Docker users clock up 2 billion pulls since 2013 The mark of a healthy and active ecosystem Devops11 Feb 2016 | 1
Chicago Mercantile Exchange floats Wall Street cloud Trade IaaS resources just like hogs, sugar, and anything else SaaS01 Oct 2013 | 1
Does a cloud have to be public, or can it be private? Enterprises and Rackspace Hosting disagree with Amazon SaaS08 May 2013 | 16
Amazon releases OpsWorks, muscles into cloud management 'Do not be alarmed, cherished partners' SaaS19 Feb 2013 |
Server admin kit spans heaven and data center Bladelogic man goes to Scalextremes SaaS22 Jun 2011 | 3
Amazon gets 'F' for communication amidst cloud outage CTO's distributed computing pal analyzes EC2 failure SaaS25 Apr 2011 | 10
Ex-Amazon 'Master of Disaster' animates server Chef 'Object oriented programming for sysadmins' Channel22 Jun 2010 | 8