Microsoft investigating 365 Office activation gremlin Says it's not sure what the issue is but points at admins tweaking licensing options Applications20 Dec 2024 | 24
Productivity suites, Exchange servers in path of Microsoft's end-of-support wave Less than a year to go – is your enterprise ready for the change? Applications16 Oct 2024 | 5
Gartner mages: Payback from office AI expected in around two years Hype is peaking now and digital employee experience stuck in trough of disillusionment AI + ML15 Aug 2024 | 42
WordStar 7, the last ever DOS version, is re-released for free The preferred tool of Arthur C Clarke, Anne Rice and George R R Martin Applications06 Aug 2024 | 131
Microsoft expects further concessions for Teams amid EC antitrust probe Despite unbundling video and chat app from Office, Redmond 'committed to find a resolution to regulators' concerns' Applications05 Jun 2024 | 8
Microsoft thinks bundles are great and customers love them Rivals and regulators might disagree, so might users that are paying for software they don't need Applications04 Apr 2024 | 25
Microsoft Teams decouples from Office 365 suite globally Licenses everywhere can omit collaboration app thanks to EU regulators Applications02 Apr 2024 | 23
Microsoft Forms feature request still not sorted after SEVEN years Request for time input field was added to project backlog – where it remains Software13 Dec 2023 | 41
Cybercrooks amp up attacks via macro-enabled XLL files Neither Excel nor PowerPoint safe as baddies continue to find ways around protections Research01 Nov 2023 | 6
Google exec: Microsoft Teams concession 'too little, too late' If you don't tackle Redmond's abuse of software licensing in rival clouds it'll be game over for innovation, warns Amit Zavery Cloud Infrastructure Month15 Sep 2023 | 39
Farewell WordPad, we hardly knew ye Microsoft ends development of free basic word processor bundled with Windows Software04 Sep 2023 | 145
Official: Microsoft unbundles Teams in Europe Breaking up is hard to do: Redmond reluctantly lets EU play matchmaker for software suite flings SaaS31 Aug 2023 | 19
Microsoft still prohibits Google or Alibaba from running O365 Windows Apps Almost a month after AWS concession, Redmond keeping mum on reason for locking rivals out PaaS + IaaS25 Aug 2023 | 40
It's official: EU probing bundling of Teams with Microsoft 365 Updated Antitrust inspectors trying to figure out if Redmond has breached local competition laws SaaS27 Jul 2023 | 42
Microsoft kicks Calibri to the curb for Aptos as default font The artist formerly known as Bierstadt Applications14 Jul 2023 | 88
EU antitrust team closer to full-blown Microsoft probe, say sources Despite Redmond's best efforts to convince competition regulators that product bundles are OK Software04 Jul 2023 | 22
Microsoft signs 1.5 million seat contract for Office 365 and more $940m agreement with one of world's largest employers is value for money, we are assured Sysadmin Month30 Jun 2023 | 49
Clippy designer was too embarrassed to include him in his portfolio Love him or loathe him, the default Office Assistant remains an icon of personal computing history Offbeat12 Jun 2023 | 56
Microsoft may charge different prices for Office with or without Teams How to appease antitrust regulators by looking like you're doing something Storage05 May 2023 | 32
AlienFox malware caught in the cloud hen house Malicious toolkit targets misconfigured hosts in AWS and Office 365 Security30 Mar 2023 |
Sensitive DoD emails exposed by unsecured Azure server AWS, Google and Oracle may benefit as Microsoft blames the Pentagon and the Pentagon blames Microsoft Security23 Feb 2023 | 19
Microsoft boffins contemplate equipping Excel with AI Go on, bring on the FLAMEs AI + ML04 Feb 2023 | 49
Microsoft Office 365 Cloud has a secret lining Hardened versions of apps and services can handle classified information for government Off-Prem31 Jan 2023 | 20
Zoom adds email and calendar to its apps, to relieve the crushing burden of ALT-TAB Also teams up with cinema chain AMC to let you Zoom at the movies Software09 Nov 2022 | 22
Microsoft rolls back default macro blocks in Office without telling anyone Updated Based on 'feedback'. Which one of you asked for this, and why? Security08 Jul 2022 | 32
Microsoft slows some hiring for Windows, Teams, and Office 'Making sure the right resources are aligned to the right opportunity' ahead of next fiscal year Software27 May 2022 | 8
Outlook bombards Safari users with endless downloads Updated Mystery zero-byte file deluge makes site unusable, hundreds of netizens complain Applications04 May 2022 | 45
Microsoft hikes prices for non-profit customers, ends on-prem software grants Office 365 and Windows 365 prices to rise in September – one SKU by much more than recent commercial increase Software08 Apr 2022 | 36
Alibaba opens DingTalk collaboration tool to enterprises and developers Teams-like application boasts 500 million users, but Microsoft has more active users Software28 Mar 2022 | 2
Microsoft revenue up by a fifth as world shuffles through the pandemic into the metaverse Cloud the top earner as usual but Redmond is doubling down on gaming Software26 Jan 2022 | 8
Customer comment and contributions no more as Microsoft pulls the plug on Office 365 UserVoice forum No obvious replacement yet either SaaS08 Mar 2021 | 35
Yes, it's down again: Microsoft's Office 365 takes yet another mid-week tumble, Azure also unwell Updated Come back, Word 97, all is forgiven SaaS07 Oct 2020 | 67
Is it Patch Blues-day for Outlook? Microsoft's email client breaks worldwide, leaves everyone stumped Updated Admins sent scrambling after software mysteriously starts crashing Security15 Jul 2020 | 40
