El Reg PARIS team fires up the GPS tracker Successful test of main payload locating unit Science23 Apr 2010 | 13
PARIS hacked Canon: 108 minutes, 1,298 stills Better batteries resolve PowerShot power-down Science21 Apr 2010 | 16
PARIS hacked Canon test (almost) runs on rails PowerShot powers down mid-shoot Science19 Apr 2010 | 15
Peer 1 Hosting puts up for Reg space mission Site News Vulture 1 gets backing Science18 Mar 2010 | 11
El Reg space bureau firms up PARIS kit list Paper plane project acquires gadgetry Science05 Feb 2010 | 15
El Reg's PARIS programme attracts high-flying sponsor Peer 1 hops aboard Vulture 1 Science16 Dec 2009 | 20
Vulture 1: Calling all electronics wizards Also, anyone got a hypobaric chamber? Science11 Aug 2009 | 40
El Reg space paper plane christened Vulture 1 PARIS project moves to planning stage Science10 Aug 2009 | 78
El Reg to launch space paper plane Your input invited for audacious upper-atmosphere mission Science30 Jul 2009 | 125