WANdisco plunges into the Hadoop foam party, shakes its replication booty 'This 6ft-4 Indian guy in hotpants is a friggin GENIUS' Storage01 Jul 2014 | 3
Scott McNealy to caddie for 18-year-old son at US Golf Open Biggest thing since Java launch says former Sun CEO Channel12 Jun 2014 | 9
Watch: Sun BELCHES PLASMA large enough to ENGULF 35 EARTHS Vid Fiery footage from NASA's IRIS imager Science02 Jun 2014 | 15
Oracle melds its 'cloud OS' with OpenStack in Solaris 11.2 release Second update covers the former Sun system with cloudy goodness Software30 Apr 2014 | 5
Burnt out on patches this month? Oracle's got 104 MORE fixes for you Mass patch for issues across its software catalog Security16 Apr 2014 | 7
Oracle smacks JD Edwards help site with cease and desist order Updated Reference site thwacked with legal letter Software07 Apr 2014 | 20
SPARC and Solaris will live until at least 2019 Oracle reveals three generations of silicon and Solaris 12 release schedule Software07 Apr 2014 | 24
The Sun ERUCTATES huge ball of GAS at 4 MILLION MPH Pics & video Nothing to worry about, however – at least for a week or so Science26 Feb 2014 | 18
NASA pic: DOOMED ice Comet ISON literally had snowball's chance in hell Photo Close encounters of the burned kind Science29 Nov 2013 | 18
Tech Data goes for big gun credit man amid accounts probe Hauls in former Sun and Oracle bigwig Kevin Corcoran Channel27 Nov 2013 |
Our Sun menaces comet 'of the century' ISON with FIERY DESTRUCTION Could disintegrate, lose tail, meet Bruce Willis ... Science25 Nov 2013 | 17
Possibly EXPLODING or GLORIOUS Comet ISON: The (GIF) MOVIE .GIF Amateur skywatcher snaps pics in a jiffy* using remote robo scope Science19 Nov 2013 | 20
LOOK UP! Comet ISON could EXPLODE in our skies – astronomers Promised piece of night-sky shininess may not last, we're warned Science18 Nov 2013 | 26
Flippin' heck! Magnetic poles of Sun are gyrating: What Earth needs to know Vid Flares to fall away as Sun completes another natural cycle Science11 Nov 2013 | 26
'Weird' OBJECT, PROPELLED by its OWN JETS, spotted beyond Mars orbit by Hubble Pic Hubble snaps 'freakish' astro-thing Science08 Nov 2013 | 85
Galaxy is CRAMMED with EARTH-LIKE WORLDS – also ALIENS (probably) Nearest ones are probably getting our TV from 2001 Science04 Nov 2013 | 147
Microsoft, Nokia and the sound of colliding garbage trucks Opinion $7.1bn... quite a hefty price tag for joined-up marketing On-Prem05 Sep 2013 | 107
Ex-Sun Micro CTO reveals Greenbytes 'world-beating' dedupe He IS on advisory board of flash cache latency smasher, but... Storage27 Aug 2013 | 6
Big Mike heading for victory as SAM dumps HALF its Dell shares Carl Icahn's just put $1.5bn into Apple... have they lost interest in Mickey D's firm? On-Prem14 Aug 2013 | 13
Google sniffs at MySQL fork MariaDB: Yum. Have an engineer Exclusive Keeping the DB alive outside Larry's grasp? Sounds good to Choc Factory Software08 Aug 2013 | 55
Flippin' tosser: Sun's magnetic field poised to SWIVEL on it - NASA About to go to space? Better postpone your trip Science06 Aug 2013 | 27
Super-SVELTE BLUSH-PINK planet goes too far with star Low-mass Jupiter-like exoplanet challenges planetary formation theory Science06 Aug 2013 | 43
NASA gets red-hot shots of Sun in action as IRIS goes online Latest telescope could spot our doom Science26 Jul 2013 | 21
How do you solve a problem like LibreOffice: From Excel to slab fever Analysis Scrubbing millions of lines of code? Yeah, well, Rome wasn't built in a day Software16 Jul 2013 |
Oracle's Sun rises over ZFS and Pillar Axiomatic, my dear Ellison? Possibly not Storage04 Jul 2013 | 5
Survey: FOSS biz fans aching for 'enterprise-class' support 6 in 10 suits would even pay for it OSes16 Apr 2013 | 44
Facebook promotes engineering veep to CTO 'Unique and important' bloke kicked upstairs Software18 Mar 2013 |
