Post-HCI hardware vendor Nutanix keen to show its soft side as it flashes Q4 numbers Boasts of passing billion buck annual revenue milestone Storage31 Aug 2018 |
DDN catches Tintri customers, Seagate beancounter goes to Tesla, NGD powers up Another truckload of storage news delivered to your face Storage07 Aug 2018 |
Nutanix inks deal to swallow desktop apps-as-a-service cloud flinger Hyperconverger's cloud services parts to get Framed Storage03 Aug 2018 |
Hyperconverged hype train is going hard: Kit sales up 76% to $1.23bn Dell EMC, Nutanix rule the roost Systems28 Jun 2018 | 4
Air Force Won: Nutanix lands $45m deal to ply US flyboys with hyperconverged kit 'Largest single deal' for storage upstart, says analyst Systems26 Jun 2018 | 5
Hitch a ride on Storship Enterprise's weekly voyage of discovery Benchmarks, startup drama, an array with 20 controllers... Argh! Beam me up, Scotty Storage30 May 2018 | 2
If you like Nutanix and you think it's XC... Bit barn boxes or ROBO Dell teases high and low-end hyperconverged kit at .NEXT Systems11 May 2018 |
Beam, Flow and Era: Not a yoga class, silly, Nutanix's move into copy data management SDN-based security, automated database cloning and multi-cloud spending control Storage10 May 2018 | 7
HPE shines in IDC Converged Systems tracker, Cisco does not Mature-looking HCI market has Dell-VMware in lead with Nutanix second On-Prem05 Apr 2018 | 6
Beware VMware! Nutanix sprays all over Virtzilla's networking territory Teases FLOW product as alternative to NSX Networks14 Mar 2018 | 3
Oozing with info, glazed with love: Treat yourself to a storage doughnut All the calories you need but never knew you wanted Storage14 Mar 2018 |
Hyperconverger Nutanix gobbles Netsil No, it's not a laundry detergent... it's a microservices flinger SaaS12 Mar 2018 | 15
Nutanix shrugs off loss, rivals, buys another firm Turnover's up 44%. Dell, VMware probably raging Storage02 Mar 2018 | 13
Say HCI is an enhanced server. If you don't already sell 'em, it could be game over, man Analysis Where enterprise servers go, hyperconverged systems follow Storage16 Feb 2018 | 26
Laggard Cisco stumbles over, puffing: 'HyperFlex now supports Hyper-V' Version 3.0 scales up, shows some container love and promises validation Virtualization25 Jan 2018 | 12
Security patches done, machines upgraded, the coffee's hot – just in time for storage roundup Could Nutanix be gearing up for an acquisition? Storage23 Jan 2018 | 3
Software is eating the world – and Nutanix's hardware revenues Analysis Taking a look at the firm's New Year's hardware spring-cleaning Storage05 Jan 2018 | 7
Who's king of the hyperconverged castle? Dell or Nutanix? It's not as clear-cut as it seems Analysis Three letters: O E M Storage03 Jan 2018 | 18
Oh, Nutanix, if you carry on like this you might actually creep into profit Revenue up, losses down – that's how you do business Storage01 Dec 2017 |
Someone has fixed the ESX 'VM stun' problem Virtual machines won't press pause in Nutanix deployments Storage28 Nov 2017 | 17
Who'd a thunk it? IBM has a hyperconverged play – feel the POWER .NEXT Big Blue's mighty machine needs Nutanix software nuggets Storage09 Nov 2017 | 8
Nutanix builds doorway to multiple compute and object storage services .NEXT On the path to becoming an enterprise hybrid cloud provider and gateway SaaS08 Nov 2017 | 1
Comtrade's latest HYCU release tightens bear hug around Nutanix +Comment All your data protection are belong to us Storage07 Nov 2017 |
Pivot3 reports bumper growth – but is it just hyperconverged hype? Bookings up 50% in a quarter... though all of HCI is doing nicely Storage07 Nov 2017 | 2
Nutanix launches VMware-to-Acropolis migration tool Migrating VMs isn't a dark art and vSphere users are sticky, but Nutanix is having a crack Virtualization17 Oct 2017 |
Quantum's rook-ey move, software pawns and is cheque in mail for tape? Storage roundup Plus resistive RAM news – it's a week in storage chess Storage13 Oct 2017 | 1
Amazon, Azure, Google will eat all the IT. Google, let us be your cake fork, pleads Nutanix Analysis 3 IT giants - just 1 on-prem/hybrid stack partner opening... SaaS06 Oct 2017 | 11
'Hyper' kids ate all the sales growth again, say converged systems beancounters Good Q2 news for Cisco, NetApp and a few others. Yep, just them Storage29 Sep 2017 |
VMworld schwag heist CCTV didn't work and casino wouldn't share it Disappearance of anti-Nutanix buttons becomes 'happened in Vegas, stays in Vegas' thing Virtualization17 Sep 2017 | 18
Nutanix reports record revenues for first year since going public Sees itself as VMware rival On-Prem01 Sep 2017 | 6
