Perl Steering Council lays out a backwards compatible future for Perl 7 Sensibly written code only, please. Plus: what all those 'heated discussions' were about Devops26 May 2022 | 42
Perl Foundation faces more departures after pausing Community Affairs Team People just won't quit quitting Software13 Aug 2021 | 25
Perl's Community Affairs Team chair quits as org put on ice by code language's foundation Previous statements yanked while charter is 'formalized' Software09 Aug 2021 | 76
Perl changes dev's permaban for 'unacceptable' behaviour to a year-long lockout after community response 'Discriminatory or harassing conduct will not be tolerated' Software07 May 2021 | 69
Key Perl Core developer quits, says he was bullied for daring to suggest programming language contained 'cruft' 'After saying this, I immediately received hostile messages' says pumpking of version 5.x Devops13 Apr 2021 | 68 theft blamed on social engineering attack: Registrar 'convinced' to alter DNS records by miscreants Network Solutions hasn't confirmed what happened, though Security02 Mar 2021 | 20
Perl-clutching hijackers appear to have seized control of 33-year-old programming language's .com domain Got a few (thousand) dollars to spare? Devops28 Jan 2021 | 60