Boss of Russia's Facebook says Putin cronies have taken over his company Found out he was jobless via press report Legal22 Apr 2014 | 26
Facebook claims 100 MEEELLION active users in India Who needs China when you've got the next billion in your sights? Networks10 Apr 2014 | 6
Bay of Tweets: US sought to disrupt Cuba with covert social network Report claims ZunZuneo intended to spark revolution Legal04 Apr 2014 | 20
Page through Page's page page-views: Google+ shows how many saw your profile Proof+ someone+ else+ is+ on+ the+ website+ too+ Networks01 Apr 2014 | 6
'I like big butts and I cannot lie, hackers take Pinterest on a joyride' NSFWish So spammers say you're fat, well, we ain't down with that Security28 Mar 2014 | 19
MPs urge to use 1950s obscenity law to stifle online stiffies 'Would you wish your wife or servants to view this website?' Legal19 Mar 2014 | 120
Twitter blew $36m on patents to avoid death by lethal injunction New document reveals what it took to get IBM off tweet biz's back On-Prem08 Mar 2014 | 24
Thanks a lot, Facebook: Microsoft turns Office 365 into social network In Redmond, no one lets you unfriend your boss Software04 Mar 2014 | 68
LinkedIn censors self to launch in China We hate the laws but we'll agree to them. China needs us more than we need freedom Networks25 Feb 2014 | 8
You’re a LIAR and a CHEAT... la-la-la, I can't hear your lawyers Something for the Weekend, Sir? Reputation app Reput: You cut me deep, man Applications21 Feb 2014 | 39
With $100m+ buyout deal, Klout is suddenly popular again Lithium Technologies said to be acquiring social media startup Legal11 Feb 2014 | 3
Twitter offers boffins a free sip of its data firehose Data Grants project cracks open the blue bird's tweet horde Science06 Feb 2014 | 2
Twitter shares plummet as first-ever earnings show weak growth Promises to win more users in 2014 ... somehow On-Prem05 Feb 2014 | 8
Facebook unwraps Paper, a content-hoover application Ad-slinger cranks out new content management system for social network denizens Applications30 Jan 2014 | 9
Facebook's dying? HA! Get ready for another DECADE of us – Zuck Money machine spits out $1.5bn net income for the year On-Prem30 Jan 2014 | 20
Facebook gets a 'trending topics' box (just what its cluttered pages need) Retweets Twitter's playbook literally Networks16 Jan 2014 | 21
Parisian cabbies smash up Uber-booked rival ride Votre app américain sale n'a pas été cherché ici, imbécile! Software14 Jan 2014 | 62
Judge orders to unmask anonymous critics who tore into biz 'Defamatory speech is not entitled to constitutional protection,' huffs appeals beak Legal11 Jan 2014 | 62
Slurped self-destruct selfie slinger Snapchat so sore, suddenly says sorry Finally touts update for security hole that didn't hang around for just 10 seconds Software10 Jan 2014 | 13
ANYONE on Google+ can now email you, with or without your Gmail addy 'Feature'+ links+ webmail+ and+ social+ network+ for+ unsolicited+ mail+ joy+ Networks10 Jan 2014 | 63
Snapchat vows to shut its hole in wake of 4.6 million user data breach Words like 'apologize' and 'sorry' notably absent Security04 Jan 2014 | 46
Apple gets into Twitter data-mining biz with mystery Topsy buy Surprise social networking play is a head-scratcher Legal03 Dec 2013 | 5
Schmidt: Social networks will FREE THE PEOPLE of China 'You simply cannot imprison enough Chinese people' On-Prem26 Nov 2013 | 16
Supermodel Lily Cole in Impossible partnership with Jimbo Wales, YOU 'Impossible is something that has to happen'? Shurely something that can't ...? Software26 Nov 2013 | 29
Canadian teens cuffed over alleged Snapchat child sex pics ring 'Self-destructing' selfies not destroyed after all Legal15 Nov 2013 | 43
Concerning Spiceworks' evil plans for world domination Analysis Sadly, there are few volcanic islands in Austin On-Prem14 Nov 2013 | 6
Bloke accused of using cop's innocent Facebook snaps in child sex chat Officer and wife sues man for emotional damage in alleged swiped photos saga Legal13 Nov 2013 | 12
Wanted: IT world domination. Can Spiceworks succeed? Analysis Rethinking the social network as a guild On-Prem09 Nov 2013 | 25
Facebook profiles go TITSUP! Mystery malady plagues piles of pages Updated The social network that goes down on its users ... bitch Networks08 Nov 2013 | 17
