Musk’s DOGE ship gets ‘full’ access to Treasury payment system, sinks USAID Who better to trust trillions of dollars, SSNs and other sensitive info with than Elon Public Sector03 Feb 2025 | 276
Blocking Chinese spies from intercepting calls? There ought to be a law Sen. Wyden blasts FCC's 'failure' amid Salt Typhoon hacks Security11 Dec 2024 | 17
US senator claims UnitedHealth's CEO, board appointed 'unqualified' CISO Similar cases have resulted in serious sanctions, and they were on a far smaller scale CSO31 May 2024 | 26
FBI and friends get two more years of warrantless FISA Section 702 snooping Senate kills reform amendments, Biden swiftly signs bill into law Public Sector22 Apr 2024 | 8
US senator claims Google and Apple reveal push notification data to foreign govs Cupertino promises to reveal its data deliveries, ending silence on the matter Personal Tech06 Dec 2023 | 9
How insecure is America's FirstNet emergency response system? Seriously, anyone know? Senator Wyden warns full probe needed into vital comms network Public Sector12 Apr 2023 | 9
US border cops harvest info from citizens' phones, build massive database Texts, contacts, call logs, photos, and more centrally stored for years without a warrant in sight Personal Tech15 Sep 2022 | 57
Section 230 authors despair of Trump, Barr, Biden, US Congress’ aggressive ignorance of critical tech law Look, we wrote it! You're all wrong! Personal Tech25 Jun 2020 | 27
If you're despairing at staff sharing admin passwords, look on the bright side. That's CIA-grade security Internal report confirms what we all feared: Lax controls led to WikiLeaks Vault 7 hack tools blab Security16 Jun 2020 | 60
Remember that backdoor in Juniper gear? Congress sure does – even if networking biz wishes it would all go away US lawmakers demand answers in quest against Feds-only access points Networks10 Jun 2020 | 31
Ring of fired: Amazon axes multiple workers who secretly snooped on netizens' surveillance camera footage This Internet of Things in the cloud is working out so well, so, so well, so well Edge + IoT09 Jan 2020 | 46
Here we go again: US govt tells Facebook to kill end-to-end encryption for the sake of the children Uncle Sam calls on tech giants to open up platforms for government snooping Security04 Oct 2019 | 169
Low Barr: Don't give me that crap about security, just put the backdoors in the encryption, roars US Attorney General Analysis I don't want to hear about hackers and keys, nerds – make it happen, or we'll pass a law making it happen Security23 Jul 2019 | 368
Equifax to world+dog: If we give you this $700m, can you pleeeeease stop suing us about that mega-hack thing? US senator dismisses cop-out, suggests jail time for execs Security22 Jul 2019 | 64
If Uncle Sam could quit using insecure .zip files to swap info across the 'net, that would be great, says Silicon Ron Wyden Senator urges NIST to do something about it Security19 Jun 2019 | 48
Senator: US govt staff may be sending their smartphone web traffic 'wrapped in a bow' to Russia, China via VPNs No policy to stop use of dodgy foreign network providers. You'd hope common sense would prevail, but... Security30 May 2019 | 21
Senator Wyden goes ballistic after US telcos caught selling people's location data yet again Rights warrior ticked off after yet another report of whereabouts being flogged to dodgy geezers Security08 Jan 2019 | 82
Battle lines drawn over US mass surveillance as senators probe NSA's bonfire of phone records Analysis Ding! Ding! Round three in blanket spying bout Security06 Aug 2018 | 28
US senators get digging to find out the truth about FCC DDoS attack And why serial self-promoter John McAfee is a security expert on Russian hacking Security13 Jun 2018 | 21
Hold the phone: Mystery fake cell towers spotted slurping comms around Washington DC US Homeland Security says it detected 'anomalous' spy kit Security03 Apr 2018 | 42
