IT management software crowd Kaseya buys cloudy data protection crew Spanning Private equity holdings shuffle SaaS01 Oct 2018 |
Unitrends squares up to Veeam in the VMware backup arena for SMBs Aims for simpler, cheaper backup with fewer clicks Storage01 May 2018 |
Try-before-you-buy software. Back in vogue for the storage giants? Comment Take her for a test drive, and you’ll agree Storage13 May 2015 | 1
Hauling DRaaS: Unitrends CEO off to consulting job +Comment In with the Wiess, out with the Coney Storage09 Jan 2015 |
Disaster Recovery upstart joins DR 'as a service' gang Quorum joins the aaS crowd with DRaaS offering Storage25 Jul 2014 | 3
Dell and Unitrends both bulk up their backup Extra options should you suffer a ROBO apocalypse Channel22 Jul 2014 | 1
NICTA offshoot snags $AU10M in sale Unitrends snags AWS backup specialist Yuruware On-Prem30 May 2014 | 1
Review: Unitrends backup appliances Review Backing up, disrupting and... worth it? Storage07 Feb 2013 | 2