YouTube co-founder either HATES Google+ or his vid account just got HACKED Jawed 'me at the zoo' Karim is peeved, apparently Networks08 Nov 2013 | 37
Facebook gives THUMBS DOWN to its OWN design makeover New buttons pressed into service, whether you Like it or not ... bitch Networks07 Nov 2013 | 29
Tech today: Popular kids, geeks, bitchfests... Welcome back to HIGH SCHOOL, nerds Sysadmin blog Don't be fooled. Following the herd STILL gets you nowhere On-Prem05 Nov 2013 | 17
Facebook Zucks up $2bn sales, record profit - but stock fell. What gives? More mobile users and more ads added up to a solid quarter On-Prem31 Oct 2013 | 3
Email-sniffing Linkedin Intro NOT security threat, insists biz network But it can WIPE your MOBE, shrieks infosec company Security29 Oct 2013 | 20
Facebook TEENS EXPOSED to entire WORLD Lockdown lifted from underage users' accounts Networks17 Oct 2013 | 43
Twitter revamps Android tablet app – but ONLY for Samsung 'slabs Back luck fanbois and, er, the other kinds of slabber Software11 Oct 2013 | 5
Facebook RIPS away your veil of privacy, declares NO MORE HIDING Zuck it up - now anyone can find you ... Bitch Networks11 Oct 2013 | 120
Instagram: You'll LOVE our 'enjoyable' new feature. Yes, it's adverts Time to start earning back Facebook's $715m Legal04 Oct 2013 | 24
California kids win right to delete digital past Power to disappear embarrassing pics, vids ... but not permanently Legal26 Sep 2013 | 49
LinkedIn fires back against 'hack-and-spam' US class-action sue bomb Plaintiffs allege Facebook-for-suits violated federal wiretap law, California privacy rules Legal24 Sep 2013 | 43
Bacon 'n' egg on his face: Hollywood heartthrob pwned by Twitter phishers 'I changed my password to EggsN' and now I think I'm ok,' jokes Footloose star Security13 Aug 2013 | 6
Twitter hardens two-factor authentication with app-based secure logins SMS, phone number no longer needed Security07 Aug 2013 | 2
Zuck on THIS: Mobile users propel Facebook to RECORD earnings Welcome to the party ... bitch On-Prem24 Jul 2013 | 9
ZUCK out all my BUGS: Facebook gobbles Brit glitch-hunter God, anything to improve that mobile app Security19 Jul 2013 | 10
British Bebo founder buys back social network for $849m profit Saw AOL coming a mile off Legal02 Jul 2013 | 43
AT&T sells out of HTC First Facebook phones Much-loathed mobes are all collector's items now Personal Tech25 Jun 2013 | 4
Microsoft: Half of all organizations will use 'Facebook-like' tools One year after Yammer buy, sees social behind every shrub SaaS25 Jun 2013 | 35
Facebook bug leaks contact info of 6 million users But to each other, oddly enough – not the NSA Security21 Jun 2013 | 19
MySpace zaps millions of teens' tearful rants, causes wave of angst 'Your crappy redesign SUCKS, I wanna read my blogs' screech users Networks13 Jun 2013 | 50
'Office Facebook' firm Tibbr wants you to PAY for mobe-meetings app Great idea. Punters won't cough for it though Software13 Jun 2013 | 8
LinkedIn snarfing contacts from Exchange Update Default server settings surrender data to social network Security06 Jun 2013 | 27
AWS taps social networks for identity verification Log in with Amazon, Facebook, Google, to your cloudy app SaaS29 May 2013 | 4
Jumping on the ethernet bandwagon? You should! Cloud, virtualisation, mobile tech require fatter pipes Channel24 May 2013 |
Facebook fails to wow Wall Street with slow profit growth Mobile users keep coming, but will they pay off? On-Prem01 May 2013 | 7
Facebook skins Android with Facebook Home Zuck on this, unless you care about privacy Networks04 Apr 2013 | 47
So, Twitter. 200m twits. How will you make your first billion? Oh, ads. There's money to be made in laconic e-jibber-jabber. RT pls LOL Legal02 Apr 2013 | 14
Apple buys indoor mapper WiFiSLAM Oh joy: your iPhone will know where you've shopped On-Prem25 Mar 2013 | 22
LinkedIn password hack sueball kicked to the kerb by judge Leaked hashes not an automatic threat of identity theft Security07 Mar 2013 | 4
New social network is for DEAD PEOPLE 'Immortalize the loved ones who are no longer with you' Networks27 Feb 2013 | 40
Linaro Linux-on-ARM effort sets sights on network gear PowerPC, x86, and MIPS can run, but they can't hide OSes20 Feb 2013 | 8
LinkedIn proves not all social IPOs were bubbly Financial results humiliate Facebook, Groupon, Zynga On-Prem08 Feb 2013 | 22