VMworld security asked to probe theft of anti-Nutanix schwag Rival hyperconverged vendor Maxta says someone pinched its pins and silenced its stand Storage30 Aug 2017 | 6
Get hyped: Cisco makes $320m intentions known to startup Springpath Will supply the software for Netzilla's HyperFlex HCIA line Storage21 Aug 2017 | 9
A storage giant wants to give you 46,763... Terabytes? Flash drives? No, PDF pages. Price list SKUwered Bootnotes14 Aug 2017 | 22
Nutanix CEO smacks down VMware exec over claim it's a new Enron Yeah, the one that went down in flames for enormous financial naughtiness On-Prem19 Jul 2017 | 16
All the (IT storage) News That's Fit to Print Your essential guide to latest developments in enterprise-grade silos of bits and bytes Storage02 Jul 2017 | 5
Newly Google-emboldened Nutanix aims for data centre dominance Data centre control plane platform play by mad hyperconverger Storage29 Jun 2017 | 6
Hyperconverged leapfrog: Dell EMC borg overtakes Nutanix Takes hyper-converged infrastructure appliance lead – analyst Storage26 Jun 2017 | 49
Software 'submarine' surfaces data protection for the Nutanix hypervisor crowd They kept that quiet: Software for AHV app data protection Storage20 Jun 2017 | 6
Data shepherd Rubrik herds Microsoft, Oracle users towards its Alta Now talks to Nutanix AHV, Microsoft Hyper-V and Oracle RMAN Storage13 Jun 2017 | 1
Hyper-converged trashes all-flash: Nutanix out-grows Pure Storage $100m+ quarterly loss fuels relentless drive for growth Storage26 May 2017 | 19
Nutanix, IBM hug each other in Power pity party Big Blue gets cloud cred. Nutanix gets a chance to talk core apps On-Prem15 May 2017 | 19
Google Cloud boss to speak at ... hang on, Nutanix conference? Storage firm is going hybrid cloud SaaS15 May 2017 | 4
Partners? With them? No way, says HPE of Nutanix Nutanix sure is good at getting under rivals' skin On-Prem08 May 2017 | 18
Nutanix consciously uncouples with move into software-only sales Updated HPE ProLiant and Cisco UCS-C for now, but it turns out Nutanix didn't ask HPE if it would play On-Prem04 May 2017 | 11
As senior bosses eject and shares crash... is it time to pray for Nutanix? Analysis Shine comes off hyper-converged boxes as meteoric growth plateaus Storage02 May 2017 | 2
Hypervisor kid Jeff Ready: Converged to the core, and NO VMware Profile Getting down and dirty at the HCI coal face with Scale Computing Virtualization13 Apr 2017 | 6
SimpliVity customers spurned by HPE welcomed into loving arms of Nutanix Seductive twofer licence deal if you switch Storage29 Mar 2017 | 10
Converged systems market is so hot it just went backwards FY 2016 was okay, but Q4 was ugly, which may explain the SimpliVity fire sale and Nutanix's revenue warning On-Prem27 Mar 2017 | 6
Zerto SNAFU can cause data corruption on Nutanix boxen DR upstart's board adds chap with data loss experience: Yahoo! CFO Ken Goldman Storage10 Mar 2017 |
Nutanix spanked as it predicts sales slowdown Sales superheroes promoted into management and suddenly next quarter looks tricky On-Prem03 Mar 2017 | 3
OK, hyperconverged is the new black. But who's winning at it? Well... not Microsoft, Cisco or HPE, according to a consultant Storage23 Feb 2017 | 8
Hyperconverged market gets hyper-competitive as new riders enter field Analysis But they'll be hard-pressed to catch Dell and Nutanix On-Prem17 Feb 2017 | 8
HPE buying SimpliVity is like a 'unicorn barbecue' – HCI boss man Interview Scale Computing's Jeff Ready on Scale, the hyper-converge boom and more Storage25 Jan 2017 | 18
VMware user group fight leaves community diminished Independent user group HQ excluded Virtzilla rivals, fired volunteers Software25 Jan 2017 | 12
Nutanix releases fifth version of Acropolis Bigs up its vSphere replacement creds Storage05 Jan 2017 | 5
What’s next after hyperconvergence? Hyperconverged box humming away nicely? Time to take things up a notch Storage15 Dec 2016 | 5
Monitor Nutanix from System Center? What strange magic is this? API magic, that's what, with a little help from Comtrade On-Prem13 Dec 2016 |
Nutanix makes thundering great loss, stock market hardly blinks Investors don’t care as sky-rocketing growth set to continue On-Prem30 Nov 2016 | 23
Hyperconvergence 101: More than a neatly packaged box of tricks Simplicity is good, but what else can you do? On-Prem22 Nov 2016 | 6
HPE and SimpliVity may be at church door Could they marry? Should they marry? Will they marry? Are they marrying? On-Prem09 Nov 2016 | 20
Pivot3 appoints new CxO as revenues rocket Dollars better flow or Chief Revenue Officer will have to go On-Prem02 Nov 2016 |
NetApp, storage class memory and hyperconvergence Architecting IT blog I'm Darrell, this is my brother Darrell and this is my other brother Darrell Storage03 Oct 2016 | 3