If you have Microsoft 365 and Windows Virtual Desktop, do you need Citrix? Apparently Redmond's Azure-based system pals up with virty dinosaur Virtualization14 Jul 2020 | 11
Hold off that rush into the July 4 weekend – you may need this: Microsoft patches pwn-by-picture pitfalls in Win 10 Redmond also praised for blocking malware control systems on its clouds Security02 Jul 2020 | 6
PowerShell inventor Jeffrey Snover gets new gig driving ‘modern workforce transformation’ Which appears to involve buying lots of AI-infused Microsoft SaaS Software20 May 2020 | 6
SAP proves, yet again, that Excel is utterly unkillable It built a perfectly good analytics cloud yet has added a Microsoft spreadsheet plugin because that’s what punters want Software19 May 2020 | 76
Microsoft gives Office 365 admins the heads-up: Some internal queries over weekend might have returned results from completely different orgs Only in 'extremely rare circumstances.' So that's OK Security18 May 2020 | 19
Post-pandemic hard-sell under way: Resellers leaned on to convert free trial users into fully paid-up customers Eight weeks to turn ‘helping you enable remote work with Office 365 at this difficult time’ into cash Channel12 May 2020 | 6
Go on, hit Reply All. We dare you. We double dare you. Because Office 365 will defeat your server-slamming ways New Exchange Reply-All-stopper is rolling out in the cloud now SaaS08 May 2020 | 49
Corporate VPN huffing and puffing while everyone works from home over COVID-19? You're not alone, admins Microsoft and others take steps to handle remote staffer crunch Virtualization11 Mar 2020 | 68
Admins beware! Microsoft gives heads-up for 'disruptive' changes to authentication in Office 365 email service Basic authentication will be OFF for Exchange Online email and other services from October 2020 SaaS26 Feb 2020 | 80
Keen to check for 'abnormal' user behaviours? Microsoft talks insider risk, AWS imports and compliance at infosec shindig RSA RSA Before you remove the mote from thy hacker's eye, remove the beam from the eyes of your, er, Teams Security20 Feb 2020 | 3
Chrome suddenly using Bing after installing Office 365 Pro Plus... Yeah, that might have been us, mumbles Microsoft Bad-a-Bing, badda-boom: Netizens complain of browser hijacking SaaS22 Jan 2020 | 127
You're about to gouda major change in Microsoft cloud security after Redmond agrees to go Dutch on data Will take the GDPR hit for all cloud biz so you don't have to SaaS18 Nov 2019 | 9
Microsoft crams Office 365 docs into Edge-style sandboxes to thwart malware infections Ignite Your guide to some of the security enhancements announced this week Security07 Nov 2019 | 9
Microsoft welcomes ancient Project app to the 365 family, meaning bleak future for on-prem Redmond hauls management software cloudwards Software29 Oct 2019 | 48
Microsoft explains self-serve Power platform's bypassing of Office 365 admins to cries of 'are you completely insane?' Updated We're unlocking productivity! Software28 Oct 2019 | 115
Power to the users? Admins be warned: Microsoft set to introduce 'self-service purchase' in Office 365 Updated Users will be able to buy own licences and administrators cannot prevent it Software22 Oct 2019 | 69
Good guy, Microsoft: Multi-factor auth outage gives cloudy Office, Azure users a surprise three-day weekend Updated Redmond's sign-on system is so secure, nobody can get in SaaS18 Oct 2019 | 22
Office 365 verboten in Hessen schools: German state bans cloudy Microsoft suite on privacy grounds Meanwhile, Australia signs 98 federal agencies up to service SaaS16 Jul 2019 | 44
NHS Wales flings £39m at Microsoft for Office 365 and Windows 10 Far away, my Office is calling... Outlook alerts do chime Software26 Jun 2019 | 15
Behold the might of dynamic crimefighting duo Captain Met Police and the Microsoft Kid Office 365 to demonstrate legendary ability to not fall over when pushed to the front line Software13 Jun 2019 | 31
Office 365 user security practices are woeful, yet it's still 'Microsoft's fault' when an org is breached As soon as defences are sold as a product, hygiene suffers Security16 May 2019 | 45
Kaspersky updates its cybercrook look book: Smashing Office is hot, browser vulns are not Over two-thirds of attacks Russian biz spied targeted venerable Microsoft suite Security16 Apr 2019 | 15
Microsoft's corporate veep for enterprise puts the boot into boot times Interview Brad Anderson talks going native and attaching electrodes to journalists Software28 Mar 2019 | 39
Children of Wales to be prepped for the vibrant world of work with free Office 365 ProPlus We'll keep an Excel in the hillside, we'll keep on coding in the Vales SaaS22 Mar 2019 | 57
There's no 'My' in Office, Microsoft insists with new productivity hub If you like that then you'll just LOVE our 365 range Software21 Feb 2019 | 39
Only plebs use Office 2019 over Office 365, says Microsoft's weird new ad campaign Get with the times, Grandad! Software07 Feb 2019 | 260
The chips are down: Now Microsoft blames Intel CPU supply shortages for dips in Windows, Office sales What went well? Services, services, services, services! OSes31 Jan 2019 | 16
Trying to log into Office 365 right now? It's a coin flip, says Microsoft: Service goes TITSUP as Azure portal wobbles Final update Total Inability To Support Users' Passwords SaaS29 Jan 2019 | 73
Office 365 enjoys good old-fashioned Thursday wobble as email teeters over in Europe Updated 2018's greatest hits on repeat in 2019 for some lucky Microsoft punters SaaS24 Jan 2019 | 58