Meet OneRNG: a fully-open entropy generator for a paranoid age Kiwis to seek random investors for crowd-funded randomiser Security17 Nov 2014 | 30
Nude celeb pics wrongly blamed for DDOS at New Zealand's largest ISP Actual culprit appears to be silly router configurations and Euro-nasties Security08 Sep 2014 | 7
NZ Justice Minister scalped as hacker leaks emails Grab your popcorn: Subterfuge and slur disrupts election run up Security01 Sep 2014 | 22
Kiwi Rocket Lab to build SUPER-CHEAP sat launchers (anyone know 30 rocket scientists?) Promises 100 launches a year for payloads up to 110kg Science29 Jul 2014 | 32
Kiwi ISP 'Slingshot' stones geo-blocked content The last time someone tried this it ended badly, quickly Networks08 Jul 2014 | 11
That's no plane wreck, that's a Google Wi-Fi balloon Unplanned splashdown scrambles New Zealand emergency services Networks20 Jun 2014 | 23
Kiwis get cracking with gigabit residential broadband Copper not 'good enough' says UF CEO Networks10 Jun 2014 | 24
Monkey steals iPod touch, loses interest in minutes Simian thought to have disposed of iThing in a moat Bootnotes20 Mar 2014 | 42
NZ bloke's drunken poker bet ends in 99-letter name Mr Full Metal Havok <snip> Frostnova Bootnotes12 Mar 2014 | 63
Kim Dotcom extradition hearings delayed Megachap blames new conspiracy about Kiwi elections for legal layover Legal25 Feb 2014 | 8
Kiwi inventor's court win rains on Apple's parade 'driPhone' trademark ruled legal in New Zealand Legal17 Dec 2013 | 29
Kiwi 'ccountancy cloud collects colossal cash casket Xero wins another $NZD180m in funding Software13 Oct 2013 | 3
Kiwis (finally) confirm software ban under new patent law Lone stand or first domino? Legal28 Aug 2013 | 23
Kiwis rally against 'snoops' charter' law PM Key calls protesters 'misinformed' and 'politically aligned' Legal28 Jul 2013 | 20
New Zealand to bar software patents, again New legislation closes loophole, makes it plain Kiwis won't patent code Legal09 May 2013 | 32
FTTN cabinet survives Kiwi car crash Update Malcolm Turnbull's FTTN NBN plan now proven to be physically robust Legal08 May 2013 | 13
Kiwis consider new spy laws in wake of Dotcom debacle Will let GCSB spy on citizens Legal07 May 2013 | 14
Kiwi cops to buy 6,500 iPhones, 3,900 iPads Smartphones and fondleslabs will do the work of 345 officers Legal15 Feb 2013 | 39
Kiwi Coroner says Coca-Cola helped kill woman Cardiac arrhythmia followed nine litres a day habit Bootnotes12 Feb 2013 | 73
New Zealand court hands out second peppercorn downloading penalty Kiwi freetards have no taste whatever Legal11 Feb 2013 | 48
First ‘three strikes’ decision handed down in NZ Insufficient evidence costs RIANZ its big win as court imposes tiny fine Legal31 Jan 2013 | 37
Kiwi archaeologists cook up a record of Earth’s magnetism What’s that in your hangi? Science09 Dec 2012 | 14
'Mount Doom' rumbling ominously Did someone toss a ring into the Kiwi volcano used as LoTR movies' Mordor? Science19 Nov 2012 | 32
Kim Dotcom's Mega pops up AGAIN, now in New Zealand Kiwi-hosted site to be 'powered by legality' Networks12 Nov 2012 | 16
Accidental discounts land Apple in NZ's Disputes Tribunal El Reg has seen the screen shots and the story stacks up ... mostly On-Prem05 Nov 2012 | 33
Kim Dotcom offers free internet with own submarine cable Revives collapsed Pacific Fibre plan for New Zealand to USA link Networks04 Nov 2012 | 33
Kiwi three strikes piracy case collapses Accused had never seen, and had no idea how to use, file-sharing software Legal19 Oct 2012 | 16
NZ blogger names source for data leak tipoff Kiwi self-serve privacy outrage continues Security15 Oct 2012 | 4
NZ government network leaking data like a sieve Updated: Ministry apologises, launches investigation Security14 Oct 2012 | 15
New Zealand issues Hobbit money Previousss coins have horrible exchange rate Bootnotes09 Oct 2012 | 49
New questions raised over Kim Dotcom snooping Reports ‘ping’ Kiwi spy agency for spying on Dotcom's Modern Warfare sessions Legal05 Oct 2012 | 37
New Zealand Prime Minister apologizes for Dotcom spying Dotcom says police missed explosive clues Legal27 Sep 2012 | 45
NZ bloke gets eel stuck up jacksie 'This has to be a first', admits hospital insider Bootnotes26 Sep 2012 | 84
Kiwi cops forgot Kim Dotcom's visa Court documents reveal cockup, not conspiracy, led to unlawful arrest Legal26 Sep 2012 | 33
NZ spooks acted unlawfully in Megaupload wiretap Court informed of wrongdoing as PM orders inquiry Legal24 Sep 2012 | 30
NZ software giants join patent bill protest Updated: govt says "no" Petitioning against patent trolls Software10 Sep 2012 | 1
Microsoft NZ exposes TechEd delegates' passwords Registration emails included passwords as plaintext Security30 Aug 2012 | 5
New Zealand softens software patent ban Amendment welcomed by vendors, laywers On-Prem29 Aug 2012 | 26
Greens launch anti-TPP Internationale Oz, Canada, New Zealand strike cross-border coalition against ACTA-like trade pact Legal21 Aug 2012 | 10
US appeal dismissed in Dotcom case BREAKING New Zealand judge upholds disclosure order Legal16 Aug 2012 | 58
Video shows armed assault on Kim Dotcom family home Two helicopters, armed police and dogs used in arrest Legal08 Aug 2012 | 102
Kiwi pooches turn into ROACH MUNCHING DOPE FIENDS Red-eye, munchies, freezing to death Bootnotes12 Jul 2012 | 18
Kiwi ISP offers geo-block workaround No more “second-grade-third-world-digital-boat-people people” Networks10 May 2012 | 10
US Trade Rep criticises tech trade barriers in Oz, NZ Wary of telecoms, cloud, patent and copyright rules Legal11 Apr 2012 | 16
Megaupload boss: Site popular among US government users May be tempted to name names in Justice, Senate Legal12 Mar 2012 | 78
Virtual Australia & New Zealand Initiative launches Plans 3D models of every ANZ building, secure access model. Legal06 Mar 2012 | 5
Hobbit movie locations using 6km of data cabling IT Systems Manager speaks in latest production video blog Networks03 Mar 2012 | 23
Bone-bothering boffins build GIANT penguin from fossils Tall, thin linux geek bird roamed New Zealand 25m years ago Science28 Feb 2012 | 15