Boffins have fabricated microscopic sci-fi tractor beams for real It can only hold millions of cold rubidium atoms for now though Science31 Oct 2018 | 44
Astroboffins discover when white and brown dwarfs mix, the results are rather explosive 350-year monkish mystery could be down to a merger Science10 Oct 2018 | 16
It's over 9,000! Boffin-baffling microquasar has power that makes the LHC look like a kid's toy The first detection shows beams powered to over 25 trillion electron volts Science05 Oct 2018 | 63
Laser-sharp research sees three top boffins win the Nobel Prize in physics First woman in 55 years and the oldest recipient to date Science03 Oct 2018 | 44
The Register Lecture: Great gravitational waves! LIGO's next cosmic act Re-discovering the final frontier with Professor Mark Hannam Lectures01 Oct 2018 | 8
Send up a satellite to zap space junk if you want Earth's orbit to be clean, say boffins The new method destroys rubbish naturally Science28 Sep 2018 | 88
Boffins don't want to burst your bubble – they create them with sound Video Nerd out over bizarre ultrasonic fluid dynamics Science12 Sep 2018 | 11
Drama as boffins claim to reach the Holy Grail of superconductivity But odd results and email impersonation raise eyebrows Science15 Aug 2018 | 119
Now that's a dodgy Giza: Eggheads claim Great Pyramid can focus electromagnetic waves And the Leaning Tower of Pisa can pick up BBC World Service Science01 Aug 2018 | 216
Four hydrogen + eight caesium clocks = one almost-proven Einstein theory Time team comes closest it ever has to magical zero result Science05 Jun 2018 | 123
Boffins quietly cheering possible discovery of new fundamental particle: Sterile neutrino Champagne on ice, but MiniBooNE's 15-year hunt has produced promising results Science04 Jun 2018 | 57
Where to find dark matter? $34m says go look 2km under Canada New experiment will look for the tiny vibrations made by Weakly Interacting Massive Particles Science08 May 2018 | 13
James Webb Space Telescope + luck = long distance astrofun Gravitational lensing may help NASA kit see some real golden oldies Science26 Apr 2018 | 12
Fermi famously asked: 'Where is everybody?' Probably dead, says renewed Drake equation We can't see alien radio signals because they were snuffed out Science15 Mar 2018 | 252
For all we know, aliens could be as careless with space junk as us Astroboffin suggests scanning exoplanets for xenocrap in orbit Science08 Mar 2018 | 44
Soz, guys. No 'alien megastructure' around Tabby's Star, only cosmic dustbunnies Crowdfunded $107k to find system just needed a Hoover Science03 Jan 2018 | 50
Which distant Mars-alikes could we live on? Ask these Red Planet data-sifters MAVEN probe observations shed light on atmosphere loss Science14 Dec 2017 | 23
Sorry 'strange physics' fans, IceCube finds the Standard Model stands Video Boffins finds neutrinos sometimes collide with Earth instead of passing through Science23 Nov 2017 | 23
Hotter than the Sun: JET – Earth’s biggest fusion reactor, in Culham Geek's Guide to Britain A star performer producing fission-free plasma power Geek's Guide25 Sep 2017 | 143
Two hot Jupiters around two similar stars orbiting at similar distances look similar, right? WRONG Cruel mistress science throws astroboffins a curveball Science06 Jun 2017 | 15
Boffins have figured out a way of speeding up X-ray data collection And machine learning is the solution AI + ML06 Jun 2017 | 6
Scientists are counting atoms to figure out when Mars last had volcanoes Astroboffin-in-training makes dating breakthrough Science26 May 2017 | 18
Large Hadron Collider turns up five new particles This is the stuff that binds Quarks together Science21 Mar 2017 | 50
Time crystals really do exist, say physicists* *If we change the definition of 'time crystal', so scratch that Doctor Who screenplay, okay? Science14 Mar 2017 | 43
Astroboffins glimpse sighting of ultra-rare circular galaxy Double-ring phenomena for the 0.1 per cent fans Science04 Jan 2017 | 40
Three certainties in life: Death, taxes and the speed of light – wait no, maybe not that last one Einstein was wrong, reignited theory suggests Science25 Nov 2016 | 165
CERN also has a particle decelerator – and it’s trying to break physics But physics is resisting: Antiproton weight probe reveals no anomalies Science07 Nov 2016 | 54
Rise of the photon clones: New method could lead to 'impenetrable' comms New tech aims to boost security and range of quantum cryptography Science26 Oct 2016 | 10