US Congress quietly slips cloud-spying powers into page 2,201 of spending mega-bill Updated House OKs email slurp rules, Senate stalled SaaS23 Mar 2018 | 25
Techno-senator tells Tinder to hook up its app with better security Swipe-a-shag tool gets the dreaded sternly-worded-letter treatment from Wyden Applications16 Feb 2018 | 3
Crypto-gurus: Which idiots told the FBI that Feds-only backdoors in encryption are possible? Brilliant boffins back bullsh*tting bureau bollocking Security14 Feb 2018 | 107
US senators rail against effort to sneak through creepy mass spying bill We must have public debate on warrantless snooping, demands bipartisan gang Legal19 Dec 2017 | 32
US Section 702 spying rules get deadline extension until April And yet again black has become white, and left, right Legal08 Dec 2017 | 5
While you're preparing to carve Thanksgiving turkey, the FCC will be slicing into net neutrality Analysis Pai will lay out plan this week, vote in December Networks21 Nov 2017 | 37
US govt's 'foreign' spy program that can snoop on Americans at home. Sure, let's reauth that... Analysis What's Russian for 'section 702 s***show'? Security15 Nov 2017 | 25
There's a battle on over two US spying laws: One allows snooping on citizens – one bans it Analysis Congress mulls S702 reauth law and USA Rights Act Security24 Oct 2017 | 18
Intelligence director pulls national security BS on spying question Senator Wyden not happy with continued obfuscation Legal13 Sep 2017 | 19
Wonder why Congress doesn't clamp down on its gung-ho spies? Well, wonder no more Analysis No, it's not because they have Trump-pee-tapes Security07 Sep 2017 | 34
WikiLeaks a 'hostile intelligence service', SS7 spying, Russian money laundering – all now on US Congress todo list Ron Wyden tacks measures onto snoop funding bill Security23 Aug 2017 | 18
Senator blows a fuse as US spies continue lying over spying program Bullsh*t sandwiches all 'round Security07 Jun 2017 | 56
Hey FCC, when you're not busy screwing our privacy, how about those SS7 cell network security flaws, huh? No one else seems to care, sniff politicians Security30 Mar 2017 | 8
Pre-Trump FCC – get a grip on mobe data caps, racist Stingray spying, urge Dem senators Warren, Bernie, Wyden push for changes before January Legal22 Nov 2016 | 21
US Director of National Intelligence legs it Videos Good riddance, says senator who caught him lying Legal17 Nov 2016 | 33
Non-US encryption is 'theoretical,' claims CIA chief in backdoor debate No choice but to use American gear, grins spymaster Security17 Jun 2016 | 110
Congress presents plan to tighten reins on FBI hacking Bill gets bipartisan support Legal19 May 2016 | 7
US govt quietly tweaks rules to let cops, Feds hack computers anywhere, anytime Congress? Democracy? No need for that Legal29 Apr 2016 | 57
Senator Wyden recalls SOPA fight in bid to defeat encryption-weakening efforts It's not privacy versus security; it's security versus more security Legal30 Mar 2016 | 16
You, FCC. Do something about these overpriced cable boxes, yells Bernie Sanders and pals Taking a pop at Comcast – election-winning move, that Networks04 Feb 2016 | 23
If hackers can spy on you all then so should we – US Senator logic CISA info-sharing bill tacked onto military funding paperwork SaaS11 Jun 2015 | 42
Senator: Backdoor for the Feds is a backdoor for hackers Wyden pushes for law banning special access in software, hardware for cops and spies Security15 Dec 2014 | 42
NSA spying will shatter the internet, Silicon Valley bosses warn Senator Wyden says Congress must act to reassure the world Channel09 Oct 2014 | 37
Senator: Surveillance state based on secret law 'has no place in America' But if it's not stopped now, it may soon be too late Legal24 Jul 2013 | 46
Senator demands Congressional vote on ACTA 'No vote, no ratification' of anti-piracy treaty Legal22 Mar 2012 | 27
RIAA-led mob threatens innovation, Senator warns Web 2.0 Summit Content industry using 'cluster bomb' on tech sector Legal18 Oct 2011 | 23