Three years since his Sun gobble, what hath Ellison wrought? Analysis Can li'l Larry build a better Big Blue than Big Tom Watson? Systems29 Jan 2013 | 37
Dell chief biz gobbler Johnson flees for hedge-fund Blackstone IT giant commits to continued embiggening On-Prem08 Jan 2013 |
Sun BELCHES twice, mighty plasma loops miss Earth - NASA vid Immense gas-lassos snare only empty void Science19 Nov 2012 | 13
Oracle's mighty Sparc plug fries Fujitsu, bigs up new processor Analysis El Reg drills into database giant's decision to go it alone Systems02 Nov 2012 | 25
Can a 'one-trick' software firm survive in era of converged engorgement? Staff-owned software SAN appliance firm DataCore on why it's the last man standing Storage24 Oct 2012 | 2
NASA captures mind-bogglingly gorgeous solar video Video Your tax dollars at work – spectacularly Science05 Sep 2012 | 46
Ageing star sucked retinue member to death, evidence indicates Engorged with telltale chemical after swallowing Science21 Aug 2012 | 11
Oracle won't pull plug on Java SE 6 until 2013 Aging platform gets one more reprieve Software09 Aug 2012 | 17
Party like it's 1999: CDE Unix desktop REBORN Stirrings among Mars Curiosity screens OSes09 Aug 2012 | 98
Oracle lowers the flag on Fortress language project The latest ex-Sun effort to be felled by Larry's axe Software23 Jul 2012 | 6
'Extreme' solar storm speeding straight towards Earth Things could get interesting on Saturday Science13 Jul 2012 | 101
UK Supremes back Oracle against reseller who brought Sun kit to EU What happens in China stays in China. Until Larry says Channel27 Jun 2012 | 9
Sun dying on its arse behind the Oracle walls Analysis Lipsticked schweinhund looking poorly Systems20 Jun 2012 |
Earth bathed in high-energy radiation from colossal mystery blast Around 1,200 years ago, that is Science05 Jun 2012 | 63
HP started then spiked HP-UX on x86 project Juicy Itanium trial document firehose opened Systems23 May 2012 | 45
Adobe sucks on Oracle brain drain for HTML5 game gain Java VM experts exit en masse Software17 May 2012 | 11
Rowdy clusters put to the grindstone by Grid Engine 8.1 Batch number-crunching in the trendy cloud era SaaS02 May 2012 | 2
Microsoft storage boffins serve up smoking 2012 NFS server Sysadmin blog Lustrous clusters, bakeathons and the bleeding-edge Systems01 May 2012 | 26
Jury mulls verdict in Oracle-v-Google Java spat Phase one of trial nears completion Legal01 May 2012 | 35
Space-cadet Schwartz blows chunks out of Oracle's Java suit Analysis Thanks Jonathan. Come back any time On-Prem27 Apr 2012 | 81
Google wanted Java 'partnership' with Sun Oracle shows Google emails suggesting partnership or licence On-Prem24 Apr 2012 | 16
PLANET-SWAP shock: Stars grabbed dirtballs from other clusters Galaxy was young then, explain boffins Science18 Apr 2012 | 38
POWERFUL solar flare belched at Mars rover Curiosity Vid NASA robot hit by giant blast en route to Red Planet Science17 Apr 2012 | 14
Mega-star HD 10180 could have more planets than the Sun Rock star just 127 light years away has bigger entourage, says boffin Science10 Apr 2012 | 35
Death Star SUCKS PLASMA FROM SUN in NASA riddle vid Vid Solar belch sparks refuelling UFO, black hole conspiracies Science14 Mar 2012 | 58
Facebook's Googly IPO delivers on Sun man's vision Selling data ain't like shiftin' boxes, boy On-Prem03 Feb 2012 | 8
Potent proton pulse to BOMBARD EARTH Tuesday morn Sunspots get angry, planes get rerouted Science23 Jan 2012 | 67
Christmas solar plasma belches to hit Earth, Mars - and Mars rover in space Sun emits festive eruptions, but no bad effects foreseen Science29 Dec 2011 | 21
Comet Lovejoy survives brush with fiery solar death Space rock improbably flies through the heat of the Sun Science19 Dec 2011 | 40