Router baron makes break from SOHOpeless device cesspit sporting chained multikill bonus Security06 Jan 2017 | 11
US-CERT's top tip: Hack your crap Netgear router before miscreants arrive Command-injection hole can only be closed by killing web server – or the whole thing Security13 Dec 2016 | 31
Video surveillance recorders riddled with zero-days Kit from NUUO, Netgear has face-palm grade stoopid Security07 Aug 2016 | 17
Netgear prodded into patching SOHOpeless broadband router Disclosure prompts action on months-old authentication bypass Security13 Oct 2015 | 26
Still safe as houses: More CCTV for the masses Feature More app-equipped cameras for you to scare your pets with, apparently Personal Tech15 Aug 2015 | 15
It's enough to get your back up: Eight dual-bay SOHO NAS boxes Product Round-Up Desirable data doublers for home or office Personal Tech02 Aug 2015 | 61
Trevor contemplates Consumer Netgear gear. BUT does it pass the cat hair test? Sysadmin blog A real life furball survivor Networks30 Nov 2014 | 30
Get NAS-ty: Reg puts claws to eight four-bay data dumpsters Product round-up Storage you can see, clouds you create Storage10 Oct 2014 | 56
Top Ten 802.11ac routers: Time for a Wi-Fi makeover? Product round-up Pricier than 802.11n kit, but worth it Personal Tech06 Aug 2014 | 69
L33t haxxors compete to p0wn popular home routers EFF-endorsed SOHOpelessly Broken challenge will air routers' dirty zero day laundry Security18 Jul 2014 | 16
Got a Netgear router from Virgin Media? Change your admin password NOW Wi-Fi cred-baring vuln lets attackers take full control Networks10 Mar 2014 | 33
Cisco coughs up to patent troll, smacks down IP laws Borg's legal fees in Innovatio case were five times the settlement Legal11 Feb 2014 | 5
Hacker backdoors Linksys, Netgear, Cisco and other routers Does anyone take consumer security seriously? Security06 Jan 2014 | 68
Netgear router admin hole is WIDE OPEN, but DON'T you dare go in, warns infosec bod Networking kit-makers: C'mon, it won't happen if you secure your network Networks25 Oct 2013 | 34
You. Netgear ReadyNAS owners. Have you closed your gaping holes today? Firmware update slipped out to kill code-injection vuln Security23 Oct 2013 | 4
Mother of All Whistlers: Virgin Media superhub. Listen to recordings Audio Majestic whine Networks11 Dec 2012 | 47
Virgin Media's blighted SuperHub NOW comes with extra squeal (oink) Exclusive Netgear kit has even started to whine! Networks18 Oct 2012 | 69
Devolo dLAN 500Mb/s powerline network adaptor review Fast Ethernet through a three-pin plug Personal Tech18 Jul 2012 | 35
Netgear Powerline Nano 500 Ethernet-over-mains adaptor Review Mains-line networking Personal Tech05 Apr 2012 | 52
Netgear debuts first next-gen powerline network kit CES 2012 IEEE 1901 adaptor launched Personal Tech09 Jan 2012 | 17
LG to tune in TVs to Intel's WiDi First tellies with laptop streaming tech on board Personal Tech15 Dec 2011 | 2
Virgin Media finally offers network options on SuperHub For best 5GHz results, get rid of your walls and doors Networks14 Sep 2011 | 41
Local councils shed CIOs as cuts bite Opportunity for outsourcers, but pickings may be slim Channel05 Jul 2011 | 9
Netgear XAV5001 500Mb/s powerline Ethernet adaptor Review The mains event? Personal Tech17 May 2011 | 36
Intel brings protected DVD, BD playback to WiDi Wirelessly stream content - if you have the right kit Personal Tech05 May 2011 | 4
Virgin Media says sorry over Superhub snafu Issues yet another firmware update Networks20 Apr 2011 | 30
Virgin Media to issue firmware update after Superhub slows to crawl Exclusive Fancy new kit FAIL Networks22 Feb 2011 | 78
Intel soups up Wireless Display tech CES 2011 But will punters really buy a new laptop for PC-to-TV streaming? Personal Tech07 Jan 2011 | 2
Netgear integrates HomePlug and Wi-Fi CES 2011 Pitches 500Mb/s powerline too Personal Tech05 Jan 2011 | 5
CES pitted for Intel Wireless Display boost IDF More supporters, more kit coming next year Personal Tech15 Sep 2010 | 3
Netgear launches next-gen powerline Ethernet kit But no Gigabit performance just yet Networks03 Sep 2010 | 7