How do you make a qubit 10 times as stable? Dress it up for work No joke. Electromagnetic fields could help achieve dream of quantum computing Science18 Oct 2016 | 17
British trio win Nobel prize for physics 'Opened door to unknown world where matter can assume strange states' Science04 Oct 2016 | 24
Microsoft thinks time crystals may be viable after all Movement without energy? Redmond puts its money where its mouth is Science12 Sep 2016 | 123
Lab-grown black hole proves Stephen Hawking's radiation claims – physicist But 'pioneering paper' also contains some contradictory data, says prof Science16 Aug 2016 | 17
Billion-tonne IceCube: Sterile neutrino does not exist We're, um, Straight Outta 'fourth' 'trons... 'trinos... you know what we mean – scientists Science08 Aug 2016 | 26
Schrödinger's cat explained with neutrinos Physicists show quantum weirdness of neutrinos over longest distance yet Science20 Jul 2016 | 50
LIGO team may have found dark matter Not betting the house, but it's plausible, boffins say Science24 Jun 2016 | 30
Physicists build simulator, hope to stand up beautiful Standard Model Particles, antiparticles and putting meat on bones of theory Science23 Jun 2016 | 10
Rejoice, fatties: Giving chocolate electric shocks makes it healthier Less fat needed after careful application of wiggly amps Science21 Jun 2016 | 58
Cats understand the laws of physics, researchers claim It's all about expectation violation Science15 Jun 2016 | 90
Regular Fast Radio Burst detected outside our galaxy Probably not ET, but possibly a new way to weigh the universe Science03 Mar 2016 | 23
What would happen if Earth fell into a black hole? We might not even notice.... Science17 Feb 2016 | 49
Physics uses warp theory to look beyond relativity Compressing the space-time continuum. No flux capacitors here, though Science16 Dec 2015 | 60
Boffins build magnetic field cloak 'wormhole', could help MRI scanners Cool cloak no sci-fi joke Science04 Sep 2015 | 28
Coffee cup-sized MIT machine can SEE actual ELECTRONS, boast boffins Neutrino mass search takes another big step Science22 Apr 2015 | 8
Soil and sand harden as SPEEDING MISSILES and METEORS SLAM into GROUND – boffins 'Like trying to push your way through a crowded room' Science12 Apr 2015 | 48
Saturn's rings, radio waves ... poetry? At home with Scotland's Mr Physics Geek's Guide to Britain James Clerk Maxwell's house Geek's Guide06 Apr 2015 | 24
Atomic clocks' ticks tamed by 3,000 entangled atoms Boffins break record for entanglement with mirrors and lasers Science30 Mar 2015 | 12
Is light a wave or a particle? Beaming boffins prove it's BOTH And they've got the pics to prove it, thanks to clever nanowire tricks Science03 Mar 2015 | 28
Quantum of Suspicion: Despite another $29m, D-Wave doubts remain What exactly is company offering? On-Prem30 Jan 2015 | 26
Antarctic boffins hope stratospheric gravity wave hunter returns to Earth Telescope circles globe propelled by polar winds Science08 Jan 2015 | 6
Why the chemistry between Hollywood, physics and maths is so hot right now Interview El Reg talks to The Theory of Everything producer Science20 Dec 2014 | 16
CERN IT boss: What we do is not really that special You'll all be doing the same - in about 10 years' time SaaS20 Nov 2014 | 12
Pre-digital computer 'cranks out' Fourier Transforms Video Boffins get a handle on pre-digital computer, restore it to working order Personal Tech17 Nov 2014 | 24
Texas boffins put radio waves in a spin Circulator would enable full-duplex cellphone operation on single frequency Science11 Nov 2014 | 21
GOD particle MAY NOT BE GOD particle: Scientists in shock claim 'Data not precise enough to determine exactly what it is' Science10 Nov 2014 | 105
White LED lies: It's great, but Nobel physics prize-winning great? Worstall @ the Weekend How artificial lighting could offer an artificial promise Science11 Oct 2014 | 132
Neutrinos lay bare solar proton reactions Set the controls for the heart of the Sun Science28 Aug 2014 | 3
ANU boffins demo 'tractor beam' in water Video The current state of the art, apparently Science11 Aug 2014 | 18
CERN data explains how Higgs heavies other matter Standard Model hangs together as bosons fly apart Science17 Jul 2014 | 33
HESS-II scope spots its first pulsar Gamma ray source seen from ground for first time Science06 Jul 2014 | 3
Speed of light slower than we thought? Probably not Einstein not wrong, except in headlines Science01 Jul 2014 | 67
Cambridge's tiny superconducting magnet breaks strength record Three tonnes of force exerted by golfball-sized gadolinium, barium and copper cocktail Science01 Jul 2014 | 26