Refactoring whizz: Good software shouldn't cost the earth – it's actually cheaper to build Interview Repeat after me, better software costs less... Devops31 May 2019 | 82
ThoughtWorks acquired by British private equiteers Apax DevOps and digital transformation expertise seen as desirable investments On-Prem24 Aug 2017 | 4
Dirty code? If it works, leave it says Thoughtworks CTO Only change what you really need to Devops15 Nov 2016 | 56
Improve, automate, rinse and repeat: All aboard the starship DevOps The ops staff canna take much more of this, cap’n On-Prem13 Jan 2016 | 13
Software gurus: Only developers can defeat mass surveillance Fowler, Dörnenburg urge devs to stick up for the users Devops10 Oct 2